The British Maritime trading company is the largest maritime trading company in Europe. It can be said that almost half of the maritime trade in Europe is completed through its fleet, and the profits are huge every year. However, in recent years, the economy of the major developed countries in the world has stagnated, and the maritime trade has also been greatly reduced. According to their understanding, at least In the past two years, the British Maritime trading company has been in a state of loss. If it had not been supported by the British royal family, Cather, Louis and crotti, it would have been bankrupt. At this time, if Cather suddenly withdrew its equity, it would have been a fatal blow to the British maritime trading company.

"Sire, I mean the same thing as Mr. Cather, and I intend to withdraw the crotti family's stake in the British Sea Trading Company!" British Queen Catherine Elizabeth has not yet awakened from Cather's words, Cromarty has also stepped forward, light said.

Karina's face suddenly turned pale. Although she had expected that her overt support for shangguanfei would arouse some resentment from the Cather family, it was just disgust. For these big families, the most important thing was their own interests. With the help of shangguanfei, she could open up the market of China. At that time, the British maritime trade E company will be born again. Cather will never withdraw its capital. On the contrary, he should support himself more. However, before she can explain this to Cather, he is ready to withdraw capital.

Well, she can still accept the withdrawal of a Cather family. Relying on the funds from other aspects of the British royal family, such a gap can be completely made up. However, once the crowdy family withdraws its capital, it is hard for Karina to imagine what will happen?

Different from the Cather family, the crotti family is a shareholder in the form of technology. They did not invest any capital, but invested a large number of fleet and crew. Now half of the cargo ships of the British Maritime trading company are from the crotti family, and the friendship between the British royal family and the crotti family has lasted for hundreds of years. She really can't understand how Cromarty is Will you make such a decision?

"Two distinguished gentlemen, can you tell me the reason for all this?" Trying to suppress her shock, Karina tried to calm her voice.

"Because Mr. Ye has set up a New Oriental capital trading company with us, he has completely opened up the market of China, even the markets of Japan and Korea. Our goods will be transported to the eastern mainland through this company, and there will be no foreign trade difference!" Then the word is the Roman emperor, this moment, he has openly stood out to support Ye Xiao.

A lot of people take a breath, who understand that there is no foreign trade differential, what does that mean? Over the past few years, China's economy has grown steadily, surpassing Japan and becoming the second largest economic power. Although their per capita income is still a little lower, no one can resist the huge base.

Today, the population of China exceeds 1.4 billion, which is still the official statistics, but what is the population of Europe as a whole? The population of a country is more than three times that of the whole Europe. With such a huge base, once the door is opened and their goods are allowed to enter the domestic market of China, what great benefits will it be?

Even at this time, the cost is even lower than that of smuggling. Many people's eyes are red. They look at Ye Xiao like a hungry wolf. With such convenience, who doesn't want to put a foot in it? What's more, Japan and Korea are also big markets. One is the former second economic power, and the other is one of the four small dragons in Asia. Although the population base is not as large as that of China, it is definitely a big piece of fat for Europe, which has completely stagnated.

If it wasn't for Elizabeth manor or the party held by her majesty, they would have rushed to sign various cooperation contracts with Ye Xiao.

Karina's face "Shua" once pale, there is no price difference, what does this mean? This means that their products can enter the Chinese market with the same tax revenue as their own products, which means that the cost of their products to China will be reduced by at least three times, three times, not 30%.

Even in the past, many people tried their best to enter the Chinese market. Even if the price was much higher than the cost, their products had a huge market in China, not to mention that after completely reducing the cost, they hardly needed to think about it. As long as their products were transported to China, it would be a business without loss.

Of course, this may bring a devastating disaster to China's local enterprises, but all of us here are businessmen, not to mention the local industries of China. As long as they are not their own, who cares?

And they don't think ye Xiao will tell lies in front of so many people. This is 100% true.

After more than 20 years of development and more than 20 years of reform, China's industries have not lagged behind those in Europe, and their labor costs are lower than those in this area. In addition, there is no need to pay shipping fees The cost is also lower than their products. Even if these businesses enter the Chinese market in large numbers, they will not bring too much harm to the local enterprises in China. Moreover, they have absorbed a lot of their experience. Their technology is far more beneficial to the economy of China than to our own.Ye Xiao doesn't know about economy, but what can be inferred from the combination of Gu Yun, a business wizard, and Liu Yukang, an economic geek, can be fake? And this is something that the old chief executive has mentioned in secret.

As long as you can tie these people around you, you can not only gain a foothold in Europe, but also greatly promote China's domestic economy. Why not?

When these enterprises and their families first entered the Chinese market, they would surely make steady profits, but they would only earn less and less. When they could not earn, that is, when a large number of Chinese products entered the European market, it would be too late for them to respond.

When the time comes to control the dark Parliament and the Holy See, ye Xiao really does not think that there is any force in Europe that can fight against him!

At that time, they have no choice but to depend on themselves and survive.

"By the way, your majesty, there are Willen group, Tianmao group and Blu ray group. I am also ready to withdraw capital!" At this time, Cather continued to speak, and Cromarty was also closely followed. With the two people's statements, even the Jones family had withdrawn from several cooperation projects with the British royal family, and some families which were not too far away from Cather and other ancient families also expressed their opinions. All of a sudden, the voices of the whole audience expressed their opinions one after another.

Although these people did not occupy half of the guests, the industries they had withdrawn from together were enough to bankrupt the British royal family. As ugly as Kalina's face would have been, shangguanfei's face was no better. He turned his eyes to Buffon Alexander, if this guy doesn't make a sound, then the momentum the queen has created for herself will become a complete joke.

"Sire, on behalf of the Alexandrian family, I am also ready to withdraw all the shares of Yuanhang heavy industry group!" At this time, Buffon stepped forward and said slightly to the queen, while shangguanfei's face became transparent

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