A back somersault not only avoided the next attack, but also killed Keane. Such a scene only shocked the audience. Many people, especially Rowling, had big brown eyes. It seemed that they couldn't believe that all this was true.

However, the Kaiser Family owner around her had a faint smile on her mouth, which was a meaningful smile. No one could see the meaning of the smile.

At this time, Ximen sword's figure had rushed to him at full speed. He was surprised to find that ye Xiao's strength was beyond his imagination. Even though he was the top one in the world, his strength was obviously higher than that of other top players. At least, except himself, no one else on the scene could pose a real threat to him.

No wonder he dared to come to the Vatican by himself. He had full confidence in his own strength.

However, the more you know ye Xiao's horror, the more Ximen Jian knows that he can't be kept. Otherwise, once he controls the Holy See, the cruelest pursuit will be waiting for him and others. Tianyaomen is strong enough. Can they extend their tentacles to Europe again? This is the bottom line of the little Lord.

At this moment, the Ximen sword is no longer retained. The ancient green sword in the hand is like a dragon, rolling in the air constantly and stabbing at the key point of Ye Xiao.

Ye Xiao didn't retreat, so he won with one punch. Wearing metal gloves, he made his fist invincible. Even in the face of the sharp tip of Ximen sword, he met it directly with his fist. Suddenly, there was a sound of metal interweaving, and the figures of Taman and Yufeng also surrounded. Their faces were not as calm as before. Some of them had only one The coldest intention to kill and the deepest taboo, they say, is to attack, but in fact, most of their energy is on defense. In the face of a strong man like Ye Xiao, a little carelessness is the end of his life on the spot, and no one wants to step into Keene's footsteps.

However, ye Xiaocai, regardless of whether their attention is on the attack or on the defense, he just smashed a sword from Ximen sword with one punch, and then crossed over to the body of the hurricane. He reached for the shoulder of the hurricane. The hurricane snorted coldly and walked a little under his feet, and his body was about to retreat. However, ye Xiaona has not yet completely fallen Under the left foot even miraculously stepped forward a step, ye Xiao's body, so has come to their own.

Hurricane fear, his speed is the fastest of all people, but even he did not see ye Xiao's pace clearly. Looking at Ye Xiao's right hand, the dagger in his hand directly went to Ye Xiao's arm.

Taman, who had been surrounded by the hurricane, suddenly gave up the rescue of his companion. Instead, he ran to the pope at full speed. He knew that his speed could not catch up with Ye Xiao's speed. It was difficult to save the hurricane from ye Xiao's hand. Now the best way is to attack St. Peter, although he knows not to kill him It's hard for ye Xiao to really kill St. Peter himself, but it's also the best way to save Zhao from Wei Wei. He believes that as long as he moves, ye Xiao will give up the attack on the hurricane and turn to rescue.

Seeing that Taman ran past him, he rushed towards St. Peter and others. Ye Xiao, who was about to catch the hurricane, had a hesitation in his eyes. For such a moment of hesitation, he was firmly seized by Ximen sword. His body was not heading for the hurricane, but towards Ye Xiao's back. He could see that this was killing St. Peter It's the best chance for Taman to kill St. Peter for whatever purpose. As long as you stop Ye Xiao, it's just a breathing time to kill an old man, a woman and a child.

Therefore, Ximen sword rushed to Ye Xiao's back at the first time, and he had made it. Once Ye Xiao turned around, he would try his best to stop his preparation.

But this time, ye Xiao let him down again. The hesitating light flashed away. Originally, he grabbed the hurricane's hand and suddenly changed its direction. It directly buckled the wrist of the hurricane holding the dagger. The hurricane was frightened and quickly took back the dagger. However, ye Xiao's already changed fist appeared in his heart.

What kind of boxing is this?

This thought flashed through the hurricane's mind, and his other hand instinctively protected his chest, and then he heard "Bang..." Ye Xiao's fist hit his arm hard, and the hurricane felt his arm numb. However, before he could respond, ye Xiao's second round attack had been stormy.

The speed of his fist has doubled, and the power of his fist has doubled. Every punch is like a mountain, and every punch is like a thunderbolt. But in the blink of an eye, the hurricane has suffered Ye Xiao's seven fists, seven fists, simple and effective seven punches. The hurricane's arm has been completely abandoned, and even the dagger in his hand can't be held He fell to the ground, and his eyes were full of despair.

In the surprised eyes of Ximen sword and Taman, ye Xiao's right fist hit the heart of the hurricane. At that moment, his eyes became red with blood, and a huge force burst out. The powerful force directly blew out the whole body of the hurricane. His mouth was a stream of blood. Not only that, but also a blood mist burst out of his heart, Finally, his body fell heavily on the ground, constantly twitching, and completely lost his life.One of the world's top strong men fell. It was less than a minute before and after that. Everyone felt thirsty and their eyes were full of horror.

Ximen sword and Taman are even more frightened. In addition to being shocked by Ye Xiao's strength, they also wonder why he did not rescue the Pope? In his opinion, as long as the strength is strong enough, he can control the whole Holy See? Did he not know that if the Pope died, he would become a public enemy of the holy see even if he killed all the people present?

As long as the dead are dead, mishuka has 100 reasons to make those crazy believers believe that ye Xiao killed their Pope. There are so many witnesses on the scene, but where do they care? Who really controls the Holy See?

Without St. Peter's help, ye Xiao is nothing!

Taman didn't know why. When ye Xiao hit the heart of the hurricane, he had already come to St. Peter's body. He had no other way to choose. Even if he didn't want to kill the Pope, there was no choice at this time. Na killed the pope before the Vatican clergy outside had responded In front of all the people in front of Ye Xiao.

This is his best choice now, so Taman mercilessly stabbed out his own short gun that has been retracted. Under his shotgun, an old man who is about to die has no reason to survive. At this time, even if Susanna wants to use her body to block the shot for the Pope, it is too late.

Looking at St. Peter III who is at a loss, and looking at St. Peter III who has no ability to escape, Taman knows that the old man's life will end in his own hands. He may become a sinner, but he is not always a sinner? What I believe in is darkness

Taman thought, read, just at this moment, a touch of purple knife awn instantly lit up

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