The former youth has already become the overlord of the famous underground world, but his two sisters and his involvement is more and more deep, deep to the point that it is hard to erase.

Because it's hard to erase, it's hard to resist. Therefore, we have the indulgence just now.

"In fact, you know him more than I do. If he was not too young at that time, he might have become your ideal husband. However, there are so many things that have happened to people. Sister, I know that you love him more than I do, and love him more deeply and thoroughly! But you gave me such an excellent man. If it wasn't for you, I couldn't be with him who could give up his life for me. I'm really happy to be his woman! " At this time, Shao Bingqian spoke again.

In her mind, however, she thought of Ye Xiao several times for her personal danger!

Shao Bingyan opened his mouth, but did not know what to say?

"Sister, in fact, I know what you want to say. What I want to say is that he is a strange man. We can't shackle him with worldliness. No matter how our relationship with him is, you are still you, I am still me, and we are still the best sisters!" See Shao Bingyan want to talk and stop appearance, Shao Bingqian raised his head, a pair of clear eyes looking at Shao Bingyan, looking at her some confused eyes.

"The best sister?" Shao Bingyan opened his mouth and whispered in his mouth. Finally, his confused eyes gradually became clear.

"Well, the best sister!" Forced to nod, Shao Bingyan suddenly opened his arms and held his sister tightly in his arms. She suddenly found that she was always cheerful and did not have her own sister to see through.

When ye Xiao woke up again, it was already after ten o'clock in the evening. The whole person felt the pain in his head. It was as if someone was holding an air gun and inflating into it. They were all about to explode. Moreover, they felt thirsty. It seemed that there was a fire burning in his body, which dried up his own water.

"Come on, have some water?" At this time, there was a cold voice in my ear.

Ye Xiao brick a look, saw that has changed into a set of pajamas Shao Bingqian is sitting next to, still holding a cup of boiling water!

Ye Xiao took over the water cup and drank the water in the cup in one mouthful, which made her mouth feel more comfortable.

"You've been sleeping all afternoon. My sister has cooked some porridge. I'll bring it for you." Shao Bingqian said, standing up from the bedside!

"Good!" Ye Xiao nodded. After seeing Shao Bingqian's back, she always felt that there was something wrong with her?

In my memory, I drank a lot at noon, but I should be the last one to fall down. Later, it seems that Shao Bingyan helped himself into the room, and then

And then it's like

Well, ye Xiao shakes his head vigorously, but he feels dizzy. He can't remember exactly what happened?

However, Shao Bingqian did not pass the bowl to Ye Xiao's hand, but personally fed Ye Xiao.

This is his man. No matter what happened to him and who, he is his own man, which can never be changed. Thinking of him risking his life to save himself, Shao Bingqian's heart is also sweet.

When ye Xiao finished all the porridge in the bowl, Shao Bingqian asked again, "do you want to drink more?"

"No, it's much better now!" Ye Xiao shook his head, with the bowl of porridge into the stomach, the stomach, which was still tumbling, is really much better.

"Then you lie down for a while, and I'll take out the bowl!" Looking at Ye Xiao's bloody face, Shao Bingqian smiles, and only when she faces Ye Xiao will she show such a happy smile.

"Let's put it here. It's so late. Let's go to bed early." Ye Xiao can see that Shao Bingqian is tired all the time. Think about it. She and she came directly from Jinghai City, and then she began to work in the kitchen. Later, she drank too much and vomited a lot. But now the room is clean, and there is no smell. Obviously, she has been taking care of herself. Now it's so late, it's better to have a rest as soon as possible.

"Well!" Shao Bingqian cleverly nodded, put the bowl on one side, and so got into the bed.

Ye Xiaozheng was about to turn off the light when a knock came out of the door.

"Who?" Shao Bingqian held out a head.

"I..." Outside the door came the voice of Shao Bingyan.

Ye Xiao's heart is pounding. Now it's so late, what does Shao Bingyan do? Did you come in and complain? But did you do anything to her?

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