Feeling that the temperature of the scene has obviously decreased a lot, ye yubai also understood that he seems to have said something wrong. Looking at this posture, it seems that his brother Xiao and these women have a relationship that is unclear. But the words have been said, and there is no reason to take them back. Isn't that right? What's more, even if it's Xiaoge himself who's in trouble now, what's the relationship with him?

Immediately, he took a step back directly, and then looked at the sky with his head in the air. He didn't know it

See ye yubai so do not speak of righteousness, all the consequences are pushed to their own body, ye Xiao gas almost spit blood, this son of a bitch, nothing you call what sister-in-law?

Learn more from others. Silence is golden. Don't you even understand such a simple truth?

"Let's get out of here first..." Ye Xiao takes a look at Peng Ying's poem, and finds that the girl doesn't have any meaning to clarify. She looks like a good actress. She knows that she can't explain clearly for a while, so she simply changes the topic.

At this time, there were also rapid footsteps around. Shao Bingyan and others were not unreasonable people. Knowing that it was not the time to discuss these things, they just snorted coldly and began to break out in the direction of coming. They did not expect that the other party's hands would be ambushed in the jungle.

Ye Xiaochong is in the front, Peng Yingshi, Shao Bingqian, Shao Bingqian are in the middle, ye yubai and ye Canglang rush at the back, and the party rushes forward at full speed.

The night is very dark, but it can't completely fascinate their eyes. Ye Xiao's Throwing Knife shakes repeatedly. Many people have been killed before they get close to his body. Ye yubai and ye Canglang are also ready to show their hands in front of the beautiful women. However, they see the silver pistol in Peng Yingshi's hand spinning in his hand, and then hear the hissing sound, which is a bullet The sound of breaking the air, and then one after another screamed.

Some people on the other side have guns, but now it's very dark. They don't dare to shoot indiscriminately. They often pull the trigger when they see ye Xiao and others. However, there are experts like Peng Yingshi who use guns. Where do they have a chance to shoot.

As for some people with torchlight, Shao Bingqian shot them a few hundred meters away. The sniper gun in her hand is more terrifying than the scythe of death.

There are two masters with guns. Few people can rush to the front of them. When they rush hundreds of meters, few people can get close to them

At this time, two unlucky ghosts hiding in the trees suddenly came out and chopped at Shao Bingqian. Ye Canglang was not moved. Ye yubai was so happy that he wanted to show his strength. However, he saw a flash of sword light, and their bodies stopped in an instant, and then fell down straight down.

Ye yubai is completely stupid. He doesn't even see how Shao Bingyan can make a move. Although it's a big night, how fast does she get out of the sword?

What kind of monsters are these? How can brother Xiao have such a powerful group of women around him?

If these women unite a little bit, it's OK to say that if they have differences, how can brother Xiao bear it?

Don't say ye yubai sighs repeatedly there. Even ye Xiao is crazy. It's too terrible. Shao Bingyan's close combat ability, Peng Yingshi's medium range shooting ability, and Shao Bingqian's long-range attack. Once combined, what kind of terrifying power is such a combination?

It can be compared with some members of the dragon clan. If you add in the power of seduction to control the overall situation, when they are four women together, they are simply invincible.

Of course, the premise is that they can cooperate wholeheartedly, but ye Xiao doesn't seem to think that these women will come together, especially Shao Bingyan. It's obviously not good to look at Peng Yingshi. Even when she takes out her sword, she seems to regard the other party's people as Peng Yingshi and stabs them with one sword.

As for Shao Bingqian, pulling the trigger crazily seems to be declaring war on Peng Yingshi. It seems that they are trying to compare whose shooting method is more accurate.

As for Peng Yingshi, well, ye Xiao has always felt that she can't understand this woman. Originally, she thought that she would not argue with Shao Bingyan. However, she was totally in a confrontation. The pistol in her hand kept rising and falling, and bullets flew out one after another. The number of people who died in her hands was even more than that of Shao Bingqian and Shao Bingyan It's really exciting for the two sisters.

Shao Bingqian, in particular, does not aim at any more. As long as there is a light, she shoots a gun, and then there is a scream, or there is no sound of screaming. Shao Bingyan's body shuttles through the woods. Instead of waiting for the members of the cold weather association to come out, she directly launches the main attack. Some people are still hiding in the trees and never get up to attack She gave her a sword to solve the problem. Even ye Xiao was a little surprised. How did she find those people? You know, before those people don't move, they can't even notice

When ye Xiao and others are trying their best to break through the encirclement, in the open area of the jungle, she stands there quietly in a black suit. The silver moonlight reflects her moving figure. Not far from her, there is Chu Wangtian in black, but compared with the cold and desert Chu Wangtian in the past, he has a kind of emotion that ordinary people should have It's anger, very, very angry"What have you done with your white dress?" Seeing the enchantment not far away, Chu Wang said coldly.

In his eyes, there is a crazy killing machine. He would like to shred the enchantment to pieces. If other men saw such a scene, they would be greatly puzzled. Is this guy a man? Seeing such a woman of the best quality, he would even come up with a killing machine. How could he get it?

"Chuxiong, go back with me. You can't make any more mistakes..." Seeing the man who was almost in a rage, she sighed softly.

"Chuxiong is dead. I'm Chu Wangtian..." Chu Wang Tian said coldly, as if to Chuxiong this name is very dissatisfied.

"Chuxiong or Chu Wangtian, you still want to go back with me after all. You can't go on like this again..."

"I'm not wrong, it's you..." Chu Wangtian was very angry. He didn't want to say anything to the seductive any more. His body rushed towards the seductive. He only saw a shadow in the void. His body had come to the seductive body, and then a blow hit the seductive heart

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