Murong Cangshan was a little stunned, and then he remembered that Liu Tianming didn't even know it. He nodded and said solemnly: "the critical point of our Qinglong province is Shankou state, which has a small population, less than one thousandth of our Dynasty. This country is very belligerent. When it was Yanhuang tribe, this country was a cavalry of Yanhuang tribe, and its combat effectiveness was not weak It's not that our Dynasty has a large population. I'm afraid it has already been swallowed up by this Shankou state. This time, the situation in various countries has become a bit chaotic. In particular, the Shankou state has been targeting our Dynasty, sending people to assassinate the important officials that our Dynasty does not want. After the incident, when they fled again, they were found by the people of our Dynasty and pursued and killed all the way. All these people fled into the country The dense forest in front of us has been blocked off by the garrison of our Dynasty. They are very effective and well-equipped. Therefore, the task of Dabi this time is to hunt


After listening to Murong Cangshan's words, Liu Tianming's face suddenly changed. He was very clear which Shankou country's people had strong force. Only Ye Xiao did not show any strange look on his face. He looked up at Murong Cangshan calmly and asked, "how many people from Shankou country are there?"

"According to intelligence, more than 100 people have died in the hands of the garrison, and 78 or 80 have been injured to varying degrees. According to preliminary estimates, at least 300 people still have combat effectiveness." Murong Cangshan nodded.

"How about the combat effectiveness?" Ye Xiao asked directly.

Murong Cangshan shook his head and said: "in a regular team, at least there will be a Xuan level warrior. As for the number of yellow level warriors, it is not clear. However, according to my understanding of Shankou's combat effectiveness, at least one-third of them will be yellow level warriors, or even more. If you want to eliminate all the people of Shankou country, unless you rely on it The regular army and the garrison are not their opponents at all. Moreover, the dense forest is too big, even if all the garrison troops go in, they may not be able to catch all these people. All of them, the head of Qinglong province has arranged such a task. "

After listening to Murong Cangshan's words, ye Xiao also took a breath of cool air, more than 100 yellow level martial artists? This is definitely a horrible existence. He looks at Murong Cangshan and says, "if you ask them to go to Shankou, you are looking for death."

Murong Cangshan looked at Ye Xiao with an unchanging look, and said faintly, "although I am the Secretary of the provincial Party committee here, it is not my speech here. I decided to send 15 people from each force. In fact, we all know what the heart is."

Ye Xiao didn't go to Murong Cangshan. Everyone knew what they knew. Ye Xiao also knew that it was just a game at Murong Cangshan level. Murong Cangshan would not care about it. What he cared about was whether the Dragon Gang could win this time. He nodded and asked slowly, "what are the conditions for winning?"

"Come out alive, and then who gets the most heads is the big winner this time." Murong Cangshan nodded.

Ye Xiao didn't ask what benefits Murong Cangshan would get if he won, because even if he did, Murong Cangshan would not answer. The little girl, who had been hiding behind the old man, looked at Ye Xiao, then lowered her head and whispered, "Heishui mountain is very deep. The more you go inside, the more fierce beasts there will be. Moreover, if you don't have a good guide, it's easy to get lost Because they are all in the missing places


Ye Xiao was a little stunned, but he didn't really think about it. The beast in this world, the world and his own world are very different. Even what appears in this world is incomprehensible in his own world. After listening to his granddaughter, the old man nodded and said to Ye Xiao and Murong Cangshan: "Xiaoya is not wrong at all Even hunters like us dare not go deep into places too deep. In addition to wild animals, there are also rescue obstacles. It's easy to get lost in them. However, people in Shankou country are familiar with the forest. Secretary, if you don't mind, let my granddaughter be their guide this time! "

Hearing that the old man wanted his granddaughter to lead the way, ye Xiao frowned and directly refused: "no way."

Everyone turned their heads and looked at Ye Xiao. It seemed that she knew what ye Xiao thought. The little girl stood up bravely and looked at Ye Xiao and said, "don't look down on me. I'm the best hunter in the village."

Ye Xiao didn't pay attention to the girl named Xiaoya, but brick looked at Murong Cangshan and said, "when will it start?"

