"Where is he?" Ye Xiao can hardly control his murderous spirit.

In the photo, there is a man and a woman. The man is handsome and unrestrained, with a bright smile on his face. The woman is a white man with golden curly hair, a full-bodied body and a charming face. Isn't it just Shangguan's immorality and Tianna?

By now, ye Xiao has confirmed that after Shangguan fell into the water and was killed, Shangguan did not know how to control the dark Council by what means. He had been calculating himself behind his back. Ye Xiao and he almost had a grudge against each other. As for Tianna, it was this woman and Ming Li who betrayed qingluan at the beginning. Although Mingli was killed, the woman was obedient The escape of Li and the death of qingluan have a great impact on Xiao Nan, which makes his whole person almost changed. There is also an irreducible hatred. Ye Xiao has been looking for the trace of these two men, but he never thought that they would appear in Jinghai city.

"Where is it now, I don't know!" Cold soul shook his head, and then the scene he saw last night all said.

Last night, he was instructed by Ye Xiao to follow the bus. He found that the man appeared in Jiang Zitai's private villa. He seemed to have said something to Jiang Zitai. However, Jiang didn't look like he knew each other. Because of the angle, he didn't know that the man left a business card. After the man left, Leng Hun followed him all the way into another one Private villa, but has not come out, and that kind of crisis from the soul of instinct also let cold soul not sneak into the villa, just wait and see from a distance, this guard, is a night.

The next morning, the man came out, but with him came Shangguan Wudao and this woman. Lenghun's first reaction was to take out a sniper gun to kill him. However, the shadow that has been hanging over his mind since last night has not disappeared. As a most excellent sniper and a most excellent hunter, Leng Hun knows, There must be a peerless master hiding around there.

This feeling is like an Archaean fierce beast lurking in the jungle when hunting. The cold soul who is not fully sure does not dare to act rashly. He just takes this picture and quickly rushes back.

After listening to Lenghun's narration, ye Xiao's brows are tightly knit together. Shangguan Wudao appears in Jinghai city. You don't have to think about it. You know he must have come for yourself, but what is he going to do? Why did he send someone to contact Jiang Zitai? And Jiang Zitai has nothing to do with Shangguan Wudao?

If so, is it his own involvement with Shangguan Wudao? Or is Jiang Yun also playing a certain role in it?

Although China's domestic situation is very good now, ye Xiao can't really be careless. The power of those big families has not been completely eliminated, but has been completely suppressed. If Shangguan has no way to find these people secretly, it is hard to guarantee that these people will not do anything.

Thinking constantly in his mind, ye Xiao wants to make all this clear. He wants to know what Shangguan Wudao wants to do!

However, the information he got was too little. For a while, it was really difficult to sort out a clue.

He took out his mobile phone and got through to Li Siqing. Now he and Leng Shaoshang are in charge of Jinghai city. He is more proficient than ye yubai in the situation of Jinghai city.

"Brother Li, Shangguan has no way. He may be in Jinghai. Send some people to see if he can be found. If there is news, don't act rashly and inform me immediately!" The phone has just been connected, ye Xiao said to the phone.

"Good!" Li Siqing at the other end of the phone accepted it. As a powerful confidant of Ye Xiao, he naturally understood the hatred between Ye Xiao and Shangguan Wudao.

"If there is any suspicious person in the river, please contact me immediately." Ye Xiao thought about it for a while and continued to order that, no matter whether Jiang Zitai has any connection with Shangguan Wudao, since Shangguan Wudao has found him, he can't let go of this clue, can't he?

"Good!" Li Siqing promised again without any hesitation. For all members of tianyaomen, ye Xiao's order was the imperial edict.

Two orders have been issued in succession, but ye Xiao's eyebrows have not been relaxed. Shangguan has no way to come to Jinghai city. What do you want to do?

It's like a magic spell that will hold him firmly.

About ten minutes later, ye Xiao's mobile phone ring. It's Li Siqing.

"Master, Jiang Zitai is missing!" As soon as the phone was connected, Li Siqing's solemn voice came from the other end.

"What? When did it happen? " Ye Xiao is surprised. How could Jiang Zitai disappear after just one night's Kung Fu? Is he missing? Or was he arrested by Shangguan Wudao?

But Shangguan has no way, no matter from what aspect, there is no need to capture him?

"It should be an hour ago, we sent out all the spies, and we couldn't find his whereabouts!"

Li Siqing said in a deep voice that it is difficult to hide the tianyaomen from any disturbance in Jinghai city. It is clear that where Jiang Zitai will go in Jinghai city. It is not only him, but also the main officials in Jinghai City, the relatives of officials and tianyaomen. Li Siqing, according to Ye Xiao's order, will send someone to monitor Jiang Zitai alone The news is that Jiang Zitai left his villa an hour ago, and there has been no news since then.An hour? An hour? Ye Xiao's eyebrows tightly wrinkled together, a sense of uneasiness began to appear in my heart.

Is there something bad going on?

"Maybe he's just on the road!" See ye Xiao eyebrow tight frown appearance, cold soul slowly open a way.

"No way!" Ye Xiao refused, even he didn't know why he was so sure. Although the power of tianyaomen is everywhere in Jinghai City, it can't really be like an almighty God. He knows everything. If Jiang Zitai just goes out and doesn't go to his usual place or is on his way, people in tianyaomen can't really find out where he is But ye Xiao thinks something is wrong.

It's also an instinct, or intuition.

"Headmaster, the news just came that Jiang Zitai was kidnapped!" At this time, Li Siqing at the other end of the phone seemed to have received some news, and immediately said.

"Kidnapping?" Ye Xiao's pupils shrink together again. Who will kidnap Jiang Zitai? Jiang Yuan's political enemy? If it's a common political enemy, it's absolutely impossible for ordinary political enemies to use such means, and Shangguan's unruly people appear here by coincidence. It's very likely that Shangguan did nothing. But why did he kidnap Jiang Zitai? What's the benefit of kidnapping Jiang Zitai?

Kidnap, kidnapper? police?

In a flash, ye Xiao's mind flashed. He thought of an extremely terrible possibility. He had no time to tell Li Siqing what to do. Ye Xiao hung up the phone directly, and then quickly called Shao Bingqian.

"Du..." When the phone was through, the voice of Du came from the other end of the phone. Ye Xiao's heart had already been raised to her throat. Her heart was praying incessantly: "answer the phone, answer the phone quickly!"

However, the more anxious he was, there was no one to answer the phone. The uneasiness in his heart became stronger and stronger. He dialed several times in succession, but no one answered the phone. Ye Xiao's heart began to cool gradually

Without thinking about anything more, ye Xiao called the office of Jinghai Public Security Bureau directly this time

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