Shao Bingqian came to Longgang with a group of special police

The mayor's son, mayor Jiang, and the Secretary of the Jinghai municipal Party committee have already known about the kidnapping. However, such a thing is doomed to be unknown to ordinary people. Therefore, there are not many people deployed in this operation, but they are all police special police. These people are elite soldiers selected from the army, and they are a group of elite fighting with one defense against ten Shi, according to the kidnapper's designation, Shao Bingqian personally led the group of soldiers to the front of the hut. Just after arriving here, the group of special police soldiers quickly dispersed and surrounded the house. The snipers had already selected the sniper location.

Shao Bingqian stood in the front of the room, took the loudspeaker from his deputy, and called out loudly to the inside: "listen to the people inside, you are surrounded. Release the hostages as soon as possible. If you confess, you will be lenient. If you resist, the party will handle it with tolerance."

Although you know that this is nonsense, but when you get here and sit in such a position, even if you know it clearly, you have to say it again. You can't let the other party release you when you come here?

"Do you think we're stupid? If you really want to be lenient when you confess and be strict when you resist, why do I have to do such business? Do you bring what I want without much nonsense?" There came a burst of bad boys in the room, which sounded extremely hoarse and ugly, just like a duck's voice.

"Here it is!" Shao Bingqian patted a box on the side and continued to say that when they were about to leave, the kidnappers even contacted mayor Jiang and needed a seal from Jiang Yuan's family. The seal was a seal handed down by Jiang Yuan's ancestors, which was of great value. It was not until that moment that Jiang Yuan knew why the other party would kidnap his son, but for the sake of a seal, he tied it directly This group of kidnappers is a bit too bold to set up a childe who is the mayor of a municipality directly under the central government.

In order to save his son, Jiang Yuan naturally took out the seal. He was such a son. He could not see any mistakes in him, did he?

And before leaving, Jiang Yuan had privately told Shao Bingqian that everything was mainly to save people. As long as he could save his son, it would be OK to let the kidnappers escape first.

I hate my son no longer, but he is his own son, isn't he?

Although Shao Bingqian thinks that this will connive at the kidnapper's arrogance, but after all, human life is crucial and can only be promised.

"Well, take it in and remember that you are only allowed. If you dare to play any tricks, you will know the consequences..." The Drake voice continued.

Shao Bingqian eyebrows a pick, but still picked up the box, will go to the inside.

"Director, never!" On hearing that the kidnappers had made such an unreasonable request, Zhang Jian, Shao Bingqian's deputy and now the executive deputy director of Jinghai Public Security Bureau, said directly.

There are so many special police officers here. Even if they want to send things in, they are also responsible for them. There is no need for a director to deliver them in person.

Not only did Zhang Jian stop him, but other special police officers also said one by one: "yes, director, let me in!"

"Director, this should have been done by us!"

Although Shao Bingqian is young and still a woman, she almost always takes the lead in every case. She treats people leniently and never perverts the law for selfish ends. Even these elite special police officers love her a lot. How can a woman like her commit danger now?

"What's the difference between you and me?" Shao Bingqian is a light voice, in her opinion, her life is a life, the life of the brothers around him is not a life? Since there will be great danger in entering, it is not the same who goes in?

Although because of her position, Shao Bingqian has learned to compromise, but when she really faces this dilemma, she deeply remembers that she is a police officer, and that she is a policeman, regardless of upper and lower levels!

Perhaps, such an idea is a bit silly, but this is Shao Bingqian, that kind-hearted, resolute woman, just because of her personality, it was in exchange for the real recognition of her by the Public Security Bureau.

"But..." Zhang Jian wanted to say something, but before he could say it, he was interrupted by a scream.

It was Jiang Zitai's voice. It was obvious that he was suffering from cruel persecution.

"Come in and show me, or I'll kill his second son first..." In the room came the husky voice of the kidnapper.

"Step back and do everything according to plan!" Shao Bingqian coldly left such a sentence, holding the box with the seal in both hands and walking forward.

They had long expected that the kidnappers would let people take things in for inspection. Naturally, they were prepared for everything, but they didn't expect that Shao Bingqian would finally send things in.

Zhang Jian and others showed a puzzled look on their faces, but they still retreated and all the snipers were in position. However, the windows of the room were covered by the kidnappers, and the snipers didn't know what was going on inside.

All people's hearts are mentioned to the throat, so looking at Shao Bingqian step by step forward.One step, two steps, three steps

Every step is so firm. It seems that the front is not a group of fierce kidnappers. It is not a dragon's nest, but a podium. Everyone is impressed by Shao Bingqian's charm. It is worth dying with such a director.

A boss who dares to take risks on his own, what is not worthy of their group of pure men to follow?

Everyone secretly vowed in their hearts that if Shao Bingqian suffered any harm, they would let the kidnappers regret coming to this world.

Finally, Shao Bingqian came to the door.

A calm voice came from her mouth: "I'm here, open the door!"

"Push the door and come in!"

The hearts of all the people almost jumped out of their chests. They were all focused on the broken door, and the snipers aimed at it. As long as they had the chance, they would kill the kidnappers without hesitation.

Shao Bingqian pushed with one hand, and the door "clattered" opened. Then people saw that Jiang Zitai, whose upper body was covered with blood, was tied to a pillar. A masked man was standing behind him, blocking himself completely with the help of Jiang Zitai's figure. Obviously, they were afraid of the Snipers on the opposite side.

Of course, this is what the police outside saw, but Shao Bingqian saw that in addition to this man, there were seven or eight masked men with tall stature in the room. Each of them had a submachine gun in their hands. How could these people have such powerful firepower?

Shao Bingqian's heart twitched violently. Obviously, she didn't expect that the kidnappers had such strong firepower. No wonder they dare to kidnap the mayor's son.

"I've brought things in. You can let people go!" Suppress the shock in the heart, Shao Bingqian said coldly.

"Put it there! I want to check the goods first... " The man standing behind Jiang Zitai pointed to the open space in front of him and said.

"No, you have to let them go first." Shao Bingqian knows the value of the seal. Since the other party cares about the seal, she is naturally worried that she will smash it, but she once again miscalculated.

The kidnapper did not speak at all, but directly stabbed Jiang Zitai in the shoulder

A knife of blood shot out!

"I say it again, put it there!"

The bravery of these kidnappers is far beyond Shao Bingqian's estimation

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