Less than 50 kilometers away from San Francisco, there is a small town called dirk. This is a small town mainly engaged in farming and animal husbandry. This area is also the location of the largest farm near San Francisco. The largest farmers in San Francisco are all here.

At this time, in the south of Dirk Town, on the farm of chalgas rancher, a woman with a straw hat on her head, a floral shirt on her body and a pair of jeans underneath was squatting in a corn field, holding a scythe in her hand, and was actually weeding the small corn field artificially.

On the edge of the corn field stood a blond man in a long robe. The man was quite handsome, with a pair of blue eyes like two sapphires. His nose was high and his lips were ruddy. Especially when he laughed, two lovely dimples appeared in the corners of his mouth, which looked very charming.

At this time, he was so quietly standing on the edge of the corn field, quietly watching the woman squatting on the ground weeding, his eyes full of laughter.

From his point of view, it is possible to see two scenes from the neckline of a woman.

At this time, when the sun is high, the sunshine in March and April is always so warm. Such a scene is full of warmth and harmony. However, the appearance of a golden RAVENTON breaks the peace and tranquility.

"Hi..." A sound, golden Lamborghini RAVENTON a sudden brake, to a beautiful drift, so steadily stopped next to the corn field, waving bursts of dust.

The woman who was weeding raised her eyebrows, rose from the ground and looked at the golden RAVENTON.

"Mother, dead, all dead, cardinal Rio and cardinal durmeina are dead, and the Knights of blood explosion sent by them are all dead..." As soon as goody jumped out of the car, she screamed out at the woman who was still in the ground with panic on her face.

Before that, he had heard of Ye Xiao's strength and his horror. However, he never thought that ye Xiao would be so powerful that he could not even think of the few people he had sent out. Even the masters around the two cardinals were all dispatched, and the news that the whole army was destroyed was finally heard.

But ye Xiao lives well. How can he not be surprised?

This time against Ye Xiao, he has exhausted all the underground forces of the Gulan family in San Francisco.

"If you die, you die. What's the fuss about? How can you take over the old Roland family The woman snorted, and there was no ripple on her beautiful and elegant face. She was he Shiya, the third wife of the contemporary master of ancient Roland, a pure Oriental!

Little things? Guti almost fainted. In the past, the two cardinals sent by the Vatican to stay in M country died? Is it a small matter? These two people, one in charge of the Western diocese and the other in the eastern suburbs, are the representatives of the Vatican in state m? It's just a small matter that such a person dies?

So what's a big deal?

At this time, goody suddenly found that there was a young man who was even more handsome than himself. He immediately raised his eyebrows and suppressed his astonishment. He held a glance at the man and asked, "who is he?"

There was such a handsome man beside his mother, but goody couldn't help noticing. Especially at this time, his mother was only wearing a shirt, and the button of the collar had not been buttoned. Even if he could easily see the two groups of white tender inside, and this guy had just been standing here staring at his mother, is this too unusual?

"Kevin St. Peter, the youngest cardinal in the Vatican today, is one year younger than you Bishop Kevin, my son goody, I'm not sensible. I'll make you laugh... " He Shiya introduced to them with a smile. He didn't have any ripples because of the news just said by goody, as if it was a trivial matter.

"Ha ha, madam. I heard about the most mysterious third young master of the ancient Roland family when I was still in Vatican custody by the old guy. Today, I see you, and it's worthy of your reputation." Kevin St. Peter smiles and says praises to goody, but he doesn't look at him. Obviously, he doesn't pay attention to goody. The reason why he said such a thing is entirely on the face of he Shiya.

This made goody very angry, but his mother was beside him. He was afraid of his mother since he was a child. He just glared at Kevin.

"Tell me what happened!" He Shiya was not angry. He came to Guti and asked.

Guti didn't dare to hide it. His feelings described in detail what happened in Victoria Hospital in San Francisco last night. Of course, he had no way to know the specific process, but the result was clear at a glance. None of the members of the Holy See who went in came out alive. When talking about this, Goody's face was very ugly.

He had a conflict with Ye Xiao before. Now the cardinal of Ye Xiaolian's Holy See also said to kill. If he wants to deal with himself, what should he do?

What do you take to resist it?

This time, all the power I have mastered has been buried."Ha ha, good death, wonderful death, madam. It seems that everything is in our plan..." After listening to Goody's narration, Kevin laughs happily, as if the dead is his father's enemy.

"Plan?" Goody is stunned? At the beginning, my mother let me do that, and I always felt that it was not right. Now it seems that she had a plan, or did she have a plan with this man? What kind of plan?

"Well, the death of two archbishops is just the first step. Next, Archbishop Kevin will lead his subordinates to M. he will represent the power of the Holy See and cooperate with us. With the help of Archbishop Kevin, your second brother, who is a waste, will never have a chance!" He Shiya said with a smile.

Kevin nodded implicitly, as if what he Shiya said was the truth!

Goody rolled her eyes. Why does her mother think highly of this guy?

"But mother..." Guti wanted to say something, but this time, he was interrupted by he Shiya: "well, if there's nothing else, you can go back to Las Vegas first, and I'll hoe the grass."

He Shiya said, and then turned back to the corn field, squatted down and began to shovel the weeds.

Goody turned her eyes again. The lady of the Gulan family actually went to the field to weed. What's the matter? However, he didn't dare to say anything more when he knew his mother's hobby. He just glared at Kevin and jumped into the golden RAVENTON and left. He really didn't understand why his mother respected the guy named Kevin St. Peter so much? Isn't it just a little more handsome? Do you mean your mother and him

No, Kevin St. Peter? St. Peter III? The youngest cardinal?

Is he

All of a sudden, goody seemed to grasp some light, his face "Shua" turned pale, is he the son of that big man?

Suddenly, he felt that many things seemed to be beyond his control

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