And the other several ordinary "offerings" were not idle. Before they got close to Ye Xiao, they had already played their most powerful "martial arts skills". In an instant, they saw five or six brilliant martial arts smashing at Ye Xiao, who was holding the "gun of justice.".

When Hong Tianya rushed to Hong Tianya with several ordinary "offerings" of "too forgetful of love", ye Xiao had already noticed their actions. Especially when he saw Hong Tianya rush forward, the corners of his mouth slightly tilted upward and made a mocking arc. The "trial gun" in his hand instantly stabbed at Hong Tianya, who was rushing towards him. Hong Tianya also knew that, Ye Xiao's "gun of judgment" has a trace of the will of the "ancient Ming emperor". Even Cui Zheng's "hand of God" can penetrate it, but he dare not be careless at the moment. After all, "ancient Ming emperor", "Three Emperors" and "Five Emperors" are the most powerful people in the world. Even a trace of residual "will" is not the ability of those martial artists in heaven level realm To counter this, the "too much love forgetting sword" in his hand was also immediately removed and hit Ye Xiao's "gun of judgment".

A black and a white light collided together.


There was a big bang like "the sky is falling apart".

Suddenly, I saw Hong Tianya's "Taishang forget love sword" fall to the ground, and ye Xiao's "trial gun" has disappeared, but there is a trace of "anger" entangled in the "supreme forget love sword", it seems that they are constantly eroding his "Taishang forgetting love sword". Knowing that Hong Tianya, who has strong "anger", sees this scene, his eyes are full of eyes Although Xuanyuan can't get rid of the ancient sword, he can't get rid of it.

Even if it's much stronger than the ordinary ancient immortal utensils.

Moreover, the sword has been gestated for tens of thousands of years, and a sword spirit has been bred in it, so that the sword refined by the ancient powerful man has the qualification to be a "artifact".

If ye Xiao's "anger" really engulfs the "sword spirit" in "Taishang forgetting love sword", the "Taishang forgetting love sword" will be really abandoned.

But when he saw that ye Xiao had already rushed towards him, he had to give up the plan to retrieve the "too forgetful sword".

When he was in Shanhe xiuzhuang, he had already known that ye Xiao followed the same route as the great sacrifice of Wangting, which was the route of ancient practitioners. Moreover, ye Xiao has been refining the will of those ancient monsters for several months. Hong Tianya also said that he did not Yes, but he knows one thing very well, that is, if you fight ye Xiao closely, the final loser is absolutely himself.

This is the advantage of "ancient practitioners".

See ye Xiao's speed is faster and faster, in the blink of an eye has already rushed to his front.

Hong Tianya's face changed slightly, and his steps exerted a little force on the ground. The whole person did not advance or retreat. He put his hands on his chest and kept changing one handprint after another. When he saw that ye Xiao's face was close to himself, Hong Tianya's face appeared a ferocious smile and growled in a low voice: "too forgetful curse..."

As soon as the voice dropped, he saw that a lot of "ancient Charms" were directly injected into Ye Xiao's body. However, when he saw that ye Xiao's body didn't look like he was under his "too obsessed with love curse", but more and more dissipated, Hong Tianya's face turned black and blue. Suddenly, he turned around and saw that ye Xiao's figure had appeared in one of them‘ "Be careful, he is an ancient practitioner. Don't talk to him..." he said in a hoarse voice

Without waiting for Hong Tianya to finish, he saw Ye Xiao, who had already appeared at the side of the "offering". He raised a sneering smile at the corner of his mouth and said slowly, "it's late."


A hand is directly inserted into the ordinary "offering" body of this "too forgetful gate of love".

When he took it out, he saw that there was a "spirit" in his hand. It was the "spirit" worshipped in front of him. At the moment, a group of "anger" wrapped the "spirit" tightly, not to mention the fragile "spirit". Even the body of ordinary Tian level martial arts people did not dare to touch too much "evil spirit".

I saw the spirit wrapped up in "anger". He looked at Ye Xiao with trembling voice and said, "please don't kill me. As long as you let me live, I will definitely repay you in the next life..." "I'll swear to the end of the world when you say" Xiao Hong's face will be broken to the end of the world. "

Don't wait for Hong Tianya to finish.

I saw Ye Xiao suddenly holding his hand.

Before the "spirit" of the "sacrifice" could utter a scream, it turned into a wisp of smoke. Ye Xiao just looked down at the smoke, shook her head slightly and said, "in fact, I still want to ask, if I fall into your hands, would you let me go once? Before I could ask, your master began to threaten me, and I am a person If you still have an afterlife, you should choose a master with a better temper when choosing a master earlier... "Seeing ye Xiao kill a "sacrifice" on his side decisively, Hong Tianya didn't jump into a rage. Instead, he completely calmed down. His face was a little chilly. When he saw the remaining four ordinary "offerings" around him, they all showed a look of horror. After taking a deep breath, he said, "be careful, pay attention to his movements He is a "ancient practitioner". As long as he is not allowed to fight hand to hand with us, it is only easy to kill him. Now they all fight out their "heaven and earth Dharma" to protect themselves. "

When Hong Tianya's voice dropped, he saw a transparent ice crystal like "heaven and earth Dharma phase" directly in front of him, and the remaining four "offerings" did not hesitate. Each of them typed out their own "heaven and earth Dharma images" and blocked themselves behind him.

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