Murong Cangshan shook his head and said, "entering the mountain is not as simple as you think. Although you are a Xuan level warrior, this dense forest is a forest that has existed since the existence of the Yanhuang tribe. We don't know whether there are any ancient beasts in it. However, as far as we know, there are several kinds of beasts with great power. Even if the Xuanwu people encounter them, they have great power, Wu is the oldest Hunter here. Since he recommended his granddaughter, I believe Xiaoya may not be able to help you, but she still has the ability to protect herself

It seems that I hate being looked down upon by others. Xiaoya, who has always been afraid of strangers, looks up at Ye Xiao and says obstinately, "maybe you are very good outside, but in the forest, you are not necessarily my opponent."Ye Xiao lost his smile.

Murong Cangshan nodded, looked at the time on his wrist and said, "OK, time is almost up, let's go out!"

When ye Xiao came out of Murong Cangshan Mountain, the whole village was almost full of people. Seeing ye Xiao come out, Chen Xuesong curled his mouth and said, "Damn it, it's just a big gathering of gangs. Most of them are guilds in Tianji city."

Murong Cangshan nodded his head and said, "there are still some gangs in Tianshu City, and some of them are not weak."

Ye Xiao just nodded slightly, and went to the middle of Heishui village with Murong Cangshan. Xiaoya was not tall, only about 1.55 meters, but she carried a big bow about her height. She closely followed Ye Xiao. Before ye Xiao approached, she saw Zhang Yongxin, an old acquaintance. When she saw Ye Xiao, Zhang Yongxin's eyes turned red and her face was hostile, Obviously, ye Xiao made him lose a lot of money this time. However, seeing the Murong Cangshan beside Ye Xiao, he didn't break out. He just snorted coldly. There were more than a dozen people standing beside Zhang Yongxin, staring at Ye Xiao covetously.

Zhang Yongxin does not speak, does not mean that other people do not speak.

In particular, standing next to Zhang Yongxin, the man with a Chinese face stepped forward a little, looked at Ye Xiao in the opposite coldly and asked, "are you ye Xiao of the Dragon Gang?"

"What the hell are you, boy?"

If you want to say arrogant, the whole dragon gang can only find Chen Xuesong alone. Before ye Xiao opens his mouth, Chen Xuesong directly steps forward and looks at the national character face in front of him. The man with the national character face just glances at Chen Xuesong and sneers: "just a yellow level warrior, dare to stand up and win?" After that, he turned his head and looked at Ye Xiao. The corner of his mouth slightly tilted upward and made an obvious arc. He said faintly: "since you have destroyed the sea sky meeting, I will let you know that some things are not touched by you."

"I'll be waiting." Ye Xiao nodded and said with a smile.

At this time, the black widow found that when many people around looked at the Dragon Gang, their eyes were not good. They were watched by countless yellow level warriors and a small number of Xuanwu Men. Chen Xuesong also had a feeling that he couldn't bear. He turned his head to look at the black widow and said in a low voice, "Damn, our dragon Gang didn't provoke those bastards. They all looked at Laozi like this, hating them I don't want to eat them alive. I think it will be fun to go in this time. "

The black widow nodded, and her eyebrows were very sad.

"It seems that you have set up quite a number of enemies." Murong Cangshan looked at Ye Xiao and said.

After listening to Murong Cangshan's words, ye Xiao grinned and didn't answer. Murong Cangshan continued: "be careful after you go in. Look at their appearance. It's estimated that you will be in trouble. Don't be attacked by the enemy carelessly."

Ye Xiao nodded.

Seeing Murong Cangshan leave, several giants of Qinglong province gather together. Liu Tianming takes Liu Xiaogang and walks over with a worried face and says to Ye Xiao: "Murong Wanqing just called, bringing a message."


Ye Xiao also knows that Murong Wanqing almost devoted himself to the role of the intelligence hall leader without interrupting Liu Tianming. Liu Tianming glanced at the people around him and said in a low voice, "there are 23 teams in total. Murong Wanqing finds out that there are 13 teams that are hostile to you. They are all the people that Zhang Yongxin has brought in. I think they are going to try When you go in, you will be in trouble. Therefore, this time, the Dragon gang will not only face those people in Shankou country, but also be on guard against these people stabbing you in the back. "

After listening to Liu Tianming's words, Chen Xuesong's face suddenly changed greatly, gnashing his teeth and saying: "sooner or later, I will abolish Zhang Yongxin's son of a bitch."

Ye Xiao patted Chen Xuesong on the shoulder and said with a smile to Liu Tianming, "thank you for your adoptive father."

"Brother, you must be careful."

