Ye Xiao walked into the supreme beauty bar with a bunch of bright red roses in her arms. She thought it would attract a lot of attention. But no one paid attention to her when she came in, and even the welcome lady disappeared. On the contrary, many people's eyes were looking at the hall. At the moment, a burst of doubt in her heart, she quickly passed through the crowd and came to the hall, where she saw the banter of Wang Yang and others Shao Bingqian's scene, all of a sudden the whole person was furious

For Shao Bingqian, his heart is full of guilt. For the first time in the heavy rain, he took her first kiss. If he was still conscious, then he captured her first time that night, but he was totally unconscious!

Theoretically speaking, there is nothing wrong with her, but she is still hurt. In order to make up for the damage, ye Xiao has summoned up a lot of courage to pursue her. It can be said that she has been regarded as her own woman in the heart. Now a person who wants to pursue is being bullied by these bastards. Can he feel better?

Ye Xiao always thinks that he is a man in charge. How can the man in charge let his woman suffer a little bit

Ye Xiao, in her rage, does not care that her heart is still wrapped in bandages. She throws away the rose in her hand and rushes up like an angry bull

There is no need for Wang Yang's command. At least two people directly turn around and rush to Ye Xiao. This is their home court. Now someone dares to fight against them. What is it?

With a grim smile on their faces, they rush to Ye Xiao from left to right. One of them also takes out a fruit knife. It seems that they want to poke some holes in Ye Xiao's body

Facing the two people, ye Xiao didn't mean to stop at all. He leaned aside and avoided the stabbing knife from the other side. Then he clasped the wrist of the man and twisted it hard. The man felt pain. The fruit knife in his hand fell off his hand and was caught by Ye Xiao. He didn't stop at all. Instead, he inserted it into the fist of the other person. The man behind was shocked, It was too late to stop the fist. The fruit knife directly pulled out a long blood hole on his fist, which even cut the tendons of his hands, and the blood vessels were also cut off, and the bright red blood flowed out

A cry came out of the mouth

Then ye Xiao shook with the trend, and the fruit knife in his hand turned a knife flower in his hand. Before the first one didn't return to his mind, he had already inserted it into his shoulder, which made the man retreat again and again. There was also a dull hum in his mouth

In the blink of an eye, they have been repulsed, and ye Xiao's figure has come to the front

"Is it you?" Seeing that the visitor turned out to be ye Xiao, a exclamation came from Wang Yang's mouth. How could it be this guy again? Last time he was in Jinling Hotel, it was he who disturbed himself. This time it was him? Why does he show up every time I see a funny woman? Is this bastard his nemesis?

"Let go of her..." Ye Xiao didn't expect to meet Wang Yang here. Seeing that he caught Shao Bingqian, he said coldly

"Let her go? Who do you think you are? " Wang Yang also snorted coldly. He is the eldest young master of the Wang family. He is the son of Wang tiannu. He will be the successor of tiannu society in the future. He is one of the most important people in Jinghai city. How can he let go of Ye Xiao's words

Yes, ye Xiao really has the ability to kill Han Jianyu alone. However, you are not Han Jianyu. Here is your own territory. Can you kill so many people by yourself?

With the fall of Wang Yang's voice, people in black one after another rushed out from around and surrounded Ye Xiao tightly. Everyone looked at Ye Xiao as if they were dead

Here, no one dares to offend Wang Dashao

Seeing the people in black around, Wang Yang with a proud smile on his face, and Shao Bingqian who was bullied by Wang Yang and others, ye Xiao's face is gloomy and terrible

These bastards bully Shao Bingqian in front of so many people. Are they still human?

Shao Bingqian was already desperate, but she didn't expect Ye Xiao to come here. She felt a little warm in her heart, at least less disgusted in her heart

"Let go of her, it's a matter between us men..." Ye Xiao coldly looks at the people in black around her. Her eyes are full of murder

"Ha ha, it's a good thing between us men. Well, I'll give you a chance. As long as you can defeat Xiaohui, I'll let you take her away safely. How about it?" Wang Yang sneered and did not take the threat in Ye Xiao's eyes at all

Hearing this, Jin Xiaohui looked at Wang Yang gratefully. He knew that this was a chance for him to fight with Ye Xiao

"Good..." Ye Xiao agreed. He knew that this was the best chance to take Shao Bingqian away safely

"If you lose, she will be my man..." Seeing ye Xiao's promise, Wang Yang smiles faintly

Ye Xiao doesn't pay attention to Wang Yang any more. Instead, he turns to look at Jin Xiaohui. When he was in Jinling Hotel, he once had a fight with Jin Xiaohui. He knows that this is an extremely strong opponent. But under normal circumstances, he has full confidence to defeat his opponent. But now his injuries have not recovered, especially the wound in his heart, which just shows signs of healing At this time, he would only pull the wound, but he had no choiceI owe her so much, how can I let her suffer other harm

Shao Bingqian and Jin Xiaohui had a hand in hand and knew that he was a good master. Now she was surprised to hear ye Xiao's promise. You know, ye Xiao's wound was bandaged by her and her sister. Most people have already hung up like that, so they can be saved. At least they have to lie down for two or three months to recover, but this is only a few days Between?

His injury has not recovered at all. At this time, he is fighting with others. What's the difference between this and seeking death?

Just when Shao Bingqian wanted to say something, Jin Xiaohui's body rushed up in an instant. His speed was extremely fast, like a lone wolf galloping on the grassland. Almost instantaneously, he had come to Ye Xiao's body, and then a blow hit Ye Xiao's heart

In the face of this roaring blow, ye Xiao blows out with the same fist

"Bang..." Ye Xiao's body was shaken back, while Jin Xiaohui just stepped back

See ye Xiao unexpectedly by oneself a boxing retreat, Jin Xiaohui's eyes flash a silk of surprise, this is his strength? If he has only such strength, how can he kill Han Jianyu alone?

However, he was stunned only for a moment. Seeing that ye Xiao's strength was not as good as his own, Jin Xiaohui's back foot pedaled, and his body had once again rushed past

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