Ye Xiao lies flat and sleeps in the middle of Shao Bingqian and Shao Bingyan, but the two sisters who said they should have a good chat are silent at this time. One is to the left and the other to the right. They have no meaning to speak at all. However, with the help of his excellent perception, ye Xiao knows that they are not asleep, and their heart rate is not slower than their own.


Just as ye Xiao was still pondering whether he had dreamed last night, the door of the room suddenly "snapped" and was pushed open. Then he saw Yang Su Su, wearing a dark blue jeans and a white sweater, standing at the door.

"What do you do?" Ye Xiao was startled.

"Poo Hoo..." Seeing ye Xiao's exaggerated appearance, Yang Su Su directly burst out laughing.

"Brother in law, you don't have to exaggerate. I won't eat you again. It's like I'm a wolf!"

"Er..." Ye Xiao's face is a little hot. In the early morning, you, a little girl, burst in directly, which always makes people have bad associations.

"Well, don't sleep any more. Since yesterday noon, you have been sleeping for more than 20 hours. If you sleep again, you will become a pig. Get up quickly..."

Ye Xiao is still immersed in Yang Su Su's words. She has been sleeping for more than 20 hours? Nima, did you sleep too long?

Seeing Yang Su Su, who runs away in a mess, ye Xiao turns her eyes directly. How can the little girls now be so shameless that they have taken all the advantages of others and have to make a look that they suffer a lot? Isn't that kind?

A glance at the side, found their clothes are in the bed, ye Xiao this just turned over to get up.

In the mind, unconsciously appeared a piece of snow white, some memories are always so fuzzy?

Nima, I will never drink so much wine in the future. It's a mistake to drink!

In the heart mercilessly despised oneself some time, these questions were thrown behind the head, leaf Xiao washed and then walked out of the room.

In the living room, the mess of yesterday has been cleaned up. Yang Ning's students, including Guti, left yesterday. The huge villa is empty again. There is a bowl of porridge on the breakfast table, two eggs and a big steamed bread. Wang Tiantian is sitting opposite and chewing a steamed bread. When she sees Ye Xiao coming down, she raises her head and faces Ye Xiao Tiantian A smile: "Ye Xiao elder brother, good morning!"

"Good morning, sweet!" Ye Xiao also slightly smile, and then sat in the seat, but called Tiantian, but feel is calling his daughter the same.

"Brother Ye Xiao, do you have anything to do today?" Wang Tiantian took a sip of porridge and looked up at Ye Xiao again. The clear and sweet voice came out again.

"Well..." Ye Xiaoyi Leng, this wench asks oneself this to do what? Do you want to date yourself?

"What can I do for you?" Ye Xiao didn't know what she was thinking. She could only ask carefully. If it was just a trivial matter, such as holding hands, making an appointment for a meeting, and occasionally kissing her mouth, he thought he could help, but if he wanted to do something like that? This is a bit of a dilemma. How can we find a place that won't be found first?

"It's no big deal, just a little favor for you!" Before Wang Tiantian said anything, Yang Su Su came out of the kitchen and sat down beside Ye Xiao.

"Help? What can I do for you? " Ye Xiaoyi Leng, really want to help yourself?

"In fact, it's very simple. Today, I'll pretend to be Wang Tiantian's boyfriend and go to an engagement ceremony with us!" Yang Su Su put the steamed bread into his mouth and said.

"Ah? Pretending to be a boyfriend? To an engagement ceremony? " Ye Xiao is a little depressed. What's the rush?

"Not bad!" Yang Su Su nodded deeply.

"Why me?" Ye Xiao is a little puzzled.

"Because you are handsome..." Yang Su Su is very honest to reply, ye Xiao's heart immediately floated up, but she was soon held down by herself. This girl is not a vegetarian. Yesterday, she said that she was not as handsome as that goody? Now put on such a high hat for yourself, no, there must be some big conspiracy, whether you can agree.

"You'd better find someone else? Today, I promised your second sister that I would accompany her to meet some friends Ye Xiao shook his head and took out Shao Bingqian as a shield.

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