"Look at that!" Ye Xiao did not answer directly, but pointed to the bottom.

at this time, in the street outside the Oriental Pearl Tower, a black Audi A6 stopped at the gate. It was beaten by Ye Xiao. In the Oriental Pearl Tower, Jiang Zai Tai, who had received a simple bandage, was driven by several young men and women, and then quickly left. However, a shadow appeared on the opposite side of the road. From the place where ye Xiao was located, he could see that he was in black. The Volkswagen car, keep up with Jiang Zitai's Audi car.

A mayor's son, why is he being followed? He doesn't look like a bodyguard. Is he a political enemy of Jiang Yuan?

Ye Xiao is not a suspicious person, but after all, Jiang Zitai was beaten by himself. If that person took the opportunity to attack Jiang Zitai, would Jiang Yuan point the spearhead at himself? Ye Xiao is not afraid of Jiang Yuan, but he doesn't want to provoke the mayor of a municipality directly under the central government to teach Jiang Zitai a lesson. With Jiang Yuan's integrity, he will certainly not hate him after knowing the whole story. But if he really killed Jiang Zitai, it would be a big trouble!

After all, he is the only son, isn't he?

"Your men?" Tan Xiaoxiao just saw Ye Xiao beat Jiang Zitai hard. Now when he sees someone tracking Jiang Zitai, he instinctively thinks that ye Xiao did it.

"No, it may be bad for Jiang Zitai. I'll make a call!" Ye Xiao shakes his head. He doesn't want to send someone to follow Jiang Zitai?

Tan Xiaoxiao immediately handed the tea cup to Ye Xiao, and then ran to the front of the bed to get Ye Xiao's phone number.

Ye Xiao took a sip of tea, took the mobile phone, and then got through the cold soul's phone.

"Where is it?"

"Near the Pearl Tower!" The cold soul at the end of the phone is always so indifferent, even his words are less than ye Canglang.

"See a black Volkswagen? Behind an Audi A6 Ye Xiao said faintly.

"I see it!" After a moment, the voice of cold soul came from the other end of the phone!

"Keep up with him. Don't be found by him. See what he wants to do. If it's bad for Jiang Zitai, save Jiang Zitai!" Ye Xiao ordered.

"Good!" The other end of the phone said he was going to hang up.


"What else?"

"Be careful. Your safety is the most important thing." Ye xiaorou said.

"Good!" Cold soul said, directly hang up the phone, soon after, a tattered Santana from an alley to run out, directly follow up.

Ye Xiao also immediately put away the phone, eyes once again fell on Tan Xiaoxiao's body!

"Why, you are strange. You beat people to death just now. How can you send someone to protect him now?" Hearing Ye Xiao's conversation, Tan Xiaoxiao asked curiously.

"You want to know?" The evil smile appeared in the corner of Ye Xiao's mouth.

"Well!" Tan Xiaoxiao nodded, she did not think so much.

"Hey, let's do it again, and then I'll tell you..."

"Don't..." In the bedroom, came a cry of surprise

On the Audi, Jiang Zitai's face is tangled. When has he been beaten except for his father? But these two days are definitely the most unfortunate days in my life. Yesterday was just to teach Nannan's boyfriend a lesson? In order to get to know more beautiful women and get closer to Zida Shao, I went to the private dance with injuries, but I didn't expect to meet that evil star again. I thought I could teach him a good lesson by virtue of geographical advantages, but I didn't expect to be taught a lesson directly by him He bumped into the vase. It was blue and white porcelain, tens of millions of blue and white porcelain. He really could handle it.

Well, it's OK to be lectured by him. It's not easy to wait until Zimo arrives. Originally, he thought his Savior came. But who knows he slapped himself directly without saying a word, and once again stepped on himself under his feet in front of so many people. When did Jiang Zitai get such insults, but he was extremely entangled What's more, that evil star is the brother of Zimo, or a member of the dragon clan.

Members of the dragon clan, NIMA's, don't even have the opportunity to seek revenge in private. If you really find a killer to attack the members of the dragon clan, once they are found out, it will be a felony of treason. Jiang Zitai can't afford such a responsibility. Jiang Zitai knows that he has no chance to revenge in his life. He can only rot his hatred in his stomach.

But I am not reconciled to it!

Jiang Zitai thinks so.

The Audi drove to the suburbs, and finally stopped in front of a private villa. This is the real estate that Jiang Zitai bought outside. He didn't want to be seen by his father today. If his father knew that he had offended such two people, he would not be angry for himself. Instead, he would give himself a good meal and deeply understand him He didn't want to be beaten a third time.

Let the driver leave by himself, Jiang Zitai entered the villa alone. Before, he would bring several beauties to the villa every time he came here, but this time his whole body was full of scars. He was not in the mood to play with women.He opened the door and was about to enter when a sudden voice came from behind him.

"Mr. Jiang?"

Jiang Zitai was startled. Looking back, he saw a man in a black coat standing 10 meters behind him.

"Who are you?" Jiang Zitai was startled. If the light was not very bright, he would have thought he had seen a ghost, but he didn't hear anything!

"My name is jikejun, someone who can help you out!" The man whispered.

"Solve the problem? Well, it's up to you? " Jiang Zitai sneered. His biggest worry now is how to beat Ye Xiao wildly. But who can do it in China?

"Ha ha, isn't Mr. Jiang trying to revenge Ye Xiao now?" The man did not get angry and chuckled.

"Who are you?" As soon as he heard that the other party knew about it, Jiang Zitai raised his vigilance and was ready to shout at any time.

"A person who shares a deep hatred with Ye Xiao. Mr. Jiang, we all have a common enemy. Would you not invite me to sit inside?" The man smiles!

"Well, why should I believe you? And I don't have any hatred with Ye DAHAO! " Jiang Zitai is not a fool. He takes a stranger into the villa like this. Who knows what his heart is, but the things mentioned by the other party also make him excited. If he really has a feud with Ye Xiao, and is able to deal with Ye Xiao?

"Ha ha, it seems that Mr. Jiang doesn't believe me, but it's human nature. I have a contact information here. If Mr. Jiang thinks it through, he can contact me at any time." The man didn't say much. He put down a business card and left.

Jiang Zitai was stunned. When the figure of the man disappeared completely, he hesitated to walk to the man standing just now and picked up the card with his head down

Not far away, seeing Jiang Zitai bowing to pick up his business card, a faint smile appeared on the corner of the man's mouth. Then he started the Volkswagen and left the private villa. He did not know that a black Santana was far behind him

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