Gu Mingxi looked at Ye Xiao in shock. His face was full of incredible expression. Then his face suddenly became gloomy. He turned his head and looked at Li Fengming beside him. He sneered and said, "this is what you call a good brother. First he dragged us into the water together. Then he saw a chance to survive. Then he rushed to the past recklessly. Now it's OK. Take all of us When the stepping stone has become one of the most important people in the underground gambling house, I really don't know whether I should feel sorry for you or happy for you. However, it doesn't matter. I just don't know whether he will remember today every year because we are stepping stones, making him a big man. "

"Shut up." Li Fengming looks at Ye Xiao's back in meditation.

In addition to Li Fengming and the people of the Dragon Gang, all the others looked at Ye Xiao with disdain, while Hua had no tears. She was still clinging to her lips and holding her hands tightly together. She did not believe that ye Xiao would be such a person. However, the facts were in front of her. The people of the Dragon gang were all looking at their dragon master with a firm face. Beside Hua Wulei, there were two women, both of them The person in the dark night is also her elder martial sister. One of them has a few freckles on her face. The disdain in her eyes is even more undisguised: "little princess, I didn't expect that the Dragon Master who is famous for his fame is just a soft egg who is greedy for life and afraid of death."

"He is not." Flowers no tears, stubborn shake his head.

But the voice sounds a little bit weak. Another older girl standing beside her, carrying a strange looking weapon, mostly blocked in front of the flower without tears. The voice was a bit rough: "how many people can really sacrifice life and forget death in front of life and death?" After saying this, she did not wait for the flower to retort without tears. She looked back at the flower without tears and said, "little princess, let's leave! Although this place has been surrounded by the people of the underground gambling house, but, little princess, if you want to go, even if you give the underground gambling house ten courage, they do not dare to embarrass the little princess. It is meaningless to stay here. Today, all the people here are afraid to die in the hands of the underground gambling house. "

"No Flowers no tears stubbornly bite their lips.

"He will not." Li Fengming shook her head unswervingly.

Gu Mingxi sneered and laughed, but he did not argue with Li Fengming. For him, things have come to this stage. No matter how they argue, it is meaningless. When he saw Ye Xiao coming, Chen Xiaoluo, standing next to the princess, narrowed his triangular eyes slightly, staring at Ye Xiao. His eyes were killing him and said with a smile: "master Ye long, it's true I've heard a lot about you. If you can do this, you will become a leader in the future. Do you want me to leave some familiar heads for you to chop? I think you have a good relationship with that Li Fengming. Otherwise, this Li Fengming will be handed over to Ye Longzhu to solve? "

After hearing this, ye Xiao smiles and looks at Chen Xiaoluo calmly and says, "I always don't like chatting with dwarfs. What do you think?"


This is an absolute blatant insult.

Chen's face suddenly turned blue.

Since he was a dwarf since childhood, he has not only physical defects, but also psychological defects. It can be said that his personality has been distorted. His hands are still holding the dagger in his hand. If it was not for the princess's presence, he would have done it long ago and would have shredded this ignorant Xuanwu into pieces. Can you bear it? Although his heart was twisted a little, it doesn't mean that he couldn't bear it at all. Just for a moment, he saw the look on Chen's face restored to the previous appearance, nodded his head and said: "it's worthy of being the Dragon leader of the Dragon gang. This mouth is really good, but it's a pity that you can't talk us all away from each other."

"That's enough." The princess frowned.

Chen Xiaoluo smiles, but does not continue to dig Ye Xiao.

The princess nodded and said faintly, "OK, you go down to have a rest first! I'll take you back to the headquarters of our underground casino when we're done

Ye Xiao nodded.

The crowd naturally gave way.

Just when Gu Mingxi thought that the war was about to start.

Ye Xiao suddenly made a move, and a series of running fingerprints came out of his hand, and Shangguan yu'er, who was standing behind, rushed up at the first time.

Fast as lightning.

Nobody thought of it.

Ye Xiaohui, who had already taken refuge in the princess, suddenly rebelled. Li Fengming, who had never believed ye Xiao would do such a thing, rushed up almost immediately. Shangguan yu'er's attack power was very fierce. At least for the Xuanwu warriors in the underground casinos, Shangguan yu'er's spring and autumn misty rain sword technique was very sharp, and ye Xiao's fettering technique instantly killed several people Shangguan yu'er, who had a tacit understanding with Ye Xiao, didn't miss this opportunity. As soon as the Yanyu sword came out in the spring and Autumn period, he immediately reaped the lives of several Xuan level warriors. All of them were middle level warriors, and even a later stage one. Besides, Li Fengming and other people were the first to rush up.

For a moment.

The scene suddenly became chaotic.Gu Mingxi, who hesitated for a moment, roared: "give it to me..."

In the moment of the war, the smoke of gunpowder ignited.

The princess's face also became a little ugly. Chen qiaoluo, standing beside him, showed a trace of undisguised mockery in his eyes. This mockery was obviously aimed at the princess, and no one noticed it. Just at the moment when ye Xiao started, the two old men of half step Dixian in the dark night disappeared into everyone's eyes. What's more, they are all mixed up now In the chaotic situation, no one will notice two of them, only the princess. At the first time the old man disappeared in the two dark nights, she had already noticed her smile without leaving a trace on her mouth. Although she was in full swing around her, she still held her soft posse.


Two consecutive Reiki swords shoot at the princess standing in the middle.

"Princess, be careful..."

A member of the underground casino, standing in the distance, was reminded with a livid face.

The latter, just lightly stretched out her hand, saw a spirit sword disintegrated in his hand, while the other one, when she turned around, crossed with her body, and two half step Dixian appeared in the dark night. The princess's two fingers were closed together, and a purple light flashed on her fingertips, and the half step fairy was seen The old man, straight down, the whole face became card white, is dead can not die again.

A hand, the instant seconds kill a dark night half step Dixian.

The faces of all the people who saw this scene became very ugly.

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