There was no blood gushing out, and there was no sound of bone fracture. What this terrible blow hit was just a shadow. The enchanting figure had stepped back several steps to avoid such a blow.

Seeing that the enchantress avoided his own punch, Chu Wangtian was more furious. He made a move at his feet and rushed to the enchantress at a faster speed. Almost in an instant, he had come to the enchantress again. Just as he was about to blow his fist to the enchantress, a black figure came out of the forest and hit Chu Wangtian directly. Then he looked To Chu Wangtian's whole body flew out, but others are still in the air, has been rolling several times, steadily fell on the ground, eyes flash a touch of anger.

But when he saw the face of the visitor, his face changed a little

"Why are you here?" Seeing the man in black, he raised his eyebrows slightly and chