After hearing this, ye Xiao nodded and fell into meditation. Murong Wanqing hesitated for a moment, and then slowly began to say: "in fact, in the whole Tianji City, there is only one guild that we need to pay attention to in the Dragon gang. That is the Beiming Gang which is domineering in Beicheng District. Everyone calls him Chen Shao. It's very mysterious. I heard it from my father again. Listen Chen Shao controls the guilds in all four provinces, because Qinglong province is the poorest one among the four provinces. Therefore, Chen Shao's attention is not focused on Qinglong province. However, if we fight with the Beiming Gang, it is estimated that Chen Shao will come back. "

"Chen Shao?" All of them are at a loss.

Chen Xuesong, in particular, looked at Murong Wanqing strangely and said, "Wanqing, according to the truth, your father is the leader of our Qinglong province. You should be a princess worthy of our Qinglong province! How come a Chen Shao comes out again? What's more, it's not only our Qinglong Province, but also other provinces control some gangs. It's too big. Is it the son of some powerful man? "

Murong Wanqing shook his head and said, "he is not from Qinglong province. However, when he came to Qinglong Province, he trampled on many young princes. Even the first Prince of Qinglong province was trampled on by Chen Shao. Many people are wondering whether he is the descendant of one of the twelve big men, but there is no evidence According to reports, my father is also silent about this matter, but I can feel that even my father is a bit afraid of Chen Shao. "

Several people were chatting happily. They saw a little brother of the Dragon Gang coming in with Liu Tianming and Liu Xiaogang's father and son. Seeing Liu Tianming, ye Xiao was also slightly stunned. He stood up at random and said with a smile: "adoptive father, how did you come?"

Seeing ye Xiao all standing up, Liu Xiaogang, who is also a vice leader of the Dragon gang in terms of reputation, smiles when he sees that the Dragon Gang is so powerful today. What's more, the eldest of the Dragon Gang is his brother. He calls "brother" affectionately and is pulled aside by Chen Xuesong. Ye Xiaogang gives Liu Tianming a chair and looks at Liu Tianming "Adoptive father," he said with a smile, "but you have nothing to do without going to the Sanbao hall. How can you come to me when you are free?"

Liu Tianming glared at Ye Xiao, laughed and scolded, and then said in a positive way: "this time, Secretary Murong asked me to come here, and immediately prepare a team of 15 people. The Secretary will wait for us over there in Heishui town."

Seeing that ye Xiao did not speak, Liu Tianming knocked on the table and whispered, "the Secretary asked me to tell you that this is the first thing this year."

After listening to Liu Tianming's words, ye Xiao nodded and asked, "when will we go?"

"At once."

Ye Xiao nodded and called on the black widow, Chen Xuesong, Xia Zhengchun, and several backbone members of the Dragon gang. They were all elite members of the martial arts group. Then, Liu Tianming did not stop. Liu Tianming's car stopped downstairs. In less than 10 minutes, he saw two cars driving out with Liu Tianming's, and ye Xiao also got into Liu Tianming's car. Liu Xiaogang sat in the co pilot, Liu Tian Ming and ye Xiao are sitting in the back row. Ye Xiao turns his head and looks at Liu Tianming and says with a smile: "adoptive father, I'll take people there. It's not like taking part in this big contest."

"You know?" Liu Tianming was slightly stupefied. The God just laughed and said, "I almost forgot. The precious daughter of Murong secretary's family is now in your dragon gang. What news do you don't know?" Liu Tianming nodded and said with a smile: "I just knew that today is the big contest of this time. However, I don't know what the specific content is. The Secretary didn't say it. However, I think it should be easier this time. It's not as bloody as before. I remember one time, it was just a scuffle among the following gangs. That time, there were countless casualties, However, it is true that several talents have come out and have been directly selected by the people above. "

"Anyway, brother's strength is here, no matter what the above this time, our dragon gang will be able to win and not lose." Liu Xiaogang looks proud.

"Win or lose?"

Liu Tianming shook his head, took out a pack of cigarettes, handed one to Ye Xiao beside him, and Liu Xiaogang stretched out his hand to want one. However, Liu Tianming directly ignored the existence of Liu Xiaogang, ignited one by himself, squinting and saying: "it's hard to say whether the winner or loser is really hard to say. If the person in charge is a little abnormal this time, it is estimated that even if he wins, the result page will only be a tragic victory Recently, the situation in the surrounding countries is not stable. It seems that many foreign forces have sneaked into our country to destroy it. This is the precursor of war. Therefore, the country is stepping up its defense against this area. However, as long as there is a war, there will be military merit. For those who come from the military, this is the best way for them to be promoted. "

Ye Xiao nodded.

It took more than three hours to get to the black water village that Liu Tianming said.

The village is not big. It only looks like two or three hundred households. There is a black outside that surrounds the whole village. The water is black. Before ye Xiao gets off the bus, he sees several native dogs rushing towards him. Chen Xuesong, who jumps out of a car behind him, looks at the surrounding environment and says to Ye Xiao: "dragon master, I have been here once before. This is called Heishui village, There are not many people in the village. Because it is close to the largest original forest area in Qinglong Province, almost all the people in the village are hunters. Usually, some second generation ancestors who have nothing to do will come here to hunt. The real primitive bow hunting is very exciting. "Ye Xiao nodded. Liu Tianming directly took Ye Xiao to the place of Murong Cangshan station. Before ye Xiao got close, he found that the whole village was divided into more than 20 camps, and ye Xiao did not see another force mentioned by Murong Wanqing. Murong Cangshan only took a few bodyguards to greet the residents of several Heishui villages and see ye Xiao Coming over, Murong Cangshan glanced at the people behind Ye Xiao and said with a smile: "coming!"

"I hope the first thing is not to let our dragon Gang beat the enemy." Ye Xiao shook his head and said with a smile.

Murong Cangshan deliberately avoided this topic, but said to Ye Xiao: "let's go in with me first." After that, he took Ye Xiao into a folk house. The room was not big. There was a lot of pickled meat hanging around it. There was a big stove burning a lot of dry wood in the middle, which made the whole room warm. Beside the fire, there was a little girl of eighteen or nine years old. Her skin was a little dark, and she was wearing a coat made of animal skin. Her muscles were very strong Some afraid of strangers hid behind an old man. The old man cracked his mouth, looked at Murong Cangshan, and said with a simple smile: "secretary, she is my granddaughter. I don't see any outsiders, so don't be surprised."

"Trouble the old man." Murong Cangshan didn't have any airs to smile.

Murong Cangshan, Liu Tianming and ye Xiao sat down around the stove. Murong Cangshan lowered a cigarette, looked at Ye Xiao, and asked with a smile, "Ye Xiao, do you know what happened this time?"

"I don't know." Ye Xiao shook his head again

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