A full punch.

Shangguan yu'er was the most powerful one among a group of people. But now, apparently, he lost his fighting power for a short time. Seeing three Xuanwu level warriors, he walked towards Shangguan yu'er step by step. Everyone knew that, This woman is bound to die now. Although the blow of Xuan level warrior is not fatal, it can make Shangguan yu'er seriously injured. In a short period of time, he doesn't want to recover his fighting power. However, the old man of the holy hall, glancing at Ye Xiao, who is still struggling to resist it, looks down on Shangguan yu'er, with a faint smile on his mouth.

Shangguan yu'er's strength is not weak among the same kind of people. However, it is not worth the attention of a half step Dixian person to want to be a talent.

Not to mention Shangguan yu'er. Even if ye Xiao is such a pervert, the people in the holy hall have never thought of taking him back. He knows very well that ye Xiao is only a warrior in the early stage of Xuan level. Even if ye Xiao is a later stage warrior of Xuan level, he will surely die in the hands of his own hell Warcraft. The martial arts he has cultivated is one of the most powerful at the prefecture level It's a virtual shadow. When his strength reaches a certain level, the "hell beast" can even be materialized. Although it's only in the early stage, it's not very difficult to deal with a small early stage warrior of Xuan level. It's just that ye Xiao's physical strength is much stronger than that of ordinary Xuanwu people. Otherwise, ye Xiao's body might have been huge The big force is crushed!

The young man standing beside the princess is called Luohe, also known as the character of cultivating genius.

A 23-year-old warrior in the early stage of Xuan level may step into the middle stage of Xuan level at any time, or even step on the earth fairy behind him. I'm afraid he is many years younger than the princess. Looking at the shadow behind the old man, he asks the princess, "elder sister, is the old thing in the temple practicing hell Warcraft?"? It's said that if this kind of martial art reaches a high level, it can even materialize the hell Warcraft, which is famous for its strength. As long as it catches it, even those whose strength is higher than the old ones will be crushed to pieces? "

The princess nodded and did not speak.

"What would happen if my sister had a crush on this old thing?" Luo he asked with a smile.

"Second kill."

Hearing the princess say these two words, the whole Luo river was stunned. Of course, he would not think that the old man could kill the princess in seconds. He also knew that now the old man's "hell Warcraft" is still in its early stage. He cracked his mouth and said with a smile: "what if his cultivation of" hell beast "was in the later stage?"

"Second kill."

There are still only two faint words.

After listening to the princess's words, Luohe also took a breath. He was very clear that his sister could be said to be a high power in the underground gambling house. What he practiced was absolutely not ordinary martial arts skills. Even he did not see the princess's hand, but it was certain that the martial arts skills practiced by the princess were definitely not ordinary martial arts skills. After a glance, the expression on his face was distorted Ye Xiao frowned and said, "elder sister, do we want to do something? If we let Ye Xiao die in the hands of these people in the holy hall, then it will not be so easy for us to take back those venues in Qinglong Province in the underground gambling house. The holy hall will never let such a big piece of fat."

After listening to Luohe's words, the princess frowned slightly.

Subconsciously, he stroked his arms. However, the Persian cat had already died in the formation of the Dragon Gang headquarters. He put his hand down again, shook his head slightly and said, "there is no need for the underground gambling house to fight with the holy hall for the time being."

After listening to the princess's words, although Luohe was unwilling, he had nothing to do.

He is very clear that he has no way to change what his sister has determined. Although he is a genius, he absolutely dares not to disobey his sister's meaning. The group of people brought by the princess naturally dare not disobey the meaning of the princess. A group of people stand in the same place and quietly watch ye Xiaona's figure become more and more distorted. What they have not noticed is that Although the princess stares at Ye Xiao's group of people, her attention is focused on other places. She also wants to see whether the Tian level warrior hidden behind Ye Xiao will appear at the time of Ye Xiao's life and death. She firmly believes that there is a Tian level warrior behind Ye Xiao because the woman who claimed to be a girl of the Han family said something about ye Xiao's life experience It's not easy.


There was a thunder.

The princess's eyelids jumped.

I heard a very dignified voice saying, "stop it."

The voice was not loud, but full of a childish voice. I saw a girl in purple clothes with purple eyes. She was only 15 or 16 years old. She came with a group of people. Each of them had a badge with an ancient flavor on her chest. The crowd naturally gave way. Anyone who had been to Shenwu hall knew that Tao, these people are the people of Shenwu hall, they are not the people they can provoke, and the old man of the holy hall is also a little stunned. They can see the little girl who is walking in the front and waves it. The shadow behind the old man has become more and more dim and finally dissipates directly behind the old man.Seeing this scene, the princess's eyelids trembled.

A 15-year-old half step fairy?

This is definitely a character against the weather.

Not only the princess, but also the Luo river beside her, also slightly pursed her lips. His age seemed to be several years younger than ye Xiao. Although, when I saw Ye Xiao as a genius, I didn't feel much. However, seeing this little girl in Shenwu hall at the moment was really hit by a lot of blows. Genius? If he is a genius, what is this little girl who is only 15 or 16 years old? I'm afraid that when others are a few years old, they are already Xuanwu! Hard smile, looking at the princess said: "sister, who is she?"

"People of Shenwu hall." Princess light way.

"So against the weather?"

The princess did not answer Luohe's words. Even he was not familiar with Shenwu hall. She only knew that Shenwu hall was a terrorist force that had been handed down from the time of Yanhuang tribe. How much control did it have? There is also a place in the Shenwu hall. In the open sea, the heaven level Warriors used to be the place where they were dying. Even in which venue, the sky level warriors were auctioned, we can see how terrifying this temple is. Compared with him, the underground gambling house is just a little bit of a witch. When the old man of the temple saw these members of the Shenwu hall, they would have a look on their faces His face became dignified, and then with a kind smile, he said, "are you?"

Purple eyes of the girl did not pay attention to the old man of the holy hall, light way: "Shenwu hall inside no fighting."

"We're just settling a little personal grudge, and it's going to be over soon..." Among them, the Xuan level late warrior of the holy hall has come to Shangguan yu'er, and only needs one breath to solve the tough woman of the Dragon gang. If you let this woman go again, she will be able to recover her energy. They all know that if this woman doesn't want to save Ye Xiao, they will not If he takes this woman soon, he may hurt her in her hand or even die in her hand. Therefore, he doesn't want Shangguan yu'er to have a chance to live.

Holding a long sword in his hand, he bit his teeth and stabbed Shangguan yu'er's neck directly.

He believed that as long as he killed the woman in front of him, even if the people of Shenwu hall were not happy, they would not embarrass him too much.

After all, he was a member of the Church

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