Seeing ye Xiao's' trial gun 'didn't hurt the monster lurking in the' swamp 'at all. On the contrary, it aroused its ferocity. It was only in the blink of an eye that Lin nishang, who was hiding behind Ye Xiao, turned pale and exclaimed: "brother ye, be careful "

although Lin nishang's combat experience is a little poor, her own strength is not weak at all. She might not have lost to Lin Hu if she hadn't understood the 'law of space' at the beginning and grasped the 'colorful dragon scale belt' in her hand. After a burst of shock, Lin nishang was no longer hesitant and moved her mind. She directly offered a memorial ceremony to the 'history of heaven and earth' on her head to the 'marsh' Ze monster 'crush past.

Compared with the speed of this' swamp monster ', Lin nishang's' history of heaven and earth' is a real 'ancient artifact'. Even though this' ancient artifact 'is no longer a complete' ancient artifact 'after successive injuries, its speed is not comparable to that of this' swamp monster'. Before the 'swamp monster' bites Ye Xiao, the 'history book of heaven and earth' will crush it To this swamp monster.

"Boom! "

a stream of 'laws of heaven and earth' accompanied by Lin nishang's' history of heaven and earth 'collided with the' swamp monster '. Suddenly, you can see that the flesh and blood of the rough skinned' swamp monster 'is also hit by the' history book of heaven and earth '. Especially, the place hit by the' history book of heaven and earth 'has become flesh and blood blurred, and ye Xiao standing in front of Lin nishang is relieved Voice.

He didn't expect that the defense of these swamp monsters was so abnormal that his gun of judgment failed to kill the swamp monster, or even stopped it for a moment.

Seeing some of the blood from the swamp monster splashed on Ye Xiao's body, Lin nishang's face suddenly changed. She looked at Ye Xiao nervously and said, "brother ye, are you ok! These swamp monsters are full of toxins, and people who are touched by their toxins "

before Lin nishang finished, she had taken out the 'heaven and earth infinite bow', and ye Xiao, who was also covered with 'purgatory flame', shook her head. The 'poison' on these 'swamp monsters' was even more terrible than the red' poisonous fog '. Although only a few drops touched her body, ye Xiao still felt dizzy.

Fortunately, there is a 'tree of the world' in his body, which constantly releases the power of 'vitality' and expels all the 'toxins' that come into his body. This is only a few drops of' toxins'. If you add more, ye Xiao believes that even if there is a 'world tree' in his body, he may not be able to easily kill this' swamp monster ' The toxins are easily expelled.

The swamp monster, crushed by the history of heaven and earth, and more or less injured, did not rush forward to attack them. Instead, he fell on the swamp and looked at Lin nishang and ye Xiao angrily with his pair of lantern like eyes. Although there was a look of fear in his eyes, he did not mean to give in.

Each other.

Lin nishang, who worships the history of heaven and earth, is standing side by side with Ye Xiao. She looks at the swamp monster on the other side and says to Ye Xiao: "elder brother ye, these beasts that have been devouring poison since childhood are already in the early days of the heaven level. The one in front of us is almost able to enter the later peak of the heaven level Once they reach the level of heaven, their intelligence will be fully opened. Especially those beasts whose strength has reached the level of 'late days' are no less intelligent than ordinary people. Moreover, their defense power has reached an amazing level. You must be careful not to be fooled by them "

hearing that the intelligence of these 'beasts' has been turned on, ye Xiao's face becomes dignified when he hears that his wisdom is not weaker than that of ordinary people.

The only thing that makes Ye Xiao happy is that these 'swamp monsters' are not like wolves in groups. Otherwise, if there are more such' swamp monsters', they don't need to fight at all. They jump directly into the innermost part of these 'swamp monsters'. When they see the' swamp monsters' on the opposite side starting to move again, ye Xiao's look immediately congealed.

The mind moved.

A 'purgatory flame' burst into the sky.

"Eight wasteland fire dragon array "

"! "

the fire of purgatory in the sky immediately surrounded the monster on the opposite side, because his' spirit 'had already degenerated. In addition, the' eight barren fire dragon array 'had swallowed up a lot of dragon Qi, and the' eight barren fire dragon array ', which had reached level 4, instantly appeared under the' swamp 'monster. The' fire dragons' with dragon power were diving directly from eight directions to the 'swamp monster' past times.

When ye Xiao is not only a 'ancient Practitioner', but also a 'array mage' who can arrange a four level array, Lin nishang, standing beside him, is also distracted and swaying. At the moment, ye Xiao has no mind to pay attention to the mentality of Lin nishang's little daughters, controlling the eight fire dragons in the 'eight barren fire dragon array' and constantly attacking them The bog monster trapped in the 'eight barren fire dragon array' uses Ye Xiao's' purgatory flame '.These 'purgatory flames' are naturally not comparable to ordinary flames.

Even compared with the most powerful 'Tianhuo', I'm afraid it's not nearly as bad as the 'swamp monster' in the sea of fire. It no longer uses its palm like a leaf fan to slap the flaming dragons. According to Lin nishang, these 'swamp monsters' have reached the level of' late days' and their own intelligence has been completely opened up. It is obvious that they have seen it If you go on like this, you will even be consumed by the eight famine fire dragon array.

"Oh! "

seeing the 'swamp monster' roaring up to the sky, ignoring the annoying 'fire dragons' around them, they rushed towards Ye Xiao and Lin nishang. The mountain like body moved at a speed that was not slow at all. Without waiting for the' fire dragon 'behind him to entangle, he directly hit the boundary wall of the' eight wasteland fire dragon array ', and saw the boundary of his four level' array ' The wall, hit hard by this' swamp monster ', suddenly appears a series of' Cracks', as if it may be broken at any time.

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