waste material? These two words are like two sharp knives, directly stabbed into Shangguan Wudao's heart. It is so painful that he can't speak.

For a long time, he always felt that he was a genius, and he always felt that he had extraordinary ability. Even though he was defeated by Ye Xiao again and again, even though he was forced to transfer again and again, he never thought that it was his own problem. He just complained about his bad fate and that he was running away in a mess today, so he began to examine himself for the first time.

When I was in Yunlong high school, I was called the best childe. I was surrounded by Lin Sichao, Chen Tianyu and Zhang Tianbao. Although he was called the fourth childe together with several other people, Shangguan didn't care about them. Even Xu Yifeng, who was known as zhigongzi, was only a little smarter than Wang Qi and Han Jianyu in his eyes They are all dead, but they live well. And with the exposure of his identity, he more and more feel that he is better than them. If this is not the modern society, he really thinks that he is the right one. He has always felt that he is better than anyone else. But think carefully, when did he do a successful thing?

In order to gain a high position in the dark moon League, Shangguan Luoshui sent so many experts to kill Ye Xiao, but not only did not kill Ye Xiao, but also lost so many people in the dark moon League. When he arrived in Japan, he even arranged the "God of war" to himself. But what was the result? Not only "doushen" is dead, but also Zhang Tianbao and Chen Tianyu, who have followed him for many years, are also dead, and Lin Sichao is missing.

Later, even if the dark Council was in control, it was under the arrangement of the upper officials falling into the water. But even so, the powerful dark Council split in such a short period of time. Isn't this also their own reason? Without the protection of Shangguan falling into the water, what are you?

You're nothing?

I'm not a waste. What is it?

At this moment, Shangguan Wudao finally realized that he was a waste that could not be done, a top-level and most useless dandy.

"Uncle? Is he worthy? " Shangguanfei sneered. At this moment, Shangguan Fei exuded a fierce chill. It was like a piece of cold iron for thousands of years. It was totally different from the arrogant and cheerful shangguanfei, just like two people.

"Well, he is not worthy, but what can he do? After all, he is your grandfather's flesh and blood. After all, he is my brother-in-law from my mother and father. What do you call his brother-in-law? " Shangguan Fei's father, the real name Shangguan Canglong, said lightly, his eyes full of sarcasm.

"But I don't want to call him uncle!" Shangguan Fei said coldly.

"Since you don't want to, kill it, dead man. You don't have to call the dead uncle!" Shangguan Canglong said faintly, as if to say a trivial matter, but such a gloomy tone, don't say Shangguan has no way, even Liu Yu is also a chill, this once became a senior official in a department of the state of China even so despised life.

"Good!" Shangguan Fei snorted coldly, and then his body suddenly ran out. Before Shangguan Wudao made any response, he came to him and pinched his neck. Then he heard a crackle. Shangguan Wudao's neck was crushed like popcorn. His eyes were wide open, almost protruding, full of panic.

Excellent childe, Shangguan Wudao will fall!

Even ye Xiao would not have thought that he would eventually die in the hands of the Shangguan family, not to mention that the person who killed him would be shangguanfei, but this shangguanfei or his apprentice shangguanfei?

He threw the corpse of Shangguan on the ground. His attitude was leisurely as if he had thrown a chicken. Liu Yu was frightened by such a indifferent scene. This is a modern society. How can he kill people so casually?

"Mr. Liu, I think the cooperation between you and my little brother can continue. It is impossible for our Shangguan family to decline at this point. You should have confidence, you know?" Don't look at the corpse on the ground, Shangguan Canglong turns his head and says to Liu Yu.

"I know, I know!" Liu Yu nodded repeatedly. At this moment, he really understood the horror of Shangguan's family. If he had any other thoughts in cooperation with Shangguan before, he would not dare to have the slightest sympathy after witnessing the terror of Shangguan flying. This is a group of demons who kill people without blinking an eye.

It's just that it's really difficult for him to compare the Shangguan Canglong in front of him with that high-ranking and amiable official.

Canglong? Is that his real name? It turns out that the name he used before was just a pseudonym.

What's more, Liu Yu also understood that the age of Shangguan falling into the water when he was vice chairman was absolutely false. How could a 55 year old man have a son like Shangguan Canglong? Even if he was Shangguan Canglong's own age, it was a false report, right?

For the senior leaders of China, in order to remain in office without breaking some of the rules set by the older generation of leaders, what is it to make a little false report about their age?

"Take this corpse and don't let him stain Mr. Liu's house!" He said a word to the night and day. Shangguan Canglong turned around and walked outside. The purpose of their coming here was to wait for Shangguan Wudao. Now Shangguan Wudao is dead, he naturally wants to take back everything that belongs to him.Shangguan Fei followed his father. In the daytime and at night, he went forward to pick up Shangguan's unruly body and followed him out of the villa. Until the sound of the motor of the car sounded outside, and until the two cars drove away together, Liu Yu felt relieved. Facing Shangguan Canglong's coldness, he felt like a mountain pressing on his heart.

At the thought of shangguanfei's murderous look, his heart was cold. Vaguely, he felt that he was involved in a dispute that he should not or was not entitled to be involved in. However, at this time, where does he have room to turn back?

"Feier, it's been 20 years since my father brought you back. Don't you blame dad?" In the Mercedes Benz, in the daytime, Shangguan Canglong and Shangguan Fei sit in the back seat, Shangguan Canglong says softly.

"No wonder!" Shangguan shook his head and answered bluntly.

"You've suffered for twenty years!" Shangguan Canglong sighed softly.

"No pain!" Shangguan shook his head.

"Ha ha, you are indeed worthy of being the son of Canglong, my Shangguan. Since you have come back, the boy who has been your substitute for 20 years should be damned. Over the years, he has enjoyed all his glory and wealth. Even if he died, he was worth it!" Shangguan Canglong's eyes flashed a touch of cold.

Shangguanfei didn't speak. He just looked out of the window, looking at the city that was illuminated by neon lights, and the city that had been completely controlled by tianyaomen. He really didn't care. After 20 years of hard life, he had already developed a cold and cruel heart, killing one person and killing another A hundred people, it doesn't make any difference to him!

But in his mind, it was the proud figure in the Zhongshan suit, the man who almost drove the Shangguan family to a desperate situation

Ye Xiao, are you really so powerful? I'm really looking forward to the day when I fight you!

Murmured in the heart, shangguanfei slowly closed his eyes

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