Although Shengtang is not comparable to Shenwu hall, it is at least a huge force. Compared with the Dragon Gang, the gap between the two can be said to be a profound difference. Unfortunately, he was wrong. In the eyes of Shenwu hall, there seems to be no difference between Shengtang and Longbang. When he raised his sword to Shangguan yu'er, he was standing behind the girl with purple eyes Old man, the figure appeared in front of Shangguan yu'er in a flash. When the sword was less than one centimeter away from Shangguan yu'er, the sword suddenly stopped. The late martial artists of this holy hall discovered that the person behind the girl with purple eyes had quietly appeared in front of him.

And his own neck was also pinched by him, the whole person was lifted up.

At the later stage of the Xuanwu temple, the martial artist's pupil shrank and wanted to speak, but his neck was pinched by the old man in front of him, and his face was full of pleading. However, the old man of Shenwu hall seemed indifferent and said without expression: "the holy daughter said that no one is allowed to use swordsmen in our Shenwu hall. Anyone who dares to disobey the meaning of the holy daughter will suffer To punish. " As soon as the old man finished his words, people around him heard a "bang" and saw that the late stage warrior of the temple had exploded into a mass of flesh and blood. The old man threw away some pieces of meat in his hand, and his figure flashed back to the back of the girl with purple eyes. It was as if nothing had happened.

And the old man of the temple, at the moment, turned pale.

Not to mention that this is the territory of Shenwu hall, the elder of the holy hall is not sure that the girl with purple eyes and a few half step immortals behind him can deal with it. Purple eye looks at Ye Xiao on the ground, and does not stay for a moment. Instead, he says with a voice of milk: "this is Shenwu hall. No one is allowed to make trouble here. I don't care what is behind him If you dare to make trouble in the Shenwu hall, you will be killed. " After that, he turned around and took people to leave here. Those people around him had already been quiet and friendly. Until the girl with purple eyes took people away from here, Luohe said with a strange face: "Damn it, this is called strong!"

It can be said that there are many forces around the world, but no one dares to jump out at the moment.

Even the huge power of the underground gambling house chose to be silent. It was not until the girl with purple eyes left that the old man of the holy hall heaved a heavy breath. The other Xuan level martial artists of the holy hall returned to the old man's side one by one. Although they all wanted to eradicate the demons of the Dragon Gang, they were definitely great achievements after returning But now, no one dares to do it. They all know very well that if they continue to do it now, the people of Shenwu hall will not stand idly by. This is a challenge to the authority of Shenwu hall. Even the old people don't have the courage. A later stage martial artist of the temple bit his teeth and said, "old witch, do you want to do it? I'll give up my life I remember to say to the little Lord, take good care of my family. I am willing to sacrifice for the little Lord... "

After listening to his words, the old man did not answer, and seemed to be lost in a moment of meditation.

Ye Xiao and Shangguan yu'er were hurt the most, and Shangguan yu'er was a little better. After a little rest, they also recovered some combat effectiveness. However, ye Xiao's face was still a little pale and frightening. Seeing ye Xiao's appearance, Li Fengming quickly asked, "how is it?"

"It's OK." Ye Xiao shook her head slightly.

Gu Mingxi one face feeling way: "that purple eye son girl is really powerful."

"It's really strong. It's probably the tip of the iceberg of Shenwu hall." Li Fengming shook his head and said with a bitter smile.

Ye Xiao turned back directly, looked at Shangguan yu'er and asked, "how about it?"

Shangguan yu'er shook her head slightly. Her eyes were still on the members of the temple opposite her, and her face was full of fear. However, after thinking for a long time, the old man shook his head slightly. He put on the calm and calm look on his face again. He knew that now, even if anyone went out to kill Ye Xiao, as long as it was his own person, then, I'm afraid that all of them will be wiped out by the people of Shenwu hall. He is willing to take a Xuan level later martial artist for ye Xiao's lives. However, he wants to let him and all the later Xuan level martial artists exchange their lives for the lives of several of them. No matter how he calculates, the account is a voice of loss. He goes directly to Ye Xiao and says with a smile: "I have to say, you Good luck. "

"If you choose to start on the site of Shenwu hall, the people in the holy hall are really stupid and cute." Ye Xiao squinted and laughed.

"Keep your mouth stiff." The old man shook his head and said with a smile, "I hope you will hide in the Shenwu hall forever. Otherwise, when you come out of here, it will be your death time. I will take your head back to our holy hall." After saying that, he no longer paid attention to Ye Xiao's group of people, facing his own humanity: "well, let's also go to the area of banbu Dixian!" After two steps, he turned back and said with a smile: "kindly remind you that there is another way for you, that is to hire a few half step Dixian, which is expected to protect you back to Qinglong province smoothly."

"Wu Lao, what did you remind him of?" A Xuan level late warrior frowned slightly.

"Do you think that with their financial resources, they can hire half step Dixian?" The old man smiles confidently.The rest of the people in the holy hall all laughed. Obviously, it was a little angry to ask for the shriveled things in front of the Shenwu hall from a group of people of the Dragon sect. However, if you want them to find trouble in the Shenwu hall, you will never dare. Luohe, standing next to the princess, is also looking with fear The princess said, "elder sister, if we all went up just now, we would really kill all of them. Would the people of Shenwu hall really kill all of us as an example?"


Hear the princess's affirmative answer.

Luohe whole person is also a Leng, although do not know why the princess is so positive, but also did not refute the princess's words.

After gasping for breath, Li Fengming shook his head and said, "ye Xiaozi, I have lived a life of death every day since I knew you! Even if we can't find the shenwutang for half a year, we can't find the shenwutang. If we don't have enough time, we'll have to go to the shenwutang

After listening to Li Fengming's words, Gu Mingxi's mouth was also a violent convulsion, with a strange look at Li Fengming, while ye Xiao directly chose to ignore Li Fengming's existence.

A group of people went straight to the auction site of banbu Dixian.

In every small shop there is a half step Dixian. There are sixty-six solid half step Dixian. Li Fengming said with a feeling: "if I can concentrate all the 66 half step Dixian under my command, who am I afraid of?"

"Go and dream Gu Mingxi directly hit: "even the underground casinos, it is estimated that they do not have such great courage. They dare to concentrate all the 66 Xuan level warriors under their command."


Seeing the princess coming with the people from the underground gambling house, Gu Mingxi and Li Fengming had a convulsion in their eyelids, while Shangguan yu'er, who almost recovered half of her combat effectiveness, intentionally or unintentionally blocked half of her body in front of Ye Xiao. All three of them knew that ye Xiao was really injured this time, and it was not light enough to be able to barely maintain her mobility Not to mention fighting, Li Fengming also said bitterly when he saw the Princess: "who said that he would not worry if he had more debts and fleas would not bite him. If he came out, there would be enemies everywhere. Moreover, he would be able to kill us casually."

"Now the better thing is, as long as we stay here in Shenwu hall, we will be absolutely safe. It is estimated that even the people in the underground casinos dare not embarrass us at the moment." Gu Mingxi smiles bitterly.

Subconsciously, neither of them mentioned the latter.

Because there is only one day here. If it is more than one day, everyone must leave the Shenwu hall. As soon as they leave, Gu Mingxi and Li Fengming believe that those people in the holy hall will come to find trouble. Now, there is an underground gambling house, and there is no way out. The princess walked all the way, ignoring Gu Mingxi and Li Feng Ming a group of people, a pair of eyes straight fell on Ye Xiao's body, the corner of his mouth looked at Ye Xiao with a smile and said: "originally I thought we would meet for a long time, but I didn't expect that we would meet again in more than a month's time. I'm very glad that you didn't die in the hands of those people in the holy hall."

"You don't like me dying in the hands of the church." Ye Xiao said with a smile.

"Yes The princess nodded and said, "I really don't want you to die in the hands of those people in the holy hall. After all, our underground casinos and holy hall people are not friends. If you die in their hands, Qinglong province will fall into the hands of the holy hall. It has nothing to do with our underground casinos. And you should be very clear that now, you only have a few hours' life Now, as soon as the affairs of Shenwu hall are over, everyone must leave Shenwu hall, and those people in the holy hall will never let you go. Therefore, this time, you are bound to die. Of course, unless the person who has been hiding behind you comes out, I don't think he can stare at you 24 hours a day! "

"So you came here to persuade us to be arrested?" Ye Xiao said with a smile.

The princess said with a smile: "I said that you are a talent. Our underground casinos just need such talents. If you are willing to join our underground casinos, we will write off all the accounts in front of us. Moreover, as long as you join our underground casinos, the people in the holy hall dare not embarrass you. If you choose to refuse, then we underground casinos and you It's still a hostile relationship. After going out, not only the holy hall, but also our underground casinos will attack you, and you are also a smart man. You should know how to choose. "

Ye Xiao is natural and clear.

The real reason why the princess wants to join the underground casinos.

It's just for her own bondage, and once she gets her own bondage, she'll kill herself in the next moment. This is definitely an indisputable thing. After all, compared with the dark night, she is very different. Ye Xiao slightly shakes her head and says with a smile, "I refuse."After hearing Ye Xiao's words, Luo river, standing beside the princess, stepped forward with a smile on her face, and half squinted at Ye Xiao and said, "in fact, it's the happiest of you to refuse me."


"Because in this way, I can play with you openly and honestly." Luo river light smile way.


Ye Xiao slightly shook his head and said with a smile, "you can't afford to play."

After hearing Ye Xiao's words, Luohe's face became ferocious in an instant

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