Although he was not a big boy in school, he was No. 1 in class 7 of the entrance class. Otherwise, with his feminine name, he would make others laugh at him. He always regarded Tan Xiaoxiao as his own woman. However, ye Xiao stole all his popularity when he came!

Now it's not only the girls, but also the boys who adore Ye Xiao one by one. What do you take with him?

Especially when he thought that he had defeated Wang Qi, and Wang Qi didn't have any sense of resentment when he left, his heart was full of bitterness. Was he really inferior to him?

"Oh, isn't this our flower master? It's not very kind of you to come here to eat without calling for brothers? " Just at this moment, a strange voice sounded

A few people who were still laughing suddenly calmed down and looked around one by one. They saw a man with golden hair and jeans and seven or eight men dressed in the same strange clothes came to me

Seeing this group of people who are obviously not good things come over, other diners quickly check out and leave, and Hua Xiaodie's face also becomes extremely ugly!

"This time, it's my treat Hua Xiaodie stood up with some trepidation and wanted to explain to others what!

"Ha ha, that's your business. I'm not here to rub your meal. I want to ask when you will give the money you promised yesterday. My brothers are still waiting for the money to live on..." The man who was called brother Hua Zhong went straight to the people. His eyes fell on Tan Xiaoxiao, full of greed

"Brother Hua Zhong, don't worry. I'll give you the ten thousand yuan in three days at most." Hua Xiaodie is bleeding in her heart. Yesterday, she was going to ask this person to help deal with Zhang Long's group of people. Who knows Ye Xiao beat them back alone, but it's easy for the plague gods to ask God to send them away. Although she finally called to say that the matter had been settled, the 10000 yuan promised to them still had to be given

"Hehe, ten thousand? Young master Hua, are you kidding me Hua Zhong sneered

"Brother Hua Zhong, how dare you play tricks on you? Didn't you agree that it was ten thousand yuan yesterday?" The sad color of little butterfly's face!

"Yes, yesterday was a good ten thousand yuan. Let me teach you a lesson. I've called on my brothers, but you finally said that we don't have to do anything. As you know, the brothers don't like to be quiet. When people call on them, they don't act. They have to go to the bar to sing and have fun. You know that the bar consumption is high in these years We have spent more than 18000 yuan. Now you give me 10000 yuan. What is it that you don't play with me? " Hua Zhong sneers

"But brother Hua Zhong..." Flower butterfly a stomach grievance, even if I don't call you, you are not also every day? And you own a bar. Even if your brothers go to have fun, it won't cost you $100000. It's obviously blackmail

"Young master Hua, although we have a good friendship, we are also brothers. Even if the eight thousand yuan is not enough, you can give us a hundred thousand yuan..." Xiaohua's words are interrupted directly by Diezhong!

In a few words, ten thousand changed into one hundred thousand, and little butterfly was about to cry out!

His father is the boss of a company, and his family property is not bad, but he only gives him 10000 yuan of pocket money a month. Even if he promised to give Huazhong ten thousand yuan, he has found several friends to make up for it. But now it has become 100000 yuan. Where can he find it?

But it's no use lending him ten guts to let him and Hua Zhong's such a muddle theory!

They are not students in the school. They fight and fight. They want to see blood when they fight!

"Of course, it doesn't matter if you can't take it out. This girl should be your girlfriend. As long as you lend her to me to play for a few days, that hundred thousand yuan will be fine." Seeing Hua Xiaodie's silence, Hua Zhong points to tan Xiaoxiao with a wanton smile on her face!

From the first time he came in, he was attracted by the beauty of Tan Xiaoxiao, pure and clear. How long has he not seen such a beautiful woman?

"I have nothing to do with him..." Tan smile choked his mouth, eyes full of disgust!

"Hehe? No problem? I heard he asked us for help because of you? Why doesn't it matter? Let's go, little girl. Hua Shao doesn't hesitate to ask us to do it for you. If you look at his deep love, you should sacrifice a little... " Hua Zhong walks towards Tan Xiaoxiao with an obscene smile on his face. He doesn't believe that these students dare to resist

Hua Xiaodie's heart heaves when he sees Hua Zhong walking towards his sweetheart. He wants to fight Hua Zhong for 300 rounds. However, when he sees his body which is much bigger than himself, he sees a group of younger brothers who are following him. He just can't lift his own legs!

It's difficult even to speak

Other people also stare at Hua Zhong and others one by one. For these students who are still in school, these street thugs are simply synonymous with the devil. They can't resist at all!

Tan Xiaoxiao's chest is also up and down, this son of a bitch, even dare to hit my mother's head, do not want to live? Because of her own family, she didn't know what fear was. She was about to grab the dish on the table and smash it at Huazhong. Ye Xiao's figure had already stood upFrom the conversation between Hua Xiaodie and this man, he has already known the whole story. He also knows that this guy must be a thug in this area, just a common thug. How can he pay attention to it

Seeing ye Xiao stand up, everyone's hearts are relaxed at the same time, and even Hua Xiaodie feels pressure reduced. Although he doesn't like Ye Xiao, he doesn't want to hurt Tan Xiaoxiao

He did what he didn't dare to do. Maybe he was not as good as him?

Perhaps smile with him together, is a kind of happiness!

"Boy, do you want to be a flower protector?" Seeing ye Xiao protecting Tan Xiaoxiao's body, Hua Zhong's face is full of sarcasm, and another boy who doesn't know the height of heaven and earth

"I protect your sister..." Ye Xiao snorted coldly, grabbed a beer bottle on the table and smashed it at Huazhong's head

Hua Zhong is shocked. Obviously, he didn't expect Ye Xiao to take the initiative. However, he raised his hands instinctively and wanted to resist. However, ye Xiao's speed was too fast and his hand was so sudden!

I heard "jingle..." With a sound, the beer bottle hit Hua Zhong's head heavily, glass debris flying, blood splashing everywhere

Without waiting for Hua Zhong to roar, ye Xiao has already held half a bottle of wine and inserted it directly into Hua Zhong's abdomen. The blood is flowing directly

Hua Zhong snorted bitterly, and his body fell down directly. All the others were shocked

In particular, Tan Xiaoxiao and others watched the change one by one. Until this moment, they realized Ye Xiao's terror. They beat several students yesterday, and today's boxing champion is like a pediatrics!

This is not a master, this is simply a devil!

"Shit, he even started on brother Zhong. Brothers, kill him!" That group of gangsters also reacted. On weekdays, they were the only ones who bullied others. When it was the turn of a student, they dared to attack their elder brother. Suddenly, three or four people took out their knives and rushed towards Ye Xiao

"If it's a man, I'll beat the bastards with me..." Ye Xiao stepped on Hua Zhong's body, stepped on him, grabbed a plate of Mapo Tofu and smashed it at the fastest punk!

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