Wu Bo's body has begun to tilt, and his left fist is put forward, and his right fist is pulled back. He has already put out his fist posture. A mountain like momentum comes from his body. Feeling this terrible power, ye Xiao exclaimed, "I will come!" Zimo's body has been severely damaged. He can't bear such a terrible blow, which is definitely the most powerful blow in Wu Bo's life.

However, Zimo ignored Ye Xiao's words at all. He even stepped forward and met Wu Bo's fist with the same fist.

Seeing that Zimo didn't shrink back, he took the initiative to meet his own punch. Wu Bo's face showed a sneer. He was really a guy with developed limbs and simple mind. He just took out two sets of skills, but said a few high sounding words, which aroused his blood. Such a guy is just a fool.

If you die, you will die. As long as you kill the purple haired boy, it will be too easy to kill Ye Xiao again.

Wu Bo's mouth also gradually pulled out a smile, as if Zimo had been killed by his own boxing.

Just when their fists were about to collide, a knife tip suddenly popped up between Zimo's fingers, and then stabbed Wu Bo's fist mercilessly. Wu's hard Qigong was so broken. Then Zimo's fist hit him hard on the head of his fist. Without hard Qigong, how can Wu Bo resist his aging body Purple desert horror of a fist, immediately heard the "click" sound sounded, his arm bones were smashed to pieces on the spot.

"You Mean... " Wu Bo exclaimed. How could he have never thought that Zimo, an honest and honest guy, would still use such means at such a time?

Isn't he inspired by himself the hot blood, the sense of justice and the sense of fair fight in his body? Why hide such a knife in your fist.

"Each other!" Zimo grinned grimly. His other fist had already hit Wu Bo's head like lightning. Wu Bo was shocked. His legs quickly retreated and his other arm was raised rapidly. But in a hurry, how could he still gather strength?

Suddenly, he heard a click, and his other arm was broken, and ye Xiao's body had already rushed out at this time, shaking with one hand, and shooting a flying knife directly into Wu Bo's eyes. Wu Bo was also frightened and his body ran to the other side. However, ye Xiao's body had already rotated, and a side kick was severely kicked on Wu Bo's heart, and the five inch strength suddenly broke out After losing the defense of hard Qigong, Wu Bo's body was so fragile that he immediately heard a crackling sound. It was the sound of broken sternum. His body flew out like a football and hit a tree behind heavily. He even smashed the thick and thin trunk of his leg, and the bright red blood was constantly ejected from his mouth.

Wu Bo raised his head hard and looked at the two young masters. His eyes were filled with reluctance. He wanted to calculate the two guys, but he didn't think of it. In the end, he was calculated by them.

"Don't be reluctant. I'm a soldier myself. You should understand how soldiers fight!"

Wu Po opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything. His body slowly fell down, and he had no vitality.

A generation of top experts, this fall!

Looking at Wu Bo lying on the ground, ye Xiao and Zimo breathed a sigh of relief at the same time. This old guy is simply too terrible. He is definitely the best expert they have ever met. Even if they join hands, one of them may fall down. Fortunately, this old guy is old, and his strong skills rely on hard Qigong. Once he breaks his hard Qigong, he will fall His body is more fragile than ordinary people.

This just gave the purple desert leaf Xiao a chance to kill it.

After clapping his hands, ye Xiao went to the place where Wu Bo stood just now. He took out a branch and opened the yellow book. He saw only a piece of white inside. Where there was half a handwriting, there was a layer of light dust sprinkled on it. If you opened it, the dust would surely inhale into your nostrils.

"Grass, this old son of a bitch is really poisonous!" Ye Xiao directly scolded.

"Fortunately, I don't have the so-called chivalry, otherwise it's possible to follow his way today!" Zimo is also worried. When he heard Wu Bo's words just now, he really had a plan to fight against Wu Bo.

"That's shameless, Xiaobai, wolf. How are you? Can you walk by yourself? " Ye Xiao cast a scornful look at Purple desert, and then looked at ye yubai and ye Cang wolf beside him.

"Yes Both of them nodded. Although the injuries were very serious, they could walk at least as long as they did not fight fiercely.

"Let's go. We don't know what happened to Anand!" Ye Xiao nodded and walked forward.

Although Li Siqing has already brought people to come here, there are still some experts like Tianna beside Shangguan, and Xiao Nan is in a crazy state. Who knows if he will make any impulsive things?

When ye Xiao and Zimo jointly kill Wu Bo, Shangguan Wudao and his party have escaped hundreds of meters away. Looking at Xiao Nan who is chasing after him, Shangguan Wudao frowns. This guy, he dares to chase after him alone. Isn't that for death?"Kill him!" Shangguan had no way to open his mouth and ordered.

Jikejun and Tianna looked at each other, but they continued to run forward without saying a word. Xiao Nan is not terrible, what is terrible is a crazy Xiao Nan. Now anyone can see that this guy is completely in a state of madness. Fighting is totally desperate. Although both of them are confident to kill Xiao Nan, if he is about to fight back, what's wrong?

Is it still in the sphere of influence of tianyaomen? And although Wu Bo is powerful, who knows if he can really kill Ye Xiao and Zimo. If those two evil stars come here, they will have no chance. Now the most important thing is to run for life. Who loves to go and who will go!

Seeing that the two men were not moved, Shangguan had no way, and his heart was angry. But if he wanted to run for his life, he had to rely on these two people. He could only suppress the anger in his heart and continue to run forward.

But just as they were about to run out of the jungle, Shangguan Wudao saw that the road was full of cars. A man in black, wearing a Zhongshan suit and embroidered with dragon patterns on his collar, quickly ran down from the car and ran towards this side. His face suddenly changed. Did tianyaomen move so fast?

Jikejun and Tianna's faces also changed slightly. They didn't say much. They turned around and ran away in another direction. But as soon as they turned around, Xiao Nan's body had caught up with her. She grabbed Tianna's clothes. As soon as Tianna ran, she heard "hiss..." The sound of the sound, directly split open, revealing the inside of the black corset

Tianna, who was torn out of her clothes, was angry. She turned around and kicked Xiao Nan. She planned to kick to death the waste that needed to be protected by qingluan.

But this time, she was obviously miscalculated. She felt that sharp foot. Xiao Nan stretched out her right hand, grabbed her ankle and pulled hard. Tianna's body suddenly lost balance and fell down like this. Shangguan Wudao and jikejun didn't care about her life and death, and still ran forward at full speed. Xiao Nan had already taken this opportunity to rush to Tianna

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