Walking with Ye Xiao in another garden, Liu floating floccus, saw his father live in the "imperial city" lit up the fire, such as relief relief.

The voice of some dreamy murmurs: "I didn't expect that our" White Emperor city "lasted for half a year, and it was about to end today. After dawn, another emperor would be born. The newly born emperor will inherit all that my father has, including his skills, treasures and pills. Once we inherit these things of my father, we will actually inherit these things of my father The force will be able to advance rapidly. Moreover, there is a powerful position of tens of thousands of people. So, as soon as he dies, his children will be opposite each other. If not for me, I am afraid that I have died in the hands of other brothers and sisters half a year ago. Until now, I can't remember how many brothers and sisters were stained in my hand Is it cold blood? "

"Cold blood?"

Hearing the problem of Liu floating floccus, ye Xiao was also a daze, and shook his head immediately. Some sighed: "mole ants still live secretly, let alone people? It is just for survival. If you don't kill them, they turn around and kill you. This is a world where friends of dead road don't die. There are so many guilt feelings. It is better to think about how to get the position as much as possible. If it falls into the hands of others, you will only have the share of being slaughtered It's... "

"Yes! I will not kill them, and they will not read and love and not kill me. "

Hearing Ye Xiaona's comfort, Liu finally showed a relaxed smile on his face, and he rose up and said: "as early as half a year ago, when the father fell, my brothers and sisters had begun to compete for the" jade seal "of the father. However, everyone wanted to get the jade seal and become the whole" White Emperor city " Overlord, so, as long as blood and Army meet each other, that time, he killed three days and nights. Finally, how many people died, even if we didn't know. Later, my seven brothers fought the most people under his hand, and wanted to forcibly enter the imperial city of my father to seize the jade seal. Of course, you should guess that when the bird came out of the head again Seven brothers have become the target. After the first World War, the lost people and horses have become more than half, and suddenly they have become unable to recover. Therefore, from that day on, even if someone wants to get the jade seal, no one dare to dare to break into the imperial city without any fault. Until now, the remaining princes and princesses are less and less, and the real strength still remains Only three forces, I, sister 3 and brother nine, are the three forces. Therefore, my third sister can't help but start to play the idea of "imperial city", and you will see this scene today. How about it? Is it very ironic? "

"You don't go to the competition for the 'seal'?" Ye Xiao asked with a smile.

"No hurry."

Liu floating floccus shook his head and smiled and said, "is there an old saying called Mantis catching cicadas and yelling after? My third sister wants to take the jade seal. How can my seventh brother, nine brothers and fifth brothers make my sister achieve her wishes. Even if it is past, she is just involved in this whirlpool. It is better to wait for them to fight almost, and then make a yellow sparrow again, so as not to sacrifice white. "

"You are not afraid of your seven brothers, nine brothers and ten fifth brothers who are the same ideas as you, waiting for others to block your third sister first, and the last one will not take the hand, and you will be cheaper directly?" "Asked Ye Xiao, smiling.


Liu Piao floccus shook his head, took Ye Xiao into a pavilion, poured a cup of tea to Ye Xiao himself, and then said, "if my seven brothers' strength is not damaged, he will do so, but now his strength is not even half of the full time, and he is not qualified to be that yellow bird, let alone the other several strengths It is not as good as the younger brother and sister of seven brothers. If they do it too late, don't say they are competing with the third sister for the jade seal. Even if they want to enter the "imperial city", it will become a luxury

"You have a good grasp of human nature, and they will not be unjust even if they lose to you in the end." Ye xiaoshook his head and said.

"We have been brothers and sisters for so many years. When the father is still there, everyone seems to be at least the same as their brothers and sisters. If we don't know each other, my father's daughter has failed a little bit!" Liu floating floccus of all kinds of wind and affection smile, only turned to turn around, a face of the positive look at Ye Xiao, eyes full of wisdom asked: "can you ask a question?"


"Are you the temple?" When asked this question, Liu floating floccus eyes also stared at Ye Xiao's face, as if to see what the clue from his face.

"The temple?"

When Liu floating floccus suspected that he had something to do with the temple, ye Xiao shook his head with a smile and said, "I have nothing to do with the temple..."

Ye Xiao knows that although he explained a sentence, Liu driftflong will not believe his words. After all, except for the people around him, they are the people of ice and snow city. Both of these "city pools" are the products of "Temple".Sure enough, after hearing Ye Xiao's denial about the relationship between the temple and ye Xiao, Liu piaoxiu just smiles and doesn't go on studying this topic. In Liu's opinion, no matter whether ye Xiao has anything to do with the temple, he won't admit it. After all, in the eyes of the world, the temple has always been absolutely mysterious, even if it is her father's existence Know where the temple is.

The cool wind is blowing.

They sat in the pavilion all night.

Until the fish belly turned white, I saw a middle-aged man with blood all over his body and two blood holes on his shoulder. He came with a pair of people and stopped outside the pavilion. He respectfully saluted Liu piaoxiu and said in a deep voice, "the princess, the imperial city has been broken. The three princesses and the nine princesses have taken the lead When I came in, when I came back, I saw seven princes, fifteen princes and nineteen princesses. They also broke into the royal city with people. Now, everyone has gathered to the outside of the "royal temple". For a while, they are still stalemate. However, according to their subordinates, they will soon be able to distinguish the victory from defeat or reach an agreement to enter the royal palace. To the palace of heaven

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