In the bar, Wang Yang looks gloomy and stares at Shao Bingqian in front of him. He almost bursts out fire in his eyes. In his own territory, he is even smashed by a girl? It's so fuckin 'funny

His mind has been rolling out of 70 or 80 ideas, planning to play with her for a while

Jin Xiaohui and others have quickly gathered around. Their young master has been beaten. If they don't come back, they will be incompetent

"Take it back to me..." There is no need for them to say anything more. Wang Yang has given orders

Jin Xiaohui and others are about to rush on, but Shao Bingqian snorted coldly: "do you dare to start with me?"

"Do it? I'm not only going to do it, but I'll talk to you later... " Wang Yang snorted angrily. Now he would like to strip off the woman's clothes on the spot and press it on the ground and knead it well

"I'm a policeman..." Shao Bingqian, who was in a bad mood, was also angry. Were these people too bold? If they can't get up and chat up, they should be rude to themselves. Don't they have any royal law in their eyes?

While talking, he took out his police card from his pocket and lit it in front of several people

Seeing Shao Bingqian, who is very cool in the police officer's card, Wang Yang and others not only have no fear, but also laugh one by one

"Young master, I've played with almost every kind of woman, but I haven't played with the police. I'm having fun today. Brothers, take it with me..." Wang Yang wantonly smile up, a small police station female police, can have how big background? You don't have to play as much as you want?

According to the strength of the Wangs in Jinghai City, not to mention a small policewoman, even a police station director, or even a bureau director, when she sees Wang Yang, she has to shout respectfully

If Wang Yang takes a fancy to the daughter of a branch director or something, the bureau director will surely bump his bottom and send his daughter to his bed, not to mention just a small policeman now?

No one takes Shao Bingqian as one thing, and a few of them take Shao Bingqian

Shao Bingqian's face changed a lot when she saw that she showed her identity. However, she graduated from the police school and was a good hand in the police school. Seeing a man who was arrested towards her, she clasped the wrist of the other party and fell a beautiful over the shoulder, which directly threw the man backward and smashed heavily on a tea table in the back

"Well, I like this woman Xiaohui, get her for me Seeing Shao Bingqian still has such skills, Wang Yang seems to have discovered the new world, and his eyes are shining with gold

"Yes, big and little..." Jin Xiaohui sneered, moved the next muscles and bones, personally toward Shao Bingqian in the past!

Shao Bingqian's skill is really good. At least she can deal with three or four ordinary men, but she is obviously not enough to see in front of such an expert. She shakes her body and reaches for Shao Bingqian's shoulder

Shao Bingqian still wants to buckle Jin Xiaohui's wrist just as before, but Jin Xiaohui's speed is very fast. Before her right hand clasps Jin Xiaohui's wrist, her shoulder has been buckled, and she immediately feels a sharp pain. Her whole arm can't use her strength, and her eyebrows wrinkle slightly

When she spins her body, she has to kick her foot into Jin Xiaohui's crotch. However, Jin Xiaohui has been prepared for that. When she lifts her other hand, she has already grasped Shao Bingqian's calf and pushes it hard. Shao Bingqian, who is standing on one foot, accidentally falls back and falls directly on the sofa

Such a scene makes Wang Yang and others laugh, especially Wang Yang. He likes such a woman

Jin Xiaohui still wants to continue to move forward, but he is caught by him. He is ready to hand it in person

Shao Bingqian was pushed down on the sofa. She felt very ashamed and angry. She was also a good hand in the police force. How could she be so vulnerable?

She was so angry that she saw Wang Yang himself. She didn't stand up at all. She kicked Wang Yang directly, but she was caught by Wang Yang's ankle

"I said, today you are mine..." Wang Yang laughs and pulls Shao Bingqian's body to himself

Shao Bingqian is so angry that she still has a sharp pain in her right shoulder. She has to clench her left fist and smash it into Wang Yang's head. However, Wang Yang is also an expert. She just stretches out her hand at will, so she grabs Shao Bingqian's fist

"This skin is really tender. I don't know how you maintain it, miss?" Wang Yang laughs and grabs Shao Bingqian's plump breasts with one hand Shao Bingqian is very angry, but she is caught by Wang Yang with one hand. She can't move at all. She can only fall back with all her strength

"Pa..." Shao Bingqian's body fell on the sofa again. Her clothes were a little messy. She was bullied by several great men. She felt very ashamed and indignant. The funny thing was that she didn't have any strength to resist. The gap between the two sides was too bigShao Bingqian in the heart of shame no longer dare to attack rashly, but does not mean that Wang Yang and others will stand there and look at him. Wang Yang is like a wolf meeting a little white rabbit, with Yin Dang's smile on his face, constantly launching attacks on her. Moreover, he doesn't need fists. He even uses his claws directly, but only a few breathing time. Shao Bingqian's clothes have been torn by him, which are interlinked The shirt was also torn off a corner, a large white skin exposed

Shao Bingqian has no strength to change hands at this time. She looks helplessly at the crowd around her. How she hopes someone can stand up to fight for her injustice at this time. However, all the people around her, whether male or female, avoid her eyes one by one, and no one is willing to stand up for her

Is this the crowd that they always guard? Is this the one you always want to protect in your faith? Do they watch themselves being bullied one by one?

What have you been doing for? When have Chinese people become so numb?

At this time, she is how much hope to have a strong back, can stand in front of their own body for their own wind and rain?

Suddenly, she felt very tired, very tired, that strong and persistent, that unswerving policewoman disappeared at this moment, replaced by a helpless woman

She is just an ordinary woman, a woman in need of protection

One after another experience, let her whole person become soft a lot

"Hi..." Shao Bingqian's white shirt was torn open again, revealing the black underwear inside. It turned out that Wang Yang, Jin Xiaohui, and other men all had bright eyes. Wang Yang even had an impulse to conquer her here

"Son of a bitch..." But at this moment, an angry voice rang out

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