The little gangster flushed too fast, and ye Xiao's hand was faster. He heard a sound of "pa", and the plate of Mapo Tofu hit the little gangster's face

The pepper juice of Mapo Tofu splashed into the eyes of the little gangster. The little gangster was in pain. He screamed. He could not help rushing forward. He reached out and took away the dish on his face. However, ye Xiao was already in front of him

The girls screamed. They were frightened by the bloody scene. After the boys experienced the initial shock, the blood in an individual began to boil, and the violence factor in the body was Ye Xiao's "if it's a man, please beat this group of bastards with me!" Let's go!

Zhao Meng was the first to grab the beer bottle on the table and rushed up. Wang Jinchen also grabbed a steel fork and rushed up. Jian Zhuojian and Yu Youchao also rushed up with something convenient. Even Hua Xiaodie, after seeing Hua Zhong who was miserable on the ground, rushed up with a stool!

I'm a man too!

Ye Xiao is so fast that he kicks out three feet in a row. All the knives in the hands of the three thugs are kicked out. Although he encourages several people to fight together, he doesn't want Zhao Meng to be stabbed several times. How can we say that they are all his classmates?

With Ye Xiao's strong fighting power, together with Zhao Meng and others who are already in a state of madness, the rest of the gangsters just lay on the ground for a while!

Some of them were blown away by Ye Xiao's fist, some by Hua Xiaodie's stool, some by Zhao Meng's beer bottle, and others with a steel fork in their thighs, which should be Wang Jinchen's masterpiece

The scene was in a mess. There were pieces of glass everywhere. Several thugs fell on the ground and howled bitterly. Zhao Meng and others were also bowing and panting. Obviously, the madness just now consumed too much physical strength!

There are also blood stains on his body, including his own and these gangsters.

Think about it, these people are either children with good family background, or honest students with good academic achievements. When did they fight such a bloody and violent fight, they were all flushed and didn't cry because of their pain. Ye Xiao's mouth showed a faint smile.

"Unhappy?" Ye Xiao stepped on a gangster's arm, straight stepped on that person's miserable howl!

"Cool..." Whether it's Zhao Meng or Hua Xiaodie, they should say at the same time!

It's so cool. It turns out that the fight is so happy. It has to be said that there are violent factors in every man's body!

"That's good. From today on, you should remember that we are from class 7 of the advanced school class. No matter who bullies our class, we should beat back as hard as today!" Ye Xiao said with a smile on his face. He kicked the gangster's chest again and again, which made him spurt blood again and again

"Remember, we will never let anyone bully our class again!" Zhao Meng exclaimed, like a soldier swearing in front of Tiananmen Gate!

Ye Xiao has become an idol in his mind. No one can replace him. Wang Jinchen, Jian Zhuojian, Yu Youchao, and even Hua Xiaodie are very happy. The original unhappiness with Ye Xiao disappears at this moment!

Looking at Ye Xiao standing in front of him, seeing the confident smile on his face, Tan Xiaoxiao's eyes are confused. After only a few days at school, he mobilized the factors in the boys' body through a few small things. Even Hua Xiaodie also worshipped him at the moment. Such cohesion is really terrible. Maybe, the lax seven class will be in school Unprecedented unity!

Ye Xiao, what kind of miracle will you bring to me?

The matter here has already alarmed the hotel manager, but when he came with the hotel security guard, the matter had already ended!

The gangsters who want to bully others are bullied by a group of students. Naturally, there is no justice for them. Even the hotel manager has no good intention to ask Ye Xiao and others for compensation. After all, a group of gangsters break in, which is their dereliction of duty!

Naturally, the gangsters couldn't have called the police. They could only help each other out of the hotel one by one. Ye Xiao and others were not interested in eating any more. After checking out, they returned to school!

There are other students from Yunlong noble private school in the hotel. They may not know ye Xiao, but they absolutely know Tan Xiaoxiao. Soon, the fight between Ye Xiao and Wang Qi, one of the four young masters of Yunlong, soon spread out. Some people also spread the news that ye Xiao had a conflict with Wang Qi, one of the four young masters of Yunlong in the morning!

Only in one afternoon, ye Xiao has become a celebrity of Yunlong noble private school. Many students know that there is a wonderful guy in class 7 of the advanced class

On the roof of the teaching building where the first class of Yunlong noble private school is located, Shangguan, dressed in a white shirt, is sitting on the floor with no manners. He is playing Tetris with a game machine from the 1990s. Zhang Tianbao in black is standing on the side smoking cigarettes. Chen Tianyu and Lin Sichao are squatting in front of a black notebook computer to calculate what they are doing What!

After a long time, Lin Sichao, known as xiaozhuge, looked up"How about it?" Shangguan had no way to raise his head and asked directly!

"Force is worth 90, intelligence is 60, financial resources are unknown, courage index is 90, popularity index is 70!" Lin Sichao closed his laptop and opened his mouth!

"Although Wang Qi went in the wrong direction, his skill was good. He was able to defeat him in three moves, and his force value was about 90. He dared to challenge Zhang long alone and say such words in front of me. His courage index of 90 was also reasonable. In a few days, he made a group of people look at him with great admiration. It is fair to say that the personnel index reaches 70 Go, but isn't this intelligence too low? " Shangguan has no way to smile!

"It's just based on some of the data that he showed. At least so far, there's nothing that he did through his wisdom!" Lin Sichao said primly!

"Ha ha, then add 10% to his intelligence value first." Shangguan has no way to smile!

"Good..." Lin Sichao is no nonsense, once again turned on the computer

"Shall we make some plans for him now?" One side of the morning sky feather mouth way!

"Against him? Do you think this is the end of Wang Qi's business? Even if Wang Qi is willing to give up, his Taekwondo elder martial brother will not give up. Tianyu, don't be impulsive. When you appear in the future, now, let's watch the play quietly! " Shangguan Wudao said, put away the game machine in his hand, and stood up from the ground

"I see..." Chen Tianyu nodded. He didn't show too much respect or any disrespect. Everything was so natural

Yunlong street is a famous bar in Yunlong street. It is not only the students of Yunlong noble private school who often go here to have fun. Those urban white-collar workers, street gangsters and even some aristocratic children like to come here!

At this time, it was 7 o'clock in the evening, many bars just opened, but for the cold dancing bar, it was already overcrowded!

The hall is playing loud heavy metal music, dazzling neon lights flashing back and forth, men and women in colorful clothes are constantly twisting their bodies on the dance floor, and some sexy women carrying trays shuttle back and forth in the corridor. It can be said that from time to time, they throw some eyes at the guests, or walk forward to have a drink with the guests, if you are willing to spend money, Or you are handsome enough, you can even go to the next room to have a primitive game between men and women!

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