Have they known each other for a long time? Thinking of this, Tan Xiaoxiao calls her friend Lily, and quietly walks to Peng Yingshi's office

"Close the door when you come in..." Two people came to Peng Yingshi's office, Peng Yingshi left this sentence and walked in!

With a smile on her face, ye Xiao closed the door behind her!

However, just after closing the wooden door of the office, Peng Yingshi, who was still walking in front of her, suddenly turns around and kicks at Ye Xiao. Ye Xiao seems to have expected all of this. With one hand, she has already caught Peng Yingshi's right foot!

How did you know that Peng Yingshi's body turned again, like a snake's body, and her other supporting foot also jumped into the air and kicked Ye Xiao's head

Ye Xiao has no choice but to raise his arm to resist. He grabs the other party's right foot, which is also one of the relaxation

"Pa..." Peng Yingshi kicked Ye Xiao's arm with a kick, and then her spinning body suddenly stopped. With the help of this rebound force, Miaoman's body completed a beautiful back somersault in the air and landed steadily on the ground!

If someone saw this scene, they thought they were watching acrobatics. In fact, even those acrobats couldn't make such a wonderful step

However, in the process, ye Xiao has at least ten ways to capture the other party, but he does not move. He just looks at Peng Yingshi's rolling figure in the air with a smile, especially the two regiments in front of her chest constantly shaking when rolling, which shows that ye Xiao's mind is rippling

"When did Yunlong noble private school have such a big face? Has invited the famous killer world silver snake to be a teacher? " Until Peng Yingshi's body fell to the ground, ye Xiao said with a smile, and his eyes were still staring at Peng Yingshi's undulating chest

"Yes, I didn't expect that Yunlong aristocratic private school would be like this, even..." Peng Yingshi disdainfully choked her mouth and was about to Tell ye Xiao's identity when she saw Ye Xiao make a silent gesture. She was stunned and heard the sound of footsteps

The footstep sound was very light and careful, and finally it stopped at the door of the office

"I already know what happened. Don't fight in my class. Now, you can go out..." Peng Ying's poem understands and knows that someone is approaching, so she doesn't continue to entangle in that issue

"Thank you, Miss Peng..." Ye Xiao is also understanding a smile, toward cast to see the eyes of an afternoon, then walk toward the door!

As soon as you open the door, you can see Tan Xiaoxiao and Lily standing on the corridor looking around!

"Smile, what are you doing here?" Ye Xiao naturally knows that Tan Xiaoxiao is here to inquire about something, but on the surface he makes a look of surprise!

"You helped us so much yesterday. I'm here to invite you to dinner." Tan Xiaoxiao response fast enough, the corner of the mouth slightly up, the corner of the mouth exposed a lovely dimple!

"Eat? Well, it's almost time for school. Let's go... " Ye Xiao is also a little smile, and beautiful women to eat together, it is desirable!

The three left Peng Yingshi's office together!

Seeing the back of the three people leaving, Peng Yingshi gritted her teeth and said, "this little son of a bitch, no matter where he goes, can win the favor of a girl. Where is he

Thinking of the scene of meeting Ye Xiao for the first time, Peng Yingshi's face was covered with a layer of blush!

Ye Xiao means to eat at random in the school canteen. It doesn't matter what you eat with the company of beautiful women. After all, it's beautiful and delicious. But Tan Xiaoxiao has to invite him to have a good meal. Not only does Tan Xiaoxiao smile, but also Lily encourages her to eat out!

Zhao yudie came to stay with a group of girls yesterday, including Li Yuhua!

Yesterday, when Meng Xiaobai defeated his classmates, he was grateful to him, but he didn't have a chance to see him Get up!

Taking advantage of the school bell has not ring, a group of people out of the school, came to a restaurant not far from the school!

This is a relatively high-grade restaurant in Yunlong street!

Ye Xiao is not polite. Anyway, he knows that most of the people who can study in Yunlong noble private school are rich people, and eating a meal or something will not hurt your muscles and bones!

More than a dozen people ordered a large table of dishes and two boxes of beer. They toasted Ye Xiao one by one. Ye Xiao never refused to come. This amount of wine was really nothing to him

"Ye Xiao, do you really know kung fu?" A girl named Wu Dan looks at Ye Xiao with a crazy face. Today, the scene in which ye Xiao defeated Wang Qi in a few moves is still vivid

"Well, a little bit..." Ye Xiao replied modestly!

"Ye Xiao, can you teach us Kung Fu?" Zhao Meng is also excited to say!To tell you the truth, he is tall in the class, but he is not the opponent of Wang Qi's group. Today, seeing ye Xiao beat Wang Qi and others, he thought of the group he beat down yesterday. If he could follow Ye Xiao to learn a few moves, he would be able to protect Lily better in the future, right?

"You can learn if you want, but it's tiring to learn kung fu!" Ye Xiao also smiles and nods!

"Hey, of course I know I'm tired, but in order to protect lily, I'm not afraid to be tired again..." Zhao Meng grinned. This sentence immediately aroused a burst of voices. Lily, who heard this sentence, immediately buried her head with shame. Even ye Xiao was a little surprised. Zhao Meng, such a big fool, could confess in public on such an occasion. He really underestimated him

However, soon, the attention of the public turned back to Ye Xiao

"Ye Xiao, did you often fight before?"

"Once in a while..." Ye Xiao's heart, occasionally fight, often kill!

"Ye Xiao, where is your family from?"

"It should be a native of Jinghai City, but I grew up in Sichuan Province..."

"Ye Xiao, do you have a girlfriend?"

"Not yet..."

"Ye Xiao, can I be your girlfriend..."

"Poof..." Ye Xiaogang just drank a glass of wine directly spouted out

Looking at Li Dan who said this sentence with surprise, are the girls too bold now? Unexpectedly, it's just like saying that they didn't even do the preparatory work well

"Hee hee, are you kidding? I don't dare to rob a man with our Xiaoxiao sister... " Before ye Xiao had time to reply, Li Dan had already begun to laugh, but he pulled Tan Xiaoxiao into the battlefield

"Well, what are you talking about Tan xiaoxiaoxiaoyu's face suddenly red, grabs the chopsticks and smashes it at Li Dan

"Ha ha, what I said is a big truth. Ye Xiao is so handsome that only sister Xiaoxiao is worthy of him in our class. Do you think so?" Li Dan dodges Tan Xiaoxiao's attack and laughs

People immediately said that it was

Listen to Ye Xiao's heart is happy, yes, he looks so handsome, and can fight, only Tan Xiaoxiao such a beautiful woman can be worthy of himself!

As for Tan Xiaoxiao, she was already blushing and wrestling with Li Dan and others. Everyone on the scene was smiling, except Hua Xiaodie!

Look at Ye Xiao's eyes full of jealousy!

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