Xiao Nan was already riding on Tianna's body, and her hands quickly grasped Tianna's hands. With such a posture, and with Tianna's messy clothes, anyone who didn't know would think that a violent drama would be staged, and Tianna's eyes showed a look of panic. It seemed that Xiao Nan's strength would become so strong, I want to struggle, but I can't get rid of it.

In her extremely startled eyes, Xiao Nan's head smashed down.

"Bang..." It was the most savage collision. It was the most violent collision. Xiao Nan's forehead hit Tianna's head so heavily, just like a head ball attacking the door. At the same time, two people's forehead burst out of blood, and Tianna's head was knocked dizzy. However, Xiao Nan didn't mean to let go of it. She raised her head abruptly, hit it again, and then "bang" ”A sound, followed by a burst of crazy smash, as if Tianna's head is a tofu

There are no moves to speak of, which is the most direct and violent way.

Seven or eight times in a row, the two people's faces were covered with blood, and Tianna almost fainted. Xiao Nan then released Tianna's hands, and then hit Tianna's temple with a fist. At this time, Tianna's head was dizzy. How can she resist.

Then Xiao Nan was slapped in the face, fan, and scolded: "I teach you to betray qingluan. I told you to betray qingluan. I told you to kill her!"

One slap after another slap, fanning out several slaps in a row. Tianna's head had already turned into a pig's head, and her eyes were completely swollen. Her face, which had been pretty good, was now almost more terrible than the devil.

Xiao Nan seems to have forgotten everything. He slapped his hands and slapped him. He slapped, scolded, and cried. His tears had already mixed with the blood on his face. When ye Xiao and others felt it, the head of Xuefeng, the leader of Xuefeng, was beaten to death by him.

But Xiao Nan seems to have no idea of all this, and is still beating wildly until ye Xiao stops it.

"Anand, she's dead! You have avenged qingluan

"Revenge?" Xiao Nan some confused raised his head, that pair of eyes full of tears and blood burst into a daze!

"Yes, you have avenged qingluan!" Ye Xiao nods hard, seeing Xiao Nan this way, his heart is also a burst of pain.

"But I don't want to avenge her. I just want her to be alive, Wuwuwuwu..." Xiao Nan seemed to want to understand something. At last, she burst into tears. She was so sad and despairing. In the end, she might have exhausted her strength and fainted.

Seeing Xiao Nan fainting in the past, and then seeing the bloody Tianna, ye Xiao sighs softly. At this time, Li Siqing has already brought the people from tianyaomen to come here. Seeing ye Xiao and others are there, he breathes a sigh of relief.

"Shangguan has no way?" Ye Xiao opened his mouth and asked. What he wanted to do most now was to shred Shangguan Wudao into pieces.

"Ran away to that side, Leng Shao Shang took people after him!" Li Siqing said.

"Send someone to send them to receive treatment first, we will go after them!" Ye Xiao pointed to ye yubai and others, and said.

"Good!" Li Siqing responded. At present, more than ten members of tianyaomen gathered around and helped ye yubai and others to walk outside the forest. Their injuries were not mild and they must be treated as soon as possible.

As for ye Xiao, but with purple desert, toward the direction of Shangguan no way to escape.

At this time, in the jungle, Shangguan Wudao was hiding in a tree hole, listening to the fighting sound not far away, his heart was beating wildly, his forehead was even more cold sweat, his eyes were full of fear, he did not want to die, he wanted to live well, if he knew there were so many dangers before, he would rather stay in Europe all his life.

But now it's no use regretting. Wu Bo is entangled by Ye Xiao and Zimo. He doesn't know what the result is. Tianna is caught by Xiao Nan's madman. He doesn't know where he is. In order to open the door of TIANYAO, Ji Kejun hides himself here and doesn't know whether he will be found.

Shangguan Wudao felt uneasy, listening to the footsteps coming from his ears, his heart almost jumped out.

Finally, the sound of footsteps quickly away, Shangguan Wudao has been hanging heart finally fell down, and carefully listen for a while, after confirming that there is no one nearby, this carefully plucked the dead branches in front of the tree hole, and drilled out of the tree hole.

However, when he just got out, a figure appeared in front of him. Seeing the man in the Zhongshan suit and embroidered with dragon pattern on his collar, his face changed.

Do you really want to die this time?

"If you don't want to die, follow me!" See facial expression big change Shangguan have no way, the man snorted a, and then turn to walk toward another direction.

Shangguan no way Leng Leng, he did not kill himself? Don't catch yourself? Do you want to save yourself?Although confused, Shangguan Wudao just thought about it for less than a second and quickly followed up. If the other party really wants to kill himself, he only needs to fire a gun, or he just needs to shout. The nearby members of TIANYAO gate will come, and he has no chance to escape.

Under the leadership of the man in black, they went through a jungle and came to a road. The road was empty except for a black Audi. When we got to the front of the car, the man opened the driver's door and said to Shangguan Wudao: "drive this car forward, turn left at an intersection, and you can avoid chasing As for how to get out of Jinghai City, you can find your own way The man says lightly, the voice does not take a little emotion.

"Won't you come with me?" At this time, Shangguan Wudao has confirmed that this man really came to save himself, but why did he save himself? Did Wu Bo arrange it? But the dark Council has a ghost in tianyaomen? Why don't you even know it?

"Are you going or not?" The man did not answer the meaning of Shangguan Wudao, so he snorted coldly.

Shangguan has no way to ask what he dares to ask. He quickly gets into the car, starts the car, and quickly drives towards the front. He really doesn't want to die. As long as he can live, what if he has more doubts in his heart?

Looking at the disappearing Audi, the man's face showed a look of extreme pain and murmured: "master, the two things I promised you have been completed!"

After finishing wiping the man's smile, he took out a smile from the city's gate, and saw a smile from the sky.

"I'm sorry, headmaster, I'm sorry, those brothers who died because of me, I'm here to accompany you!" After the voice dropped, the man directly pulled the trigger, and then his head burst out of a blood mist, and the whole person slowly fell down

Hearing the gunshot, ye Xiao and Li Siqing rushed over with people. When they saw the man lying in the pool of blood, their faces changed dramatically. They didn't care about the Audi car disappearing in the distance, so ye Xiao rushed forward.

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