Seeing Liu Xiaogang's nervous face, ye Xiao also knows that the boy is sincere and takes himself as his brother and nods. Now Qinglong province is still in a mess. Ye Xiao almost sends people to look for the whole Qinglong Province, and there is no news about ye yubai. If he knows the bastards, he certainly doesn't know which corner of the world he has landed, However, ye Xiao believes that with the strength of those bastards, in this world, it is not as soon as they come out to rescue them. He nods and gathers up other thoughts. He sees that Murong Cangshan has gathered all the people in the past. Ye Xiao nods to Liu Tianming and directly leads the people of the Dragon Gang to go there. He turns a blind eye to the covetous eyes around him 。

Murong Cangshan glanced at the people around him, and then said faintly: "I believe everyone here already knows that this time Shankou state sent killers to assassinate some important members of our military, as well as important local figures, in an attempt to make our Dynasty chaotic. However, their intrigues failed. Now, they are all forced into the dense forest However, if we do not have a way to kill all of them in the mountain fortress, we will have no way to kill them"Isn't it just a little killer of Yamaguchi? How difficult is it? "

Many of the people below were shouting. Murong Cangshan laughed, but without any explanation, he nodded and said, "we have planned to go to 23 intersections. You can choose your entrance according to the number plate issued now."

Soon, I saw a woman in military uniform coming with a large plate of number plates. The first one was Ye Xiao's Dragon gang. After ye Xiao got the number plate, he didn't talk nonsense. He took the people of the Dragon Gang to the first intersection. Ye Xiao's speed was not slow, but Xiaoya was a little girl. She had to quicken her pace to keep up with Ye Xiao's pace When going into the mouth, ye Xiao looked back at Xiaoya, frowned and frowned and said, "do you want me to carry you?"

After hearing Ye Xiao's words, Xiaoya snorted coldly. She changed the position of her bow and arrow slightly. She ignored Ye Xiao. She was the first to rush into the forest. Seeing Xiaoya's movements, ye Xiao and Chen Xuesong were all in a daze, but they all shook their heads and did not speak. When they walked into the forest, Chen Xuesong found that this was a far cry from the outside There are dead branches and rotten leaves, every step is very difficult, but, Xiaoya is not the same, it is just like flying, far in front of.

"Damn it, this place." Chen Xuesong couldn't help complaining.

An hour later.

Although both Chen Xuesong and the black widow are yellow level warriors, their physical strength is much stronger than those of the top martial artists. At the moment, they can't bear it. Those top martial artists are sweating, and they are even more tired than the battle. In the whole team, only Ye Xiao and Xiaoya can keep normal. Chen Xuesong vomites heavily and complains: "Damn it, it's really not a place where people can stay. Dragon master, let's have a rest. In this state, it's estimated that even if we meet those bastards in Shankou country, we will be punished by them."

Ye Xiao nodded.

Chen Xuesong found a smooth stone and was ready to sit on it.

Buttocks have not been subjected to the stone, heard the small Ya suddenly called: "do not sit."

Scared Chen Xuesong whole person a shiver, throw to one side directly, get up and look at the little girl with a fierce look and cry: "little girl, don't be scared for nothing, do you know?"

Xiaoya ignored Chen Xuesong. Instead, she went to the stone where Chen Xuesong was going to sit. She kowtowed respectfully on her face. After she got up, she looked at Ye Xiao and said, "this is the town rock in our village, that is, the mountain god that those people outside said. Therefore, before we go into the mountain, we will worship these mountain gods and let him protect our peace When an comes out, people who treat the mountain god disrespectfully are generally unable to get out of the mountain forest. Even if they can't get lost, they will encounter some powerful wild animals inside. "

After listening to Xiaoya's words, Chen Xuesong was sluggish for a long time. Finally, he laughed and said, "Damn, there is really a mountain god?"

Ye Xiao doesn't pay attention to Chen Xuesong. Instead, he imitates Xiaoya's appearance and kowtows three times to the stone. Ye Xiao knows very well that many things can't be explained by science at all. Therefore, he would rather believe it than not. Seeing ye Xiao do this, all the top martial artists behind him learn from each other with models and styles, black widow Chen Xuesong was no exception. He saw that everyone kowtowed to a stone and turned his lips. He was stunned that there was no past. He murmured in his heart: "I'm with you. You can worship this broken stone. What will happen to me? You are all going to have something to do. Even if I kowtow a few more, can I still come back safe and sound? "

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