After listening to his confidant's words, Liu piaoxiu, sitting opposite Ye Xiao, nodded slightly, looked at Ye Xiao and said with a smile: "OK, let's go together too! If I go too late, I'm afraid that all my brothers and sisters can't wait... "

Liu piaoxiu then turned around and looked at the confidant who came to tell the news, and said with a calm look: "this palace goes to the palace of heaven first. Then you can take the people from the princess's house to come here. Leave some people outside the imperial city. If the palace wins, all those who try to escape from the imperial city will be killed. If the palace fails, you can take this with you Some people have left the White Emperor city for the time being. According to the retreat route arranged for you in front of me, they will hide for the time being. They will try to make a comeback in the future to avenge the palace. Do you remember that? "

"Yes, Princess..."

Hearing Liu piaoxiu's arrangement, ye Xiao, sitting in the pavilion, is also in a state of mind. He finds that he has underestimated the woman's mind too much. Leaving aside the trace of guilt hidden in her heart, she can be regarded as a perfect heroine. She won't let go of any enemy, even if these enemies are her brothers and sisters 。

If you lose, you don't forget to arrange a way out, let your people leave a fire to avenge yourself. When you see ye Xiao standing up, the soldiers in black who have been hiding around come together one after another. They stand behind Ye Xiao silently, and follow Liu piaoxiu. Their eyes fall on the attic where Lin nishang is resting and face Ye Gucheng Road:“ Leave a few people here to protect nishang. If there is no news from me at noon tomorrow, I will take her back to "Vientiane city" and protect her safety in any case. "

"Yes, little master..."

After hearing Ye Xiao's words, ye Gucheng turns around and arranges to protect Lin nishang, but Liu piaoxiu, who is in the front, hears that ye Xiao has left half of the people to protect Lin nishang's little girl, the corners of her mouth also set off a light smile.

Some whispered to themselves: "I didn't expect that you are also a sentimental seed who knows how to cherish the fragrance and cherish the jade. You should take good care of that woman regardless of your own safety. Unfortunately, with your strength, if we have more ambition to fight for hegemony in the world, if we join hands, within 10 years, we will surely create a world of our own, even if it is to create‘ There will be no big problem for the power of such a huge thing as the temple. You are an ancient practitioner, and I am a descendant of the White Emperor. You have the martial arts skills of the ancient practicing body, and I have the skills created by the White Emperor. In addition, the treasures of heaven and earth in our treasure house of the White Emperor city want to create a number of killers with the physique of ancient practitioners What about difficult things? Do you want to cooperate with this palace again? Shall we divide the world equally? "

"No interest."

Ye Xiao, who had already walked side by side with Liu piaoxiu, shook her head slightly and said with a smile: "the purpose of my coming to Baidi city is very simple. As long as I find the person I am looking for, I will leave immediately. Of course, if my brother is killed unfortunately, no matter who it is, I will make him pay a hundred times or a thousand times."

After hearing Ye Xiao's words, Liu piaoxiu was stunned. Then she shook her head and said with a smile, "I admit that you are very powerful. Even if you are in this palace, you may not be able to win you. However, in this" White Emperor city ", there are not only experts like this palace, but also a group of immortal old monsters living in our white Emperor Temple The strength of each one can be said to be an extraordinary metamorphosis. It is also the last card of our "White Emperor city". Because of their presence, our "White Emperor city" has been in good condition until now. Even if all the experts of the temple come here and want to destroy our "white emperor city", it is not so easy. It is a pity that those old masters come here Xiping often hides in that forbidden area to pursue the way of heaven. Unless the "White Emperor city" is destroyed, it will not step outside. Even if our "White Emperor city" is in chaos this time, no old guy comes out to stop it. Otherwise, our "Baidi city" will not be in such a state of full of holes. "

"Are you warning me?" Ye Xiao squinted and laughed.

"I just kindly remind you that if you can resist the assassins who understand the power of the stars, you can do whatever you want in our white Emperor city. If you provoke those old monsters in the White Emperor Temple, no one will be able to save you even if my father is resurrected." Willow floats the light way.

After listening to Liu piaoxiu's words, ye Xiao smiles.

When they arrived at the "imperial city" in the mouth of Liu piaoxiu, they found that there were some incomplete bodies all the way. On the surface, although the war situation here was not as tragic as that of the "Vientiane city".

However, ye Xiao, who has a good understanding of the assassin, knows that the war situation here is more terrifying than the melee of tens of thousands of people in Vientiane city.

In particular, not everyone can bear the psychological pressure. Otherwise, there would not be so many assassins in the White Emperor city escaping from here.

When I came to the outside of the Imperial City, I immediately saw those people who gathered in the princess's mansion yesterday. All of them gathered at the gate of the city. One by one, they were looking forward to Liu piaoxiu. When Liu piaoxiu and ye Xiao appeared together, a group of talents breathed a sigh of relief.They all had a lot of influence in the "Baidi city". When they chose to rely on Liu piaoxiu one by one, they had been involved in the chaos of "Baidi city" seizing the throne. Unless Liu piaoxiu could seize the position of emperor, none of them would have been able to retreat.

Before Liu piaoxiu walked in, Qi Shan, who was the first one to be in trouble last night, met him directly. He said anxiously: "princess, the third princess and the ninth prince, they have been in for a long time. We dare not rush in without you. Now we don't know what is going on inside. Now you are here. If you don't go in, once you let them seize the emperor Yuxi, it's too late. All of us are ready to fight for the princess... "

"Good." Liu Piaoyu with a cold face nodded and said, "if you enter the Imperial City, who dares to obstruct him, kill him..."

Liu piaoxiu gives an order.

A huge group of people rushed directly into the "imperial city".

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