"Brother Ye Xiao has drunk so much and dried up. Brother Guti won't even drink a mouthful?" At this time, Wang Tiantian, who has never talked much, suddenly opens her mouth.

"Sweetie, how can you say that about brother goody? Brother Guti is a straightforward person. Brother Ye Xiao drank a bottle directly. How could he drink only one cup? Am I right? " Yang Su Su, on the other hand, was also full of Yang Yang Qi. He opened a bottle of white wine and handed it to goody.

"Well, Su Su Su is right. Brother Ye has done it. How can I be so rude?" Guti almost wants to die heart has, eight Liang liquor, this is not plain water ah, but now ye Xiao has drunk, can he not drink it? If he does not drink, will he not be able to raise his head in front of the public? Pick chip is self initiated, now how can I retreat?

After receiving the liquor from Yang Su Su, goody looked up and drank it.

However, the liquor is too strong. Compared with vodka in the west, whisky is much stronger. With Goody's capacity, it is nothing to drink one glass at a time. If you drink one bottle directly, it will really kill you?

But in front of Yang Ning's face, in front of Shao Bingyan's face, he really can't wipe face and drink.

But even though goody was determined to finish it, the wine was really too strong. After a bottle of wine, he stopped four times before he finished drinking it. When he finished the last sip, goody jumped up from his seat and said, "sorry, excuse me for a moment." then he turned and ran to the toilet. After drinking so much at one breath, he couldn't bear it.

Seeing Guti running away in confusion, Wang Tiantian and Yang Susu show disdain on their faces. This guy is really a useless one. It is he who challenges him. Now it is he who leaves the arena first. His brother is still strong. After drinking so much, he still looks the same.

"Bingyan, you go to Guti, he..." Yang's mother, who wants to match Guti and Shao Bingyan, says to Shao Bingyan at the moment. But before she finishes her words, Shao Bingyan interrupts her: "Mom, people go to the toilet. What do I do? Come on, drink. Today is Dad's birthday. I'd like to toast you two

Shao Bingyan mercilessly interrupted Yang's mother's nagging. If she had a good impression of goody before and regarded her as a friend, now she is disgusted with this guy. He even encouraged his classmates to drink wine to Ye Xiao. When she saw Ye Xiao's iron green face, her heart was in a faint pain.

Feeling inexplicably unhappy, Shao Bingyan also directly served the hot liquor and took the lead in toasting.

But ye Xiao saw Shao Bingyan's attitude. He was in a much better mood. He was about to grab chopsticks, eat something, and drink so much wine. Even with his physical fitness, he couldn't stand it.

"Ye Xiao, I'd like to propose a toast to you, to your forthright, to your manliness!" At this time, the girl with black glasses, who had never talked much, even picked up her glass and said to Ye Xiao.

Ye Xiao's eyebrows pick, see the other party's clear eyes, also can't tell whether she really respect himself, or revenge for goody, but he is also the comer, directly one bite, today has drunk so much, how about more?

It took more than ten minutes for Guti to walk out of the toilet. Seeing that his face was pale, he was obviously very uncomfortable. After his arrival, he was no longer as arrogant as he had just been. He was very low-key. He was really afraid. If ye Xiao had a few more drinks with him, he would have to explain it here today.

However, Guti doesn't provoke Ye Xiao. It doesn't mean that other people don't provoke him. Yang Susu takes the lead, Shao Bingqian, Wang Tiantian and even Bing Yan have a drink with him for various reasons. When Guti is in a daze, his head looks like a mountain, which is so heavy, and there seems to be a dragon in his stomach, rolling around, which is very uncomfortable After Shao Bingyan and he finished drinking, goody was completely unconscious. When his head deviated, he would fall on Shao Bingyan's body, but Shao Bingyan just got up and Guti fell on the ground.

"Ah, Xiaogu has drunk too much, Bingyan, please help him to have a rest..." See handsome goody so thoroughly drunk on the ground, Yang mother immediately exclaimed. ,

"he is so heavy, how can I support him..." Shao Bingyan obviously drank too much. Even if it was his mother's words, he ignored it and snorted directly.

"You..." Yang's mother was about to scold, but lialuo had already stood up.

"Mother, let's come, we'll do it!" Liaro and the man with glasses had a little better drinking capacity. They didn't drink as much as goody. At this time, they were able to keep their consciousness awake. They all stood up and helped goody up.

"Mother, where should we help him to rest?" After helping goody up, they were puzzled that this was not their home. They really didn't know where to help them?

"Let's go to Bingyan's room first. Turn left upstairs for the third room!" Yang's mother made a decision, this decision let Shao Bingyan is a burst of depression, it seems that his mother is iron heart to make do with himself and that guy together.

Without much to say, he picked up his glass again and drank it with other people.The party ate and drank, and ye Xiao drank several cups. At this time, he felt the same heavy head. When all the others fell down, he also had the impulse to fall down.

As for Yang's father and mother, they would go to sleep for a long time, but some of them would not like to sleep with their parents.

Ye Xiao stands up from his seat and nearly falls to the ground. However, Shao Bingyan and Shao Bingqian are quick enough to help him.

The two sisters looked at in surprise. Shao Bingyan grabbed Ye Xiao's arm and was about to release. However, she heard Shao Bingqian's voice: "elder sister, help me help him go up and have a rest. I'll pour him a glass of water!" Shao Bingqian's voice was indifferent, as usual, and did not know what she was thinking in her heart.

"Good!" Shao Bingyan didn't give up, so she supported Ye Xiao and walked upstairs. There were a lot of words between the two sisters, and they didn't need to say anything more.

Ye Xiao's head is in a daze. Today he drinks at least a few kilograms of wine, and there is no cheating. He is so anxious. Ordinary people have been drunk and unconscious for a long time. He may have to be sent to the hospital. He has been able to insist that he has not vomited up until now, which is very good.

This time, ye Xiao is completely drunk. Even he doesn't know why he is drunk. With Shao Bingyan's help, he comes to Shao Bingqian's room and pushes the door open. Shao Bingyan helps Ye Xiao to the bed.

Just lying in bed, ye Xiao's stomach is a burst of tumultuous, has been repressed things can no longer help, so directly to vomit out.

Shao Bingyan was also very fast. He pulled through the garbage can, and ye Xiao vomited directly in the garbage can. Today, he didn't eat anything. All he drank was white wine. He vomited all alcohol, even with red blood.

Seeing those bloodstains, seeing his face iron blue, his whole body cold Ye Xiao, Shao Bingyan's unspeakable heartache, his eyes overflowed with faint tears, and his mouth murmured: "fool, why drink so much?"

"I don't want you to marry him..." I thought Ye Xiao was drunk completely, but I didn't think that he even uttered such a sentence

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