Seeing his "eight barren fire dragon array" seems to be unable to stop this fierce "swamp monster". Ye Xiao's face also becomes ugly, and he directly faces Lin nishang and says, "continue rolling with your" history book of heaven and earth " "

after that, whether Lin nishang reacted or not, his wrist turned over and a" gun of trial "appeared and floated in front of him.

"Puff! "

wait for the swamp monster to rush out of the" eight fire dragon array ". One after another, the" trial gun "throws at the swamp monster in front of you. Standing beside Ye Xiao, Lin nishang sees one another 'trial gun' directly inserted in the body of the swamp monster. In a moment, this' swamp monster 'has become a hedgehog.

"Explosion! "

bang! Bang! Bang "

one after another, the dull blasting sound rings on the monster. These" trial guns "are not fatal to the monster in front of us, but it is hard enough for a while. When so many" trial guns "are thought of, Lin nishang has a sense of scalp numbness. At present, it is no longer too late to feel numb Doubt, directly sacrifice the "history of heaven and earth" in hand, and roll boiling 'heaven and earth law' and roll it directly to the swamp monster.

And a hand still holds the "heaven and earth infinite bow" Ye Xiao, is to pull the bow string directly, a burning 'purgatory flame' arrow is on the 'heaven and earth infinite bow'.

Bow, full moon.

"Whoosh! "

only when you hear the sound of" swish ", you can see that the arrow above the" infinite bow "in the heaven and earth is shooting at the swamp monster in the" eight wasteland fire dragon array ". If it is normal, the arrow above the" infinite bow "may not hurt the" swamp monster "with no weak strength.

But at this moment, the "swamp monster" was injured by Ye Xiao's "trial gun" and now it is attacked by the eight fire dragons in the "eight fire dragon array". In addition, Lin nishang's "history of heaven and earth" makes the rough and flesh swamp monster feel a feeling of distress.

"Puff! "

'the arrow from the heaven and earth' arched out directly into the eyes of the swamp monster. Only when the swamp monster makes a painful howl, he sees the arrow from the infinite bow of the heaven and earth, flies in from his eyes, then flies out from his body, and shoots through his mountain like body directly. From the sky to the earth, it goes through the shadow The evil 'grumpy' is left in its body, devouring its' vitality 'and destroying his body.

And the history of heaven and earth is rolling the head of swamp monster.

Just a breath time is not yet, I see the powerful monster in front of you, the whole head began to become bloody fuzzy.

Seeing ye Xiao constantly open his hand 'heaven and earth infinite bow', one arrow after another seems to have shot into the monster's body in front of him without money. Lin nishang, standing beside Ye Xiao, sipped his lips, and a pair of eyes were shocked to secretly observe the evil man beside him. The bottom of his heart began to become a bit complicated.

At first, when the man looked out of his body, Lin nishang was still worried. If they let their grandfather know, if his body was finished by a boy of "nine heaven" of the immortal, the man who saved his life did not know how miserable he would suffer.

It's behind.

She only knew from Lin's mouth that this man was not a simple "immortal warrior", but a rare existence, even Lin amber, such a proud man, had been defeated in his hand.

Now, Lin nishang finds that he has begun to completely lose sight of the man in front of him. He is not only an "ancient Trainer", but also has the "trial gun" such a powerful and confusing 'martial arts'.

What surprised Lin nishang was that there was also an ancient artifact in the man's hand. Moreover, this' ancient artifact 'or' Shenji list 'ranked very much higher than her original' seven color dragon scale belt '. Now, she is not sure whether ye Xiao still has any secret and bottom hidden in his body Card.

"Bang! "

a loud noise, and then you can see the" swamp monster "which is like a hill. It explodes into a pile of meat. The whole sky is the disgusting flesh and blood from the explosion of" swamp monster ". The two people hide under the" history book of heaven and earth ", and wait for more than ten minutes. The bloody rain from the explosion of this" swamp monster "is the end of the curtain.

Lin nishang, who met this disgusting monster for the first time, has a feeling of lingering fear. If there is no man who is worthy of her trust, she will turn around and escape from the "Wandu swamp". Although her own strength is not weak, she is the strong person in the realm of "later days", and has the "history book of heaven and earth" in her hand Artifact.However, in the final analysis, she is just a young girl. After the shock is settled down, she can smell the man's unique breath on Ye Xiao, and a beautiful face suddenly appears a touch of subtle red.

Ye Xiao didn't expect that the beast in the 'ten thousand poison swamp' was so difficult. Even if the two of them worked together, they had to work hard to get rid of the monster. Moreover, most of the credit is due to Lin nishang's' history of heaven and earth '. Without this' ancient artifact', if only he wanted to solve the 'swamp monster' Things are definitely not that easy.

"Well, let's catch up! After being pestered by this animal for a long time, they didn't know how far they had gone. "Ye Xiao has a dignified face.

Lin nishang had some fantasies. Hearing Ye Xiao's words, she immediately remembered that the uncle who had treated himself as a daughter since childhood was still in danger. Now she quickly hid all these fantasies in her heart and nodded with her strength. She just thought that she would continue to live in the "poisonous marsh" with many crises Ze 'shuttle inside, the face is not controlled some white.

"…… "

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