However, to say that she is the first beauty in Zhuque province is a bit exaggerated.

After all, the family behind Murong Kongling is also a little famous in Zhuque province. Therefore, Murong Kongling naturally became the first beauty in Zhuque province. Seeing Gu Mingxi at the moment like a wild animal, he wanted to rush out at any time. Chen Xiaoluo just said with a cool smile: "don't be excited. This beauty fell into my hands last night. I haven't It's not that I have no interest in her, but I want to play with this beauty slowly in front of you

"Chen fell, I..." Gu Mingxi roared out in anger.

Chen Xiaoluo smiles, reaches out his hand and holds Murong's jaw. With a smile on his face, he says, "little beauty, do you regret it? If you had chosen me, Chen qiuluo, you would not have such a thing today."

Murong Kong Ling did not pay attention to Chen qiuluo, but looked at Gu Mingxi with a tired smile.

Obviously, one night, for such a weak woman as Murong Kongling, it was absolutely a great torture, especially the spiritual torture. Murong Kongling opened his mouth, but did not say a word, and saw Gu Mingxi's tears slip out of the corner of his eyes.

The man has tears, but not to the sad place.

Chen Xiaoluo has begun to rub his hands, ready to play with Murong Kongling in front of all the people. Before he could do anything, he heard the princess beside him, saying, "we are not here to watch you perform. What do you and Gu Mingxi have against me? If Gu Mingxi falls into your hands, what are you going to do Torture is OK, so take this woman down now! I don't think you want this woman to die in a scuffle

After listening to the princess, Chen Meiluo frowned slightly.

Although some dissatisfaction, but also did not refute her words.

Chen qiaoluo did not say, others naturally do not know, although he wanted to conquer this woman, but there is a trace of fear for this woman, a trace of fear that he does not want to admit, because this woman is the most ruthless woman he has ever seen. He has no doubt that if he really annoys this woman, this woman will suddenly attack him, even if he is worried He had a good relationship with the prince of the underground gambling house. Therefore, he didn't force the woman at all, but hoped to get the woman by other means. He nodded to his subordinates and said, "take this woman down and take care of it."

"Yes, brother meteor."

When the woman was taken down, the princess lowered her head and stroked the docile Persian cat in her arms. Her fingers constantly teased the Persian cat and let it make a deep cry. The Persian cat's teeth are very sharp, let alone a finger. Even a person's neck can easily be broken, but now she dare not bite the princess's finger, Wang The imperial concubine raised her head, looked at Ye Xiao calmly, and said with a smile: "you are a talent. I have no great interest in the things that want to kill all talents in the cradle. Now you can see that I want you to die. None of you can survive. If you want to join us in the underground gambling house, I can keep you alive."

After listening to the princess, everyone was stunned.

In particular, Chen qiaoluo's eyebrows are tightly wrinkled up.

He wants Ye Xiao to die.

Because it was Ye Xiao who lost ten Xuanwu level warriors and one and a half step Dixian.

Therefore, ye Xiao must die.

He raised his head and quietly looked at the princess, and said faintly, "princess, our purpose today is not to subdue this boy! For his sake, our falling Gang lost ten Xuanwu Men and one half step Dixian. Did the princess feel sorry for her allies

Soft knife.

After hearing Chen Xiaoluo's words, the princess raised a slight radian around her mouth and said slowly, "as long as he is willing to join the underground gambling house, we will compensate you ten times for the loss of your falling gang."

After listening to the princess's words, Chen qiaoluo, the whole person is also a tremor.

He knows that the loss of ten metaphysical warriors and one and a half step Dixian is not a small loss. If we really want to compensate ten times, it is definitely an astronomical figure, which can make his falling Gang develop in Zhuque Province in an instant. Sometimes, hatred will be so insignificant in front of interests, and his face will change from warm anger to smiling face Chen He nodded his head and said with an unbridled smile: "since it is, then I would like to congratulate the princess in advance for being able to recruit such talents under her command."

At the moment, everyone is looking at Ye Xiao to see what kind of choice this legendary man will make.

The princess didn't seem to be in a hurry to ask for an answer, because she knew that all people here today could not escape. She changed the lazy Persian cat in her arms for a new posture, and then slowly said, "you surrender, you can live. If you don't surrender, you will die with them. Of course, no matter whether you surrender or not, all of them will die. You don't want to take him Let's take them as your chips. You don't have any chips. It's just a multiple choice question. Now tell me the answer! "Ye Xiao smiles and says slowly, "is it because I surrender that I can not die?"

The princess shook her head and said slowly, "as I said, you are a talent, a rare talent. So, as long as you are willing to surrender, I promise that you will soon become one person under ten thousand people in our underground casino. Even I am afraid that I have no right to govern you. I think such conditions are enough!"

"If I remember correctly, the underground casinos in Qinglong province are basically destroyed in my hands. If I surrender, will I be excluded?" Ye Xiao squinted and laughed.

"No The princess shook her head.

"That's worth considering." Ye Xiao solemnly nodded.

The princess always has a rich and graceful smile on her face. Her white fingers constantly tease the snow-white Persian cat in her arms. She quietly waits for ye Xiao's answer without any anxiety. She really values Ye Xiao as a talented person. She has seen many big and small Gang forces in recent years, but her fighting capacity is as strong as the Dragon gang It's really the first time to see. Of course, in such a big Dynasty, there are so many talents in the river. If ye Xiao is just a common talent, it's not worth her to be so attracted to. It's because she has a set of mysterious martial arts, as long as it is known to those who have investigated Ye Xiao.

Ye Xiao's set of fingerprints can kill people by leaps and bounds.

This kind of martial arts is definitely the dream of all martial artists. With the princess's knowledge, it is natural and clear that ye Xiao's set of handprints can also rank in the top 50 among the 3000 martial arts doctrines.

The three thousand martial arts, which can enter the top 100, can be regarded as the existence of against the heaven. Just like Shangguan yu'er's spring and autumn misty rain sword technique, it can be safely entered into the top 100, and its power is self-evident. The one who can enter the top 50 is definitely the one against the heaven. Now the princess is in the realm of half step Dixian. If she has this set of fingerprints, she estimates, It may even be able to compete with the strong in the Dixian realm. Therefore, they will try their best to attract Ye Xiao. Obviously, for others, what the princess really does attract Ye Xiao is because of Ye Xiao's talent. Even Li Fengming has no doubt.

Only Ye Xiao, he almost guessed the meaning of the princess.

"Good." Ye Xiao nodded and walked to the princess step by step.

Shocked, the audience was shocked

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