"Shaoshang..." Li Siqing was almost the first to rush to Leng Shaoshang's body and hold up Leng Shaoshang, who fell into a pool of blood. Two lines of tears fell from the corner of his eyes. When ye Xiao led the generals to the eastern expedition to the western war, it was Leng Shaoshang and he who were both literate and martial arts. They had already established a deep relationship. But now this best partner is forever Yes.

How could he not be sad?

In those years, Li Siqing followed Wang Qi. After Wang Qi died in the war, he became loyal to Ye Xiao. Leng Shaoshang followed Luo lingchi to join Ye Xiao and became the top leader of tianyaomen. They were loyal to tianyaomen for many years, and made a lot of contributions to stabilize the rear of tianyaomen. However, Leng Shaoshang died like this.

Looking at the pistol in his hand, it is obvious that he committed suicide. Why did he commit suicide? Why did he want to let the officials go?

Countless thoughts hovered in Li Siqing's mind. He, who has always been known for his wisdom, did not know how to think.

Ye Xiao and Zimo, including some members of tianyaomen, also came to Leng Shaoshang's body. Seeing Leng Shaoshang lying on the ground and looking at the relief look on his face, ye Xiao sighed slightly. Inadvertently, an envelope fell out of Leng Shaoshang's arms. Ye Xiao picked it up and opened it.

The letter is for him or the brother of the whole tianyaomen. The first sentence is three sorry full of guilt.

"I'm sorry, headmaster. I'm sorry, all the brothers of TIANYAO sect. I was a traitor. I betrayed the leader's whereabouts and killed all the brothers in the sea. Today, I released the headmaster's biggest enemy, Shangguan Wudao. I'm sorry, I'm sorry But I had to do it. Wu Bo, this is my master. He was more helpful to me. When my father died in a car accident, my mother was seriously ill, and my mother and son were on the street. It was he who saved our mother and son and taught me some skills so that my mother could stay for a long time. For so many years, he never came to me, but until that time, the headmaster visited Japan, He found me and learned the whereabouts of the headmaster from me. Today, he found me again, and asked me to put an official in a position of no moral integrity at the critical time. Since then, the gratitude and resentment between the master and the apprentice has been exhausted, and there is no more fighting.

Headmaster, Siqing, brothers of TIANYAO gate, I'm sorry, but I can only make atonement with my life. Leng Shaoshang's last word

A short letter tells all kinds of things. Seeing Leng Shaoshang in a pool of blood, he thinks of the traitor who betrayed himself and killed countless brothers in the sea. Ye Xiao's heart can't bear any hatred. In the end, he is just a man who knows how to repay his kindness.

If not, he could have left with Shangguan Wudao. With the death of his mother three years ago, he had no other concern in Jinghai city. He fled here with Shangguan Wudao, not to mention doing anything important. At least, his glory and wealth are guaranteed, but he would rather end his life with a bullet.

At the thought of this, ye Xiao sighed heavily.

"Give him a good burial!" Ye Xiao murmured, then turned and walked. This is the last thing he could do for the man who valued love and righteousness.

Zimo also sighed a little, followed Ye Xiao away, Shangguan had no way to escape, but as long as he was still in Jinghai City, he couldn't run away

Shangguan had no way to drive his Audi car and quickly left the funeral dragon hill in the direction Leng Shaoshang said, but he didn't know where to go. Wu Bo had not contacted him, which made him uneasy. If Wu Bo also had any accident, he really didn't know what to do. Even if he could leave Jinghai City, he would not know what to do By what means to control the dark Council?

However, these things were soon abandoned by Shangguan Wudao. The most important thing now is to flee for life. Everything else is to be done in the future. As long as you can escape from Jinghai City, even if you can't continue to be the dark Pope, you can have a lifetime of glory and wealth with the things you left behind. As for the idea of revenge on Ye Xiao, this is the moment Disappeared in his heart.

Thinking of several battles with Ye Xiao, he never won a victory. Every time, he fled in confusion. Especially this time, when his most powerful life support was not around, he had completely lost his self-confidence.

Driving the car, around into Jinghai City, and then drove to the dilapidated Villa District, now, can help him escape Jinghai city is only Liu Yu, perhaps, with Liu Yu's help, he can escape Jinghai City, as long as he fled Jinghai City, then there is no need to worry about anything.

Shangguan had no way to drive all the way to the dilapidated villa group where Liu Yu was. The whole villa area was still so dilapidated. Even if spring had already arrived, there were still weeds everywhere. At night, I didn't care much about it. In the daytime, I found that the roadside was overgrown with weeds and a lot of garbage was left on the side of the road. It looked good It seems to have come to a dump.

Fortunately, it's not a hot day, or I don't know what odor will come.

All the way to Liu Yu's villa door, immediately saw a black Mercedes Benz parked there, see this paint black brand-new Mercedes Benz, Shangguan's eyes flashed a touch of surprise, is it said that Liu Yu so quickly attracted sponsorship? But he had no choice but to get out of the car.Entered the villa, but did not see a figure, immediately frown, is not Liu Yu at home? That car is the one sent by Ye Xiao?

At the thought of this, Shangguan, who was like a startled bird, turned around and was about to leave, but he heard Liu Yu's voice ring out: "eh, isn't this big or small? What brings you here? "

Liu Yu came into the courtyard with two black men, one of them was wearing black clothes.

Seeing such a group of people, Shangguan's face changed dramatically, even more surprised than seeing ye Xiao here.

Although he had never met the white man and the black man, he knew that they were two evil spirits guarding the White House, black and white twins.

They never leave the White House by night and day. They are the staunch guardians of the White House. But why are they here?

Is it to protect these two people?

The two people beside Liu Yu, Shangguan Wudao, have never seen them face to face, but he knows the same thing. How could he not expect that they would appear in Jinghai city with black and White Twins here? They should be two kinds of people who can't be interwoven?

"Ha ha, my youngest brother, you don't have to be so surprised to see my big brother?" Seeing the shocked Shangguan Wudao, the middle-aged man's mouth, a faint smile appeared, and the smile was full of irony

"Big Big brother... " Shangguan has no way, some stutters. From the point of blood, this man is really his elder brother, but shouldn't he?

"Ha ha, fei'er, come and see this brother-in-law who was born in the same year, the same month and the same day as you. This is your grandfather's favorite son all the time. He's a waste who almost put Shangguan's family in a desperate situation..."

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