"Don't come here. The second sister and the eldest sister went out early in the morning. I asked her where she was going. She only said to go shopping, but there was nothing else." Who knows that ye Xiao seldom tells a lie, and he is directly exposed.

"But I still..."

"No, you don't have to ask for help." Ye Xiao also wanted to find some excuses, but before she could speak, she was interrupted by Yang Su Su.

"Well What are the benefits? " Seeing Yang Su Su's ferocious appearance, ye Xiao knows that he has helped him.

"What benefits do you want?" Yang Su Su asked coldly.

Ye Xiao looked at Wang Tiantian, and saw that her two big steamed buns were lying on the table, with a big steamed bread in her mouth and a pair of big eyes staring at herself.

If only I could eat her steamed bread.

But can you say it yourself? But if you don't want any good, don't you lose yourself?

"Say, what do you want? You don't want Tian Tian to agree with her, do you? " Seeing ye Xiao's infatuated appearance, Yang Su Su Su is just a burst of good temper. How can she have such a wonderful brother-in-law?

In front of their own Yan elder sister son's face unscrupulously looks at own good friend, this also too does not put oneself in the eye.

"Even if you're with me for one night, I can still agree with you reluctantly." Ye Xiao said casually.

"Why don't you die? I tell you, ye Xiao, if you don't help me, I will tell my mother that you have seen my body! " Yang Susu wanted to kill the lecher with one bite, but he was the only one who could help with this.

"Go, you showed it to me yourself!" Ye Xiao's heart suddenly jumped, but his face made a look of indifference. He was determined that Yang Su Su did not dare to really take this to say something.

“……” Yang Su Su was so angry that she almost jumped up. However, she seemed to think of something. She suddenly gave a smile to Ye Xiao, and then whispered in her ear: "this morning, I saw the elder sister and the second sister come out of your room at the same time. Oh, she was still wearing a sleeping skirt? Do you think if I told mom this, what would she do? "

"Brush..." Ye Xiao's whole body's cold sweat burst out. NIMA's, last night's all that turned out to be true. Shao Bingyan actually spent the night in his room.

"Can't I promise to help?"

"Hee hee, that's right. Have a quick meal. After breakfast, we'll start!" Hearing Ye Xiao's promise, Yang Su Su smiles at Wang Tiantian, and then heads down to compete with the bowl of porridge.

Xiaomei said hello to her mother after breakfast.

He drove his BMW and headed for Kyoto Hotel, one of the largest hotels in Kyoto, under the guidance of Yang Su Su.

On the way, Yang Susu simply told the story. It turned out that Wang Tiantian's former boyfriend was robbed by her best sister. Today, the engagement ceremony was held in Kyoto Hotel. The most abominable thing is that the woman even sent an invitation to Wang Tiantian, asking her to attend the engagement ceremony. Although Wang Tiantian is sad, she is gentle in character I don't have many ideas, but Yang Su Su, who has always known about these things, quit. This encourages Wang Tiantian to find a boyfriend to attack the woman.

She not only figured out the countermeasures, but also prepared the real props for Wang Tiantian. After listening to her for a long time, ye Xiao finally understood what she was going to do. To put it bluntly, she just stepped on the stage

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