He really didn't want to let these people go. What's more, she was working in the casino. She understood better than most people. Now, all these people are here, and she still has chips. If these people are allowed to go, she has no chips left. Seeing that the princess is in a dilemma, Chen Xiaoluo smiles: "princess, I say Yes, you're not good at interrogation. I think you'd better leave it to me! "

The princess glanced at Chen and nodded at last. However, she added: "I hope I can get what I want."

Chen Xiaoluo nodded and said with a smile: "I and the princess are in the same mood. Therefore, the two of us are grasshoppers on a rope. What the princess wants is what I want to get."

Chen qiaoluo started to use that move, almost all the aura in his body were emptied, not a bit left, and half step Dixian is not Xuanwu can match, although only after a short period of time, Chen's body almost recovered a trace of aura, at least, now the action does not need the help of people, Chen Meiluo walked in the past step by step Squatting in front of Ye Xiao, he said with a smile, "I'm not a princess. Don't talk about any conditions with me. I don't like to talk about conditions with others, torture people? I started this thing when I was five years old. You can try my method. Of course, I'll give you one last chance to say it right away, and then I'll give you another pleasure. Otherwise, when you lose your hands and feet, you'll have to bear the pain that ordinary people can't bear. "

Seeing Chen Xiaoluo raise his hand slowly, he will touch Ye Xiao's arm. Li Fengming roared with red eyes: "Chen qiuluo, you son of a bitch, you can't die well..."

All the people are indignant looking at Chen Xiaoluo, who raises his head, looks at Li Fengming, and says with a smile: "every day, countless people say that I am not good to die, but I am living to now, and still live well. Do you think your curse is ridiculous? You let who can't die easily, who can't die easily. You Li Fengming still stands here. In a word, we can't die easily. What's more, what's our today? It is estimated that you have already restored the glory of the Yanhuang tribal era, and you will become the God of the Yanhuang tribal era. Later, I will let you know what is not good to die. "

Shangguan yu'er, on the other hand, is holding tightly the spring and autumn misty rain sword in her hand. As long as Chen Yingluo really dares to touch Ye Xiao's finger, she doesn't mind rushing up. Even if it's the same fate, she will kill him.

After all, Chen Xiaoluo doesn't have a lot of defense, but there are four people standing beside him, three warriors in the later stage of Xuan level, and one in the middle stage of Xuan level.

Shangguan yu'er is not sure. She can immediately kill Chen Xiaoluo. She knows that if she can't kill Chen, ye Xiao will suffer more torture. Therefore, Shangguan yu'er's heart is suffering. No matter whether she is out or not, she should watch ye Xiao get hurt. Chen Yiluo takes back her sight and points her hand to Ye Xiao's arm Up and down, in Shangguan yu'er has been determined, regardless of everything to kill Chen meteorite, see the same black widow with scars directly stand out, cold eyes looking at Chen meteor, light way: "you can't hurt him, or you will be doomed."

A yellow level warrior, even jumped out to say such a thing to himself?

Chen qiaoluo laughed. He didn't expect that there were so many people in the Dragon guild who didn't know whether to die or not. If it was the beginning, he would definitely kill the black widow without hesitation. Now, he stood up slowly, looked at the black widow, and said with a faint smile: "tell me about it."

Not only the people here, but also Li Fengming, are looking at the black widow.

The black widow looked at Ye Xiao at her back, took a deep breath and then said with a heavy face: "because the people behind him are not what you can afford to provoke."

"The man behind it?"

Chen qiaoluo seemed to hear a big joke. He looked at the black widow jokingly and said with half a squint: "tell me, who is behind him? Let's see if we can frighten Chen Xiaoluo's courage and kowtow to him and apologize? "

The black widow is also bitter at the moment. Although she knows that the seal array behind Ye Xiao is not simple, and ye Xiao's identity is not simple, she does not know what identity Ye Xiao is, and ye Xiao has not said it all the time, which makes the black widow helpless. Originally, she wanted to wake up Ye Xiao and let Ye Xiao speak her own background on her own initiative Ye Xiao is also looking at herself strangely. Her eyes are a little complicated. The black widow is also hesitant. She is very clear that she has a certain hope to let the princess and Chen Xiaoluo drop the mouse, but there is still a possibility.

That's what makes these people crazy.


This thing has been lost for tens of thousands of years. It was a treasure like mysterious thing in the time of Yanhuang tribe.

"Can't you say it?" Chen qiaoluo looked at the black widow with a smile on his face, and said faintly: "are you going to make something up? You might as well tell me that he is the grandson of those giants on top of him. Maybe I can really throw a mouse into a trap."After hearing Chen's words, the black widow's eyes brightened slightly and said in a deep voice, "I'm from the Han family."

"Han family?"

Chen fell, the whole person is also a Leng, then crazy smile way: "you say south Tianmen's Han family?"

The black widow nodded.

And Li Fengming's eyes were twitching.

In the whole dynasty, who doesn't know the Han family in Nantianmen?

And the princess opposite, also fell into a burst of meditation, only Chen qiaoluo, more crazy smile, said: "Han family people run to this small Gang? Do you really think I am an idiot? What's more, even if you are really from the Han family and I want all of you to die today, what can the Han family do to me? What's more, even if you are from the Han family, who would know that you died in the hand of Chen qiuluo? "

See Chen fall almost has fallen into a state of madness.

The black widow's face is also full of bitterness. She doesn't know how to save Ye Xiao now. Chen Yingluo seems to be too lazy to talk to the black widow any more. Instead, she squats in front of Ye Xiao again and raises her head slightly, facing his humanity: "look after them. Anyone who dares to move a little more will be killed." The people who saw Chen fall also rushed over. Moreover, there were many people in the underground casinos around. Shangguan yu'er knew that she had lost her best opportunity. Even if she rushed out, she could not kill Chen. However, she still held the spring and autumn smoke and rain sword.

Chen qiaoluo looked at Ye Xiao calmly and said with a faint smile, "you still have one last chance."

"Shangguan yu'er, or I'll fight for it!" Li Fengming bit his teeth and said, "sooner or later, it's better to kill one than to earn one."

After listening to Li Fengming's words, Shangguan yu'er nodded slightly.

A group of people were seriously injured, especially Shangguan yu'er. Because of her strength, even the strongest person in the Dragon gang was a little stronger than those brought by Li Fengming. Therefore, it naturally became the focus of attention of Chen qiaoluo and underground casinos. Now Shangguan yu'er, I'm afraid, can't even exert her ordinary strength To see these people begin to be ready to move, the princess squinted and said with a faint smile: "I advise you to think about it earlier, or your people are expected to start riots soon. As long as your people do something, I won't mind killing them all."

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