The atmosphere was very active at the table. This is a huge round table. Professor Yang naturally sat on the main position. Yang Mu sat on his right side, but on his left, he arranged Ye Xiao there. This made people including Guti uncomfortable. What the boy came from, would let the teacher arrange him there.

Ye Xiao sat on the left side of Yangning, shaobingqian naturally sat beside him, and Yangsu also took Wang sweet to sit beside shaobingqian, while shaobingyan sat beside Yang mother, followed by Guti and a bunch of classmates, more than ten people, surrounded by a big circle, which seemed very lively.

In the center of the round table, except for several hot and small dishes, it is a huge hot pot. NIMA's and Yang Ning are fashionable enough. This celebration party even invites their students to come home to eat hot pot. But this winter, it is very good to eat hot pot. Of course, this hot pot can't be compared with Bashu, but for the northerners, it can also bring enough food Hard.

And the north people almost all like to drink liquor. As usual, they first served Yangning, then their mother. Then Yang Ning announced that everyone was free and not so restrained. As soon as this was said, they really got up at will. Now there was a boy with a height of nearly one meter and nine, but the eyes were very small. They stood up and held a glass of Wuliangye in their hands "Ye brother, you and I met for the first time. Come on, I'll give you a toast and do it..."

Ye Xiao picked his eyebrows and glanced at others, and found that they were all a kind of jerk, knowing that trouble came.

"Dry!" There was no more to say, and picked up the liquor, and the boy a touch, and then directly to do!

"Well, I heard that brother Ye grew up in Bashu province. I didn't expect that the southerners were so brave to drink. I admire it!" The boy saw Ye Xiao do it, and did it without ambiguity, said Lang Sheng, but he had a little admiration on his face.

"Come on, brother ye, we also meet for the first time. I'll give you a toast!" Then the man who sat next to lyaro stood up with the liquor.

Ye Xiao didn't say much, and he picked up the liquor, and after a slight touch, he dried it down. The hot and spicy alcohol stimulated his throat and poured directly into his stomach, like a fire, which lit his whole body.

The depression after Guti came was also completely ignited at this moment. Don't you want to see Laozi make a fool of it? Is it just to see Laozi's jokes? I am with you today. He is no longer the murderous evil spirit, no longer the powerful God of heaven, or the dragon of the East, which makes countless people in the underground world scared. At this moment, he is a little boy who has been wronged and a little boy who tries to show himself in front of the woman he likes. Whether he admits it or not, whether he or she and he and the dragon of the East are scared by the countless people in the underground world, he is a little boy who has been wronged and tries to show himself in front of the woman he likes Shaobingqian how the relationship, he is difficult to understand, he likes shaobingyan, she is her own woman, no one can take her!

No one!

The five boys, including Guti, had a total of six. They had a drink with Ye Xiao on the excuse of meeting for the first time, which means Ye Xiao drank the drink at once. Although the glass was very small, at least one or two drinks were also given. They drank the glass continuously, namely, liuliang. This made Yang's father Yang mother, including shaobingqian, worried about it.

Just as Yang father wanted to say something, gutty stood up again.

"Brother ye, the teacher treats us several are both parents and sons, and the teacher's daughter is just like our relatives and sisters. I hope you can treat Bingqian well. I wish you a long life with me!" Guti said, and then waited for ye Xiao to open the opportunity, has already drunk the Wuliangye in the cup.

"Thank you!" Ye Xiao's mouth cold way a, also grab the wine cup is a mouth.

Seven drinks have gone down. Even if his physical quality is different from ordinary people, so many drinks have been drunk in such a short time. It is a burning day. But he looks at gutty and others. Don't you want to drink? Then come on

Forced by Ye Xiao's momentum, lialuoton took a moment, but thought of what gutty had told them quietly before, he still brought up the drink.

"Let me come with this cup!" At this time, shaobingqian can no longer see, a grasp of the table of the wine cup, and liyalo to meet a cup, but ye Xiao caught the wrist.

"It's a man's business, woman get out of the way!" Ye Xiao's words are full of grievances, anger, and unwilling. I don't know why. Hearing the voice full of grievances, shaobingyan, shaobingqian, including Yangsu, all felt a bit of pain in his heart. The master of the hall sky was here and a group of general graduate students to fight for wine. Why in the end?

Shaobingyan looked at Ye Xiao with bright eyes. She didn't know why. She felt her heart was so painful and painful. If it wasn't in the face of her parents, if it wasn't in the face of her sister, she really wanted to put Ye Xiao in her arms and love it well.

As for shaobingqian, although he was scolded by Ye Xiao, he was not only angry, but more heartache. A pair of angry eyes gradually glanced at Guti. With her experience of many years of investigation, he naturally found that this guy was the culprit of this time of persuasion.Another cup of wine, and then wait for the other boys to raise their glasses, ye Xiao has taken the initiative to fill the liquor, said to the second boy: "I know what you want to say, I understand, everything is in silence, do..." After the voice dropped, he dried up again.

The boy looked at Ye Xiao in a daze, but when he saw Ye Xiao go on, he still dried the cup.

Then ye Xiao responded to these people one by one, and he had drunk several cups of wine in a row. At this time, ye Xiao had drunk at least one kilogram of wine, and he didn't have much breath. He drank it continuously. However, he didn't see any discomfort on his face. This surprised Guti and others. This guy's drinking capacity is so good?

"Elder brother Gu, you and I are like friends at first sight. I'll take you a cup alone. Forget it. This cup is too small. I'll drink a bottle directly. You can do whatever you like..." At the same time, Xiaoye's mouth was full of water. It seemed that the bottle had been completely opened, and it seemed that the bottle had been completely opened.

All the people were dumbfounded, including goody. He just wanted to make ye Xiao drunk. But he didn't think that this guy was crazy by himself. It's white wine. Oh, my God. How about liquor?

Looking at the less and less liquor, seeing the liquor constantly flowing into Ye Xiao's mouth, goody felt that her throat was a little dry.

Yang's father and mother were also shocked. They were not fools. Naturally, they saw that their students intended to embarrass Ye Xiao. How could you think that ye Xiao directly launched the most violent counterattack? Didn't you want to drink? OK, I'll drink with you, not only to drink, but to dry the bottle directly.

When the Wuliangye, which can hold eight Liang, was killed by Ye Xiao, the scene was completely silent. Everyone looked at Ye Xiao like a ghost. Is this still a man?

"What's the matter? Elder brother Gu, do you look down on me? I said, when I'm done, you just have to be at your disposal. Don't you appreciate drinking at will? " Seeing the stunned goody, ye Xiao said coldly, with no emotion in her eyes

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