Kanu looked up, and his exhausted body took a step forward involuntarily. Ye Xiao's injuries had reached the point where it was difficult to fight again. If it was the enemy, then he must undertake the next battle. This is his mission.

However, when he saw the first gorgeous woman at the end of the show, Kanu relaxed and then sat down on the ground. He was very tired.

Enchanting is wearing a black windbreaker. The waist of the windbreaker is tied with a blue belt, which shows her willow like small waist. Under her feet is a pair of black boots. She makes a crackling sound while walking. When she comes in a hurry, she is immediately deeply shocked by the scene.

In the periphery of the hospital, there has been a river of blood. Countless children of Huabang lie in the pool of blood. Most of them have lost their lives and become cold bodies. Only a few of them are still panting in a low voice. However, judging from their physical conditions, it is obvious that they can not last too long. Besides the members of the Huabang group, there are also some men in blood clothes who follow the enchanting one Shaga and Milo recognized that these were the secret forces of the Holy See. They rushed in enchanting and raging. Naturally, they met with the resistance of the blood explosion Knights along the way. However, in the face of the dark moon alliance led by her, these blood explosion knights, who had been exhausted with the members of the Chinese Gang, were killed by them Road.

Originally thought Ye Xiao and others were under fierce attack, but when they arrived, they were surprised to find that the scene had been quiet.

The long corridor is full of corpses. These are all blood explosion knights. More than 50 blood explosion Knights died here?

When Miro and shaga saw the fallen ricca and durmeina, their faces were all replaced by fright. Durmeina knew, but did not know enough. They only knew that she had been a nun serving the Pope. However, Ricardo, who was once the strongest Paladin, was one of the twelve paladins, but in rijka Even if his strength has improved a lot, he has no confidence to defeat Rio card, but such a strong man was killed by Ye Xiao.

Yes, in addition to Ye Xiao, there was no one else who had the ability to kill riyoka.

And in such a short time? They even found that ye Xiao's body had been wrapped in bandages for a long time. What did it mean that he had been injured when dealing with these people. Looking at the re opened wound, it was obvious that there was no sign of recovery before the injury. But under such circumstances, he also killed so many people? And none of them are strong? How did he do it?

Miro, Shajia, Ye Ming, Tiequan, Zhou wusheng, dragon karotman, ice and snow sword, all of them are shocked. They never thought that ye Xiao's strength has been improved to this level in the past half a year.

Only enchanting face did not have a bit of fright, it seems that all this is normal for her, at this time, her eyes all fell in the arms of Ye Xiao, there, is lying a cold body.

"I'm sorry..." Seeing ye Xiao holding a man in her arms like an ice sculpture, enchanting is filled with guilt. She knew this man and was her brother who had followed Ye Xiao for a long time. For a person like Ye Xiao who values love and righteousness, every subordinate is like a brother. Judging from his difficult appearance, he has a very close relationship with Xie Chen, but he came late The man who followed Ye Xiao for many years lost his life forever.

Hearing enchanting's apologetic voice, ye Xiao slowly raised his head. When he saw enchanting's beautiful face, a smile more bitter than Coptis appeared in his mouth.

"He said sorry to me when he left. Do you know why he said sorry to me? He said, I'm sorry, brother Xiao, I can't fight with you Ha ha, at the end of his life, what he thought was not the fear of death, but that he could not fight with himself. He was really sorry for him. I brought them out. I told them that as long as they worked hard, there would be a bright tomorrow. However, the light had not arrived, but they disappeared in the dark one by one. What should say sorry should be I am... " With that, ye Xiao's eyes were discontented with tears, and he could no longer help the grief in his heart.

Enchanting Leng Leng Leng, obviously did not expect Xie Chen will finally say such a thing, see so in front of everyone's tearful Ye Xiao, she just feel her heart is so painful, why there will be such pain, even she does not understand, and she does not want to understand.

She just quietly walked to Ye Xiao's, and then held his head in his arms. She didn't know what to say. She could only comfort him in her own way.

Ye Xiao, who lost too much blood, couldn't hold on any longer, and fainted so thoroughly.

At the moment he passed out, the door of the operating room opened, and the red light, which had always been a symbol of danger, turned green.

"It's done, it's done..." The president of Victoria Hospital, Hopkins, came out with a smile on his face and said excitedly. But when he saw the scene, he was stunned by the whole person. What's going on? Why are so many people down here? What happened? The intense work in the operating room made him completely unaware of what was happening outsideEnchanting did not pay attention to him, directly picked up the comatose Ye Xiao, and then said to Milo and others: "you go and pick up the pine island maple. It's not suitable to stay here for a long time. You two, help Kanu..." After saying that, enchanting hugs Ye Xiao and goes outside. Ye Xiao's wound is very serious. The wound on her shoulder is completely split. Even a tendon linking her arm has broken. If she doesn't connect it immediately, it is likely that one of Ye Xiao's hands will be abandoned forever. However, there is a river of blood flowing here, which is not suitable for surgery. Enchanting must take ye Xiao away.

Take it to a place where it's absolutely safe.

Milo and saga are walking towards the operating room at the same time. For them, enchanting words are the imperial edict.

"What are you going to do, you..." Seeing these people trying to break into the operating room, though frightened by the scene in front of him, Hopkins still reached out to intercept them. This is a patient specially instructed by Mr. Bai. He and others took great efforts to rescue her. This operation is a miracle in the history of medicine. How can he let these people take away the patients?

But before he finished his words, he heard the voice of Bai Chou Fei: "let them go!"

Bai choufei looks ugly and walks in. He has already mobilized all the elite members of the Chinese gang. However, how long did he think that he was forced to break through and send Ouyang Qianqian away? Before and after more than an hour, more than an hour, such a change has taken place. Seeing ye Xiao in her enchanting arms, Bai Chou Fei would like to stab his heart with a knife. He is really sorry for ye Xiao

"Don't blame yourself, they sent out blood explosion Knights..." It seems that she saw Bai choufei's remorse, and she whispered a word. Her body had already passed by Bai choufei's side. Suddenly, she heard the words of "blood explosion Knight" but the whole person was in a daze

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