For a while, Cui Zheng was a little surprised at the people who created this "illusion". They all said that the layman watched the fun and the expert looked at the way of the road. Cui Zheng, who had known about these "magic arrays", naturally knew that it was not difficult to think of this method. However, it was almost impossible to integrate his own people into this fantasy.

"Go ahead..."


Seeing the tide like "armor" warriors rush again.

This time, Cui Zheng didn't dare to be careless. He stared at these "armored" warriors and sneered, "looking for death." As soon as the voice dropped, he saw a huge "hand of God" crushing directly at these "armored" warriors who were coming.

For a moment.

Everywhere the "hand of God" crushed the place, there were bloody corpses everywhere. Seeing his masterpiece, Cui Zheng's face also showed a faint smile. He was very clear that there was a warrior holding a "silver gun" in these "armor" warriors. As long as he destroyed all these "armor" Warriors, the "silver spear" warrior would not be spared However, before the smile on Cui Zheng's face disappeared, he saw that the "armored" warriors on the ground stood up one by one. He knew that this was an illusion. No matter how they killed them, these "armored" warriors would be derived again. After all, they had reached the peak of the "later days of heaven". Naturally, their temperament was not comparable to that of ordinary warriors.

Even if they were trapped in the "fantasy", they didn't show any anger.


Trapped in the "dreamland", Cui Zheng uses his "God's hand" to kill those "armor" warriors who keep standing up, and tries to find a way to break through the "dilemma". However, Hong Tianya is completely stupid. Because the place where Cui Zheng's palm falls is all the members of the "too forgetful gate". At this moment, even if Hong Tianya knows that Cui Zheng is in a lot of trouble. The trouble is that those masked warriors holding silver spears, who are constantly intertwined with each other, bite their teeth and don't care to go to attack Ye Xiao. Instead, they murmur to the members of the "too forgetful gate" around him: "you go and help Cui worship and get rid of those who hold the silver spears."

"Yes, little Lord."

A group of "too forgetful of love" people rushed to Cui Zheng's direction in an instant.

Ye Xiao, who was standing in the same place, just glanced at the members of the "too forgetful gate" who rushed to the "hereditary guard". A slight smile appeared in the corners of his mouth. A handprint was directly printed out. All of a sudden, a huge black whirlpool appeared on the top of everyone's head, holding strange weapons The "Purgatory demons" directly rushed out of the black whirlpool.

Ye Xiao had already been able to summon some "Purgatory demons" from "Purgatory" when he was half a step into the realm of earth immortals. Now ye Xiao is already a warrior of the six heaven realm of the earth immortals. With this move, he immediately saw countless Dixian seven heaven, and even some "Purgatory demons" of eight heaven realm of Dixian rushed from the "Purgatory gate" Come out, like locusts fly out of the "Purgatory gate.".

This time, Hong Tianya and Wei Tianming brought many people.

Wei Tianming directly transferred all the elite forces on the side of the "Vientiane city". The total number of people was 50000 to 60000. After all, Hong Tianya's "forget love gate" was the most powerful force in the "Vientiane city". Naturally, the number of people was not comparable to Wei Tianming, Qiu Wentian and Chen zikun, who ranked after several hundred.

What's more, Hong Tianya is determined to take ye Xiao in his hand this time. Even in order to prevent the Revenge of xuantiangong, Hong Tianya has made up his mind to give up the foundation of "Taishang forgetting love gate" in the "Vientiane city", and has directly transferred the whole "taishangungqing gate" to the "Vientiane city", with more than 100000 people.

Wei Tianming lost more than half of the power of the three men long before Hong Tianya brought them here. Now, there are only some disabled soldiers and defeated generals. Hong Tianya has also lost a lot. In front of him, he was shot by Ye Xiao's "infinite bow of heaven and earth". Now he is directly shot by Cui Zheng's "hand of heaven". I don't know how many of them have been killed.

The "Inferno" in the "Inferno" appears.

Not to mention the other ordinary members who are "too obsessed with love", even Hong Tianya has a feeling of scalp numbness.

It seems that the boy didn't know what to do before he ran for the first time.

More ants can kill elephants. What's more, they are still the "Purgatory demons" in the realm of seven and eight heaven. When they see these "Purgatory demons" breaking out of the "Purgatory gate" and facing their own people, they begin to slaughter their own people. Those who are above the Ninth Heaven of the earth immortals are better, and the rest of them are simply vulnerable to a blow, just a few breaths Suddenly, he was killed by these "Purgatory demons". Seeing this, Hong Tianya felt that his heart was dripping blood. You know, the people he brought this time were all cultivated by him for so many years."Little Lord, the number of these monsters is increasing. If it goes on like this, all of us will be destroyed here..." A "sacrifice" of "too much forgetting love" whose face was covered with blood came directly to Hong Tianya and said with a sad face.

Hearing the four words "total annihilation", Hong Tianya's mouth twitches. His eyes at Ye Xiao have become extremely resentful. After taking two deep breaths, he said in a hoarse voice to the ordinary "offering" of "too much love forgetting gate" beside him: "these monsters are all instigated by Ye Xiao. As long as you get rid of him, everything will be welcome No, you guys will go with me now, and take this ye Xiao down. Don't worry about other people... " Hong Tianya said, also no longer pay attention to the other people around, but directly to the opposite ye Xiaochong in the past.

Several ordinary "offerings" of "too much love forgetting gate" followed Hong Tianya. Hong Tianya, holding a "supreme forgetting sword," rushed up after him. He did not care whether the monsters called out by Ye Xiao or his own people were standing in front of him. He waved the "forgetful sword" in his hand, which was much better than that of Shangguan yu'er The "spring and autumn Yanyu sword" also needs the "Taishang forgetting love sword" which is countless times sharper than before. In a flash, he and ye Xiao are killed in a blood path.

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