Although Ye Xiao's tongue twists and turns, and although his mouth is not clear, Shao Bingyan still clearly hears this sentence, and the tears that originally whirled around his eyes can't help but flow down directly.

"Fool..." Shao Bingyan wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes and put his hand around Ye Xiao's head in his arms. She never thought that this guy would be sad for himself, but he would do such a stupid thing for himself.

Shao Bingyan held his head in his arms, and ye Xiao felt so warm. Under the stimulation of alcohol, an idea suddenly flashed in his mind: "she is her own, she belongs to herself, no one can rob her, no one can do it!" This idea just appeared in my mind, just like the flood of collapsing levee, the whole burst out, no matter how blocked.

I don't know where the strength comes from. I turn over and crush Shao Bingyan under my body

At this moment, ye Xiao seems to her like a child, a child who was almost robbed of a toy. Now she only wants to occupy the toy to its fullest extent. Looking at such a crazy Ye Xiao, Shao Bingyan has only deep heartache.

Seeing ye Xiao, who is sleeping like a child, Shao Bingyan slightly lowers his head and kisses him gently on his forehead. Then he goes to the bedside, picks up his underwear and slowly puts them on.

Her movements are gentle and slow, for fear of waking up the dream of Ye Xiao. Her body is as white as snow, like the goddess in the sky, and she looks happy and happy, just like the happiest wife in the world. When she wears her clothes one by one, she carefully walks out. She knows that when she comes out of this door, what is waiting for her is another A kind of trial from one's own sister, or from one's own conscience.

The door opened, Shao Bingqian with a glass of water was standing at the door.

"All right?" See out of the sister, Shao Bingqian light said, tone without a ripple, peace without any two.

"OK..." Shao Bingyan also said lightly.

Shao Bingqian didn't say anything more. She pushed the door and went in, but was stopped by Shao Bingyan.

"He is already asleep. Let him sleep a little more?"

"Good!" Shao Bingqian also did not say anything more, turned and walked downstairs.

"Bing Qian..." See the expression of cold ice Qian, even if clearly know her character is so, but Shao Bingyan still feel like a needle to stimulate his heart.

"Is there anything else?" Shao Bingqian still said coldly.

"Let's talk about..." Shao Bingyan knows that some things have happened, and there is no room to look back. What she can do is to minimize the damage to each other.

"Good!" Shao Bingyan nodded.

Then the two sisters went to the top floor.

The villa has a total of three floors, but the third floor is a roof garden. The two sisters did not wear coats, so they came to the roof garden. Although it was spring, the snow in Kyoto did not completely melt, and there was thick snow on the flowers and plants. When the snow melted, it was the coldest time. However, they did not feel the same.

"Me and him..."

"I know..." Shao Bingyan was about to speak, but before she finished speaking, she was interrupted directly by Shao Bingqian.

"Bing Qian, I'm sorry..." Interrupted by Shao Bingqian, Shao Bingyan is even more distressed. For a while, she doesn't know what to say and can only say the most useless words.

"Sorry? Elder sister, it's the first time for you to say these three words to me after so many years Shao Bingqian said lightly.

Shao Bingyan's face suddenly appeared a burst of bitter smile, he has never done anything sorry for her, naturally will not say sorry.

"Smoking?" At this time, Shao Bingqian took out a box of cigarettes, took out a cigarette and handed it to Shao Bingyan.

Shao Bingyan didn't refuse. She took the cigarette and put it in her mouth. Shao Bingqian lit it herself, and then she lit it herself. She sucked it hard. Then she continued to say, "sister, you don't have to say sorry to me. You don't have to say sorry to me. On the contrary, I want to thank you..."

"Thank me?" Shao Bingyan looked at Shao Bingqian in surprise. She and her men had such a relationship, and she would like to thank herself? If other people, Shao Bingyan must think it is a irony, but she knows that her sister has always said what.

"Do you remember how we met Ye Xiao in those days?" Shao Bingqian murmured, and her thoughts have gone back to that year, back to that rainy day, that proud young man, the one who made the underground world of Jinghai city upside down with his own efforts. In front of so many people, he came step by step, and so strongly kissed himself. Maybe, from that moment on, he had already Jing became his biggest enemy.

But Shao Bingyan thought that when he took Ye Xiao to attend their classmate's party, he just teased him a little. Who knows that the boy even forced to kiss himself in front of so many students. The kiss was so deep and so true. From then on, the teenager began to enter his own sight. When an accident happened, he and his sister were allowed to come into his sight After such a thing happened, it seems that I can no longer relate to him, and the way is unclear. This involvement has been for so many years

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