An unprecedented chill swept through Taman's whole heart, and his body instinctively retreated. However, although his speed was fast, the purple blade was faster. When he just stepped back, the purple knife awn had already scratched across the treading neck, and a red blood roared out. Taman's eyes showed a look of horror.

"You You You're not the Pope... " Taman covered his neck with one hand, as if he wanted to stop the flow of blood, but how could the blood stop it? And as he spoke, the blood gushed more fiercely. When the voice fell, Taman's body had been straight down.

How could he not have thought that the pope in front of him was not himself at all, nor did he think that the other party was hiding so deep, and even made a bitter plan.

But the unexpected result was that he lost his life.

Simon sword, who was in the middle of the two, was stunned. He did not think that the Pope was fake. It was such an oversight time that ye Xiaohe and the false Pope had surrounded him in the center. Facing the powerful existence of two powerful people who could kill the most powerful, Rao Shimen sword had always reserved his own strength, which was also frightening at this time.

Ye Xiaohe and Zimo, who can easily become the Pope, will not miss such an opportunity. The two brothers run towards Ximen sword at the same time. Ye Xiao blows out his fist, but Zimo's long sleeve swings. A purple awn cuts through the void in his sleeve. Ximen sword snorts, and shakes the ancient sword in his hand, swings open Zimo's machete, and then cuts out obliquely to protect himself in front of his chest Good to stop Ye Xiao's blow.

"Clang..." Once again, there was the sound of metal interweaving. After accepting Ye Xiao's fierce blow, Ximen sword's figure was shaken back and forth, and his arms were numb. He could hardly hold the sword in his hand. His eyes were full of horror. Ye Xiao, how could this guy be so powerful?

"You You're pretending to be your holiness. You heretics, you dare to pretend to be your holiness. Do you want to see it? They are pretending to be your majesty! I knew that they were pretending. How could your majesty be with him? " At this time, mishuka had already screamed out loud, and his face was even more excited or frightened. The three great guardians of the Holy See were killed in such a short time. How could the strength of these two people be so powerful?

With the exclamation of mishuka, the crowd who had been watching the good play in their seats caused a stir. They pretended to be St. Peter. This was quite different from St. Peter himself. No matter who he came with, it could be said that it was a struggle within the Vatican. They just needed to watch, either St. Peter or mishuka, to win One side can control the holy see after all, but if it is a fake, then it is totally different. This is an attack on the Holy See.

All the people present and the Vatican have various interest disputes. At such a time, when someone attacks the Vatican in front of them, it is impossible to stand idly by. In particular, some big people who have made friends with missuka would like to speak, but they heard "cheep..." I thought that the gate of St. Petersburg cathedral was pushed open, and then I saw St. Peter III, who was also wearing a golden red robe and a golden theocracy crown, came in. Along with him, there were several men in black robes. These people were murderous and full of blood smell. They were members of the tribunal.

Mishuka, the most violent and darkest organization in the Vatican, has been stupefied. After the death of shenjue, the tribunal has been in chaos. Even mishuka can hardly control it. These are a group of madmen who give their lives to the Vatican. No one's account is sold except for their immediate superiors. But now, these madmen are so crazy But all gathered behind St. Peter. What does that mean?

It shows that the Pope has a secret order from the divinity master. Only in this way can he control the madmen.

Although these people have not found a top master, but for the present situation, these people are enough to determine the outcome of the fight. The most important point is that they appear here, behind St. Peter, which indicates the status of St. Peter? With the support of this group of magistrates, the vacillating clergy of the Vatican will become the most faithful believers of the Pope.

Mishuka's face turned pale and he knew that his dream of the pope would never come true again.

As for Ximen sword, when he saw the appearance of the judges, he turned around and ran to the back. If it was just this group of people, he would not pay attention to them. However, ye Xiao and the top experts who pretended to be the Pope were still on the scene. He would have died if he stayed here. This time, even if the young Lord had made full preparations, he still failed in the end.

As soon as he ran out of the church, he saw Shangguan Fei looking at this side with a gloomy face. When he came out, he turned around and left. Obviously, he also knew that the situation was over!

St. Peter didn't order the pursuit of Ximen sword. Unless ye Xiao and others personally took the hand, no one could leave the Ximen sword with his strength. He just pointed to mishuka. These cold faced members of the adjudication office quickly ran over and tied up the whole missuka. It was as if the whole soul of missuka had been captured Let these people do it.No one had ever thought that missuka, who still had the upper hand, would eventually become like this. What's more, the old man St. Peter just invited Ye Xiao and turned the world around so easily. All the people just sat quietly in their own positions, waiting for St. Peter to deal with the matter. No matter what, he won the battle, and the winner even lost it The deterrence of some high-end combat forces is enough to become a partner of our own and others.

However, the Holy See, which has lost its high-end combat power, can no longer become a leading force like it used to be. At most, it is just a partner.

What's more, they have already begun to figure out how much meat they can cut off from the Vatican this time. For so many years, the Vatican has been squeezing them!

At the same time, St. Peter asked to bring down michoka, and at the same time, all the clergy members who belonged to the Vatican and above the Bishop's office were summoned. Many people were surprised when they heard St. Peter's order. Is it that St. Peter is about to start a bloody cleansing? Shouldn't you wait for yourself and others to leave before you do it in private?

A lot of people are confused, but St. Peter didn't mean to say hello to these people at all. He just waited quietly. The place he waited was not on the throne, but on the steps under the throne.

After a while, all the clergymen above the bishop of the Vatican all appeared in St. Peter's Cathedral and knelt down one by one toward St. Peter standing in front of them. Many people's faces were frightened. Obviously, they were also worried about the Pope's cleansing of them, even if few of them were really loyal to missuka!

St. Peter looked at the noisy crowd below and sighed softly. Before the unrest, there were hundreds of clergy above the bishop level in the Vatican. But now?

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