After several minutes, Wang Qi recovered from his shock. Even he did not expect that he would fail so soon

Three moves, he is proud of Taekwondo in his hands did not support three moves, said to be three moves, in fact, this is only one move!

One move is a failure!

The heart is full of bitterness, bitterness or deep confusion. Is Taekwondo really inferior to Chinese Kung Fu.

Some difficult to stand up from the ground, look at Ye Xiao, and then slowly toward the outside of the playground!

"Wang Shao..." Seeing Wang Qi leave, the other people called out and quickly followed. However, the poisonous dragon took a look at Ye Xiao and finally followed him up!

The only one dissatisfied is Zhang long. When he thinks that his strongest supporter has been defeated by Ye Xiao, his heart is full of bitterness? Is that all the humiliation I received yesterday?

He is very aware of Wang Qi's character. With his character, he will never do anything harmful to Ye Xiao. Even if he suffered such a blow this time, he will only choose to defeat Ye Xiao in the front instead of seeking revenge!

When can Wang Qi deal with Ye Xiao's strength?

Maybe this revenge can't be revenged for a lifetime!

No, I can't do that. I have to find another way. I scan Ye Xiao with resentment. Zhang long also follows Wang Qi and others to leave

"Ah, I didn't expect that the new martial god of our school was born. What are you still in a daze? Don't you applaud? " At this time, a playful voice came. Ye Xiao turned her head and saw a woman wearing a sun hat coming over!

The woman's upper body is wearing a black and white tight waistcoat, close to the body, and her lower body is a pair of short hot pants, delicate thighs exposed, the foot is a pair of white sports shoes, looks fresh and attractive!

Her appearance is also extremely beautiful, a melon seed face, ruddy lips, nose slightly straight, a pair of eyes, looks like a Japanese star Hamasaki, but overall looks more beautiful than that star

Beauty, absolute beauty!

Ye Xiao's eyes immediately fell from Wang Qi's back on the visitor's body. First, he swept through the ravine that was squeezed out, then exposed on the pair of slender thighs, and then returned to the gully!

Nima's, good legs and good breasts. Where should I look?

In fact, not only he, but also most of the boys in the class, including Hua Xiaodie, are staring at the visitors. Even the beautiful women like Tan Xiaoxiao are not as attractive as the women in front of them under their shy and pure appearance!

This has nothing to do with appearance, but a temperament, a temperament developed after years!

"Hello, Miss Peng..." The girls in the class are not willing to, a whine voice drop gas called up.

Even tan Xiaoxiao is not willing to look at the visitor, this dead fox spirit, there is no sense of propriety, integrity and shame, as a teacher, how can you dress so exposed? How could the school hire such a person?

Especially when she saw that even ye Xiao was staring at Peng Yingshi with both eyes shining, her feeling became more and more intense

Ah, this is what they call a beautiful teacher. Is she really a beautiful woman? Just what did she say? What new warrior God?

At this time, ye Xiao realized that this is the PE teacher Peng Yingshi

But why a PE teacher? If only she was an English teacher or a Chinese teacher? Even a math teacher?

So you can stay with her more

The entrance class is no older than other ages. Facing the college entrance examination, even private schools like Yunlong noble private school can't carry out too many extracurricular activities. The three subjects of language and mathematics have more than ten courses a week, while physical education only has two!

"Ha ha, Hello, students. This should be the new student Ye Xiao?" Peng Yingshi waved to the students of class 7 in the entrance class, then walked to Ye Xiao and asked with a smile!

"Yes, teacher, do you know me?" Ye Xiao is a little surprised, but also a little surprised that this beautiful teacher knows herself? Is it hard to see how handsome you are? Or was he fascinated by his heroic appearance just now?

"Yes, of course. Maybe it won't be long before the whole Yunlong noble private school will know your name..." Peng Ying said with a smile every day

"Why?" Ye Xiao is a little puzzled?

"It's worth asking. Didn't you hear the teacher say that you are the new martial god of Yunlong noble private school? You defeated Wang Qi just now. Once such news spreads out, it will surely cause a sensation, and other people will naturally know you... " Tan Xiaoxiao on one side turned her lips away. Men are not good things. She is mentally retarded when she sees a woman's chest. She doesn't even know such a simple question

"But the news hasn't spread yet? How can miss Peng know my name? " Ye Xiaoruo looks at Peng Yingshi with interest

Tan Xiaoxiao is also a Leng, yes, this is the first time ye Xiao and Peng met? No one called Ye Xiao's name just now. How could she know?"Hahaha, this It's been more than ten minutes in class. Let's get together quickly... " Peng Yingshi obviously doesn't want to entangle in the past on this issue. With a smile, she directly shifts the topic

But in the end, she gave Ye Xiao a hard look in her eyes, as if to warn something

Ye Xiao shrugged and gathered with the students

The sports committee member of the class is Zhao Meng. Although he looks dull and has a good model, he first led everyone to run several circles according to Peng Yingshi's requirements, and then he took everyone to do preparatory activities and chanted slogans without any difficulty

In fact, there are not too many requirements for students' sports performance when they come to the entrance class. Most physical education classes are free activities, and this class is no exception. After finishing some preparatory activities, Peng Yingshi brought all the sports equipment to let everyone have free activities!

However, it is strange that she finally asked Ye Xiao to go to the office alone

Such a scene do not know how many boys envied, can be called to the office by the beauty teacher alone, what will be done? Even if you don't do anything, it's good to stay with a beautiful teacher!

Only Tan Xiaoxiao has some doubts. She still remembers that sentence of Ye Xiao. The news has not been spread out. How can Peng Yingshi know ye Xiao? Is it hard for the present teachers to be so dedicated? Every new student has to check each other's details?

But in her opinion, even now, Peng Yingshi can not know all the people in the class? You know, she's also a new teacher this semester!

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