"Hello, who can I speak to, please?" The phone was connected, there came a clear voice, but it was not Shao Bingqian's voice, it should be Shao Bingqian's Secretary!

"I'll find director Shao!" This is the internal phone number of the office, mainly for the convenience of those officials in Jinghai city.

"I'm sorry, director Shao is carrying out a task and is not in the bureau now?" The woman on the other end of the phone said politely, after all, this is an internal phone, and those who know this number are famous people in Jinghai city!

"What task?" Ye Xiao blurted out.

"I'm sorry, I can't tell you that!" The female secretary on the other end of the phone still said politely.

Ye Xiao almost has an impulse to scold his mother. When is it that this woman still keeps secrets with herself? But think about it, if it is really the case of Jiang Zitai being kidnapped, you can't say it casually. You can only carry out the task secretly. Otherwise, if you let other people know that the son of the mayor of Jinghai city has been kidnapped, how about it?

"I'm Ye Xiao. If you are Shao Bingqian's secretary, you should know me!" Ye Xiao knew that she couldn't blame her secretary. She suppressed her anger and said.

"Ah, it's Mr. Ye..." The other end of the phone came a exclamation, apparently Shao Bingqian also mentioned himself to his secretary.

"Yes, it's me. Was mayor Jiang's son kidnapped?" Ye Xiao will continue to ask.

"Ah Do you know? " Is the female secretary on the other end of the phone screaming again?

Ye Xiao only felt a big head, any Secretary of a leader is calm and resolute. Where did Shao Bingqian find such a top secretary? Everything is a surprise.

"Tell me, where is bing Qian now?" Ye Xiao didn't bother to argue with the female secretary at this time, and asked directly.

"According to reliable information, the kidnappers bound Mr. Jiang to Longgang. The specific location is unknown. The director took people with him." Knowing Ye Xiao's identity and hearing Ye Xiao's Secret news, the Secretary said without doubt.

"Shit..." Ye Xiao yells, what's the Secretary like? After a long time, I don't know anything!

"Mr. Ye, what do you say?" The female secretary at the other end of the phone apparently didn't hear what ye Xiao said clearly.

"Nothing!" Ye Xiao hung up the phone directly. He didn't have time to talk to this woman. He cut off the phone and said to the cold soul, "go and bury the Dragon Gang!"

Without saying a word, Lenghun started the seemingly tattered Santana and ran towards the direction of the burial dragon hill at full speed, which was no less than that of ordinary expensive cars.

Ye Xiao is to continue to dial ye yubai's phone.

Hello At the other end of the phone came ye yubai's lazy voice. Vaguely, a woman's murmuring voice was heard. Obviously, the son of a bitch didn't know which aristocratic family miss he had colluded with last night.

"If you don't want to be a eunuch for the rest of your life, you can get up immediately and tell Xiao Nan that the bastard Tianna has appeared in Jinghai City, and then call on Xiaolang and Zimo to bury Longgang!" Ye Xiao said a lot.

Ye yubai, who is crowded between two women on the other end of the phone, jumps up and starts looking for clothes. Tianna, who is Xiao Nan's unforgettable enemy, can't sit idly by when he knows such news. What's more, listening to brother Xiao's voice is obviously a big deal.

"Why don't you sleep a little longer, brother Bai?" The two women were obviously awakened by Ye yubai's actions. Seeing that ye yubai was about to leave, their eyes showed a look of reluctance. They actually were a pair of sisters, and they even reached out to pull toward ye yubai.

"Get out of here Ye yubai was not in the mood to flirt with the two women at this time. He clapped open the two women's hands and zipped out of the door.

Then I heard a strong knock on the door next door: "Anan, you son of a bitch, get up quickly, something is wrong..."

Not to mention that ye yubai began to deploy troops there, ye Xiao called situ Haoyue again.

"Haoyue, listen to me. Don't leave the villa today, let alone your parents and sister Yan!" Without time to explain, ye Xiao said directly.

"Good!" Although situ Haoyue didn't understand why Ye Xiao called at this time, he recognized the solemnity of Ye Xiao's tone and directly agreed to come down.

Then ye Xiao called sharna again and asked her to go to the place where Hua YUEWU lived to protect her. He didn't dare to have any carelessness about Shangguan. Who knows if this guy will come to seduce the tiger and leave the mountain?

Although there are elite bodyguards around Huayue charm, it is not as strict as that moon villa. How can I do without a master around?

After arranging for Hua YUEWU, ye Xiao dials the phone of arrogath and lets her stay in the orphanage to protect Susanna and her son. After all these arrangements are made, Santana has already driven out of the urban area of Jinghai City, heading for the direction of funeral dragon hill at full speed.

Burying Longgang, which was also the favorite place for the party to drag cars. Since ye Xiao became famous in the World War I, it has long been the holy land of underground car racing. Many drag racing people like to come here for racing. However, it is early in the morning. For those racing people who come back home at night, it's time to have a good sleep, and the huge burial Longgang is quiet A piece of.At this time, in this abandoned house, Jiang Zitai, still wrapped in gauze, was tied to a pillar. Several men in black stayed on the side and were on guard. Jiang Zitai's mouth was also stuffed with a piece of white cloth, and his mouth was purring, and he could not speak at all.

But in his eyes is a panic, he these days in the end offended which immortal, how bad things one after another? It's OK to offend Ye Xiao. I was kidnapped when I went out today, isn't it?

He's just praying, praying that his father would know the news earlier and rescue himself.

At this time, the front door was suddenly pushed open, and then Jiang Zitai saw a very handsome man holding a hot, beautiful looking woman walked in. Jiang Zitai did not know the man in front of him, and he was frightened that he was not interested in admiring the figure of the blonde woman, but turned to the man in black behind the man Isn't it the man who found himself last night? Did he do it?

The handsome man did not speak after he came in, but the man in black who left his business card last night went straight up and took out a needle tube from his pocket. In Jiang Zitai's startled eyes, he put the needle into Jiang Zitai's arm, and then injected the transparent liquid in the needle tube.

At this time, the handsome man slowly said: "this is a virus that can make people bleed to death within three hours. I have the antidote here. Now, I'll tell you what you want to do. You don't remember. You die. You don't do it. You die. If you cooperate well, I'll give you the antidote, Do you understand that? "

"Woo Hoo Wuwu... " Jiang Zitai has already changed his face and nodded repeatedly, which is related to his life. He has always been greedy for life and death. Where does he not understand?

He didn't dare to think about the identity of the other party. His attention was unprecedented. He didn't dare to miss any word of the other party. It would be fatal

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