It's a pity that even though ye Xiao's strength is comparable to that of the late xuanlevel warriors, the damage to Chen Xiaoluo is still too slight. After all, Chen Xiaoluo is now a half step Dixian warrior. Chen Xiaoluo, who has already stood up, did not fight ye Xiao hard this time. Instead, he stepped back a few steps and looked at Ye Xiao playfully: "it's a pity if you are a Xuan Maybe I will capsize in the gutter today. But you are just a warrior in the early stage of mystery. You can't do too much harm to my body. Even if I stand here, you can't do anything about me. "

Ye Xiao frowned slightly.

Indeed, Chen is telling the truth.

He did not really give Chen meteor to hit how much damage, and stood beside the princess a half step of the old man, hesitated for a moment, then said to the Princess: "do you want me to go up to help Chen fall?"

The princess shook her head and said faintly, "the game is about to end."

The princess's voice just dropped, and she saw Ye Xiao rush to Chen Xiaoluo at the same time. This time, Chen qiaoluo did not hide or let him go. She just stood in the same place and looked at Ye Xiao with a smile on her face. It was just that smile that made people feel a little creepy. It was only for a moment that ye Xiao's foot was about to kick Chen Xiaoluo Seeing Chen's aura like tentacles suddenly increased by more than a dozen, all wrapped around Ye Xiao. Everyone did not expect this step. All along, Chen has been able to control only two tentacles, but now, there are more than ten tentacles.

For a moment.

See ye Xiao's two legs, also turned into the sky of popsicles, the whole person directly fell to the ground.

And Chen qiaoluo, a face also became a little pale.

A few of Chen's subordinates quickly passed by and helped the crumbling Chen qiuluo. Chen qiuluo looked at Ye Xiao on the ground and said with a smile: "you should be proud too. You can let a half step fairy do his best to take you down. It's a pity that we meet late! If I met you earlier and said anything, I would incorporate you into my falling gang. But now, everything is too late. If you are willing to cooperate a little bit, I don't mind giving you a good time. Of course, if you don't want to cooperate, I will make your whole body turn into pieces of ice bit by bit. Of course, the front may not hurt, but the pain behind is absolutely It's not something you can afford. "

"Dragon Master..."

A few people from the Dragon gang will come directly.

Unfortunately, their strength is too low.

Just two steps later, I saw that the princess's people had already started. How could some ordinary yellow level warriors be the opponents of these Xuan level warriors.

Just in a moment, the people who rushed over were killed completely.

"All killed..." The princess murmured.

After listening to the princess's words, ye Xiao's face sank and said with a cold smile: "if they die one more person, I promise, you don't want to ask anything you want from my mouth. As for whether you believe it or not, it's up to you."

"You threaten me?" The princess looked at Ye Xiao with a smile.

Although Ye Xiao's hands and feet have become popsicles, as long as Chen Xiaoluo touches them gently, they will all turn into ice scraps. However, there is always a faint smile on his face, and the light way is: "you can try it."

"No one has ever threatened me." Princess light way.

"Then I'll be the first to threaten you."

The princess was silent.

Indeed, she didn't want to gamble. Today, seeing ye Xiao's battle, she was more sure that the three thousand martial arts skills that ye Xiao mastered were definitely not ordinary products. Although it was impossible to guess what kind of martial arts Ye Xiao mastered, as long as she could get it, it would be a great good thing for the princess, which could improve her strength in an instant, not only the princess, but also the princess Chen qiaoluo is also silent. He is more aware of the horror of Ye Xiaowu's way than the princess. Of course, he has not yet seen Ye Xiao's bondage technique. If he really does, he will not be so calm. Although there is a kind of bondage technique in Dixian's martial arts, it can only restrain the martial arts that are inferior to or similar to his own strength What ye Xiao can do is absolutely unique.

"Give me what I want right now, and I can let them go." Considering the trace of the princess also had to choose compromise.

It's not a wise thing to gamble on whether ye Xiao can let Ye Xiao say it for the sake of these people's cheap lives. So she had to compromise. Ye Xiao said with a smile: "let people go first, otherwise, there is no room for discussion."

The princess bit her teeth and said in a deep voice, "no way."

Seeing that ye Xiao didn't speak, the princess sneered: "I have never said a word that hasn't been fulfilled. I can't guarantee your character. So, you can choose to say it now. You can choose not to say it. Every minute, I will kill a person. Of course, you can hold back and watch me kill one after another. I admit that you are threatening me But now you don't have a choice. "Fight a battle of wits and courage.

Chen Xiaoluo looks at Ye Xiao and the princess with a smile.

This is undoubtedly a kind of fun for Chen Xiaoluo. Seeing ye Xiao's constant struggle can make him satisfy his morbid pleasure.

Seeing ye Xiao's silence, the princess slowly put the Persian cat in her arms on the ground. She saw the Persian cat whose whole body was as white as snow. Step by step, she went to a warm corpse, put out her tongue and licked the wound on the man's neck. After a while, she let out her mouth like lightning, and bit the man's neck with one bite. Seeing this scene, many people have one The scalp felt numb. Obviously, this Persian cat and the princess belong to the same kind of monster. People in underground casinos are already familiar. The princess glanced at her pet, then looked up at Ye Xiao and said slowly, "I'm not a very patient person."

"I'm a very patient person." Ye Xiao said with a faint smile: "I said that as long as you die one more person, you don't want to get anything from me. Believe it or not."

"Do you think it's the same to die one and all together?" The princess said with a faint smile.

This smile, let stand beside Chen fall a moment of mind swaying.

Ye Xiao was still indifferent and said with a faint smile: "for me, there is no difference. I remember that an eminent monk once said a word to me. The Buddha will not give up the world because of saving a person, nor will he give up a person because of saving the world. Don't doubt what I said. As long as another person dies in your hand, you don't want to be here in my life I guess I know more than all of you combined to get anything and torture people. "

The princess's eyebrows wrinkled tightly

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