In other people's eyes, the Alexander family is just like the Cather family, but shangguanfei knows that the Alexander family has always been his biggest ally in the dark Council and his most powerful force. The force in their hands is enough to make him invincible in the conflict in Europe. But now, they have turned to Ye Xiao's side How can you work together to deal with yourself? How could that be possible? He and the contemporary leader of the Alexander family, Casaro, were the first partners to cooperate.

It can even be said that Casaro was able to sit in the position of chief deacon of eight deacons after Waltz died. Shangguanfei made great efforts in it. Now this guy betrayed himself so easily?

Does he really think he's going to lose?

If the crowdy family withdrew its capital from the shipping company, it would be very difficult for the British royal family to withdraw its capital from the shipping company, then the betrayal of the Alexander family to him would have pushed him into the abyss. Although he still had his own private power, he would never get strong support in Europe without the support of the Alexander family.

Without the armed forces controlled by Alexander's family, how he shocked the other members of the dark Council can be said that, in a simple sentence, shangguanfei completely lost the power to confront Ye Xiao in Europe.

Even if he had convinced the queen, he would have lost the foundation of cooperation with the queen without the genetic agents developed by the Alexander family and the armed forces.

Without those things that make the Queen's heart beat, even if the queen said in public just now to cooperate with him, what cooperation can we take now?

It is very clear that after the party, his friendship with the British royal family will soon come to an end.

Although the duel with Ye Xiao was a draw, shangguanfei knew that he had been defeated, and that he was in a mess. A few simple messages decided that all his efforts would be in vain.

However, shangguanfei is also a person who does great things. Even if he wants to tear Ye Xiao into pieces, he also knows that it is not the time to get angry. It will only increase the bad feeling of others towards him.

Shangguanfei tried to suppress his anger and control his killing intention to Ye Xiao. Even if he had no later moves, he didn't have the assurance to kill Ye Xiao.

What's more, the contest just now has ended. If we start again now, it will not fall into Ye Xiao's calculation.

Shangguanfei just stood beside the queen quietly. The Queen's face gradually changed from white to transparent, especially when the Jones family also stood on the side of the Kaiser Family, she had no face.

She knows that even with the great influence of the British royal family, there is no advantage in facing the alliance of the top families in Europe at this moment, which can be seen from the rapidly changing eyes of those people.

Perhaps they are afraid that they are the host now and will not jump out to join the other party's alliance. But when the party is over, at least two-thirds or even three-quarters of the people present will take the initiative to find Cather and them.

In this way, the interests of the whole royal family will be greatly affected.

There was a flicker of hesitation in the Queen's eyes. She took a look at Ye Xiao standing next to Cather and at this Oriental man with black hair and yellow skin.

What means does he have to get all these people on his side?

"Gentlemen, is this your final decision?" When the head of another big family came forward and said something similar, the smile on her face had completely disappeared.

"Yes, your majesty!" Cather, Alexander, Jones, and cromanti all spoke in the same voice.

"Well, I respect your choice!" The queen snorted, then turned and walked in the direction of her arrival. At this moment, she was not even in the mood to continue the following party, even if she was the initiator of the party, even if it was a party she had carefully prepared for him.

Shangguan Fei followed the queen without saying a word. When things got to this point, he had only one way left to go. That was the only way he could go, although it was a hopeless situation.

Seeing the queen as the host and Shangguan Fei, the protagonist, left one after another, such a grand party became farce. However, although her majesty left angrily, there was still some dignity in the British royal family, and immediately someone stood up to greet these guests.

On behalf of her majesty, I apologize to all of you here. Of course, no one here will be angry with her majesty. They are not qualified or necessary.

Even Cather left politely, as if nothing had happened just now, and there was no scene of the queen leaving angrily.

They made such a statement, not really to oppose the British royal family, but to let the British royal family understand that it is a wrong choice to support shangguanfei. They believe that even if her majesty is upset, they should know how unwise it would be to continue to support shangguanfei or choose to cooperate with shangguanfei.

As long as she was the wise queen, she knew what to make.Her majesty left the hall in a hurry and finally came to her own study behind Elizabeth manor, which was her most private place.

Shangguanfei almost followed her steps into the room. Except for the two of them, there was no one in the cold room. Even the Queen's bodyguard was not here.

"Your Majesty..."

"Mr. Shangguan, I think I need an explanation!" The queen sat down on the sofa in front of the bookcase, so there was no image of a lady. She raised her legs and said coldly to Shangguan Fei.

Shangguan Fei suddenly showed a wry smile, he is also muddled in the valley now, he still wants an explanation? But after all, his Majesty was the strength he had won so hard that he could not offend him at this time. Otherwise, even if he did, it would be very difficult for him to return to this place in the future.

"Your Majesty, I really can't give a reasonable explanation now, but if you are willing to believe me, give me another half a month, and I promise to turn the form upside down." Shangguan Fei didn't know how to explain it, but he said in a very positive tone.

"You promise?" The Queen's eyebrows raised

"yes, I promise!" Shangguan Feixin said with an oath.

"Well, I'll wait for you for half a month. If it doesn't improve after half a month, then I can only stand by and watch!" Miraculously, the queen did not hesitate, but accepted it, which made Shangguan fly a little stunned.

"Good!" However, after being stunned, shangguanfei also accepted it. He had no way out. If he failed, he would not have the opportunity to cooperate with the queen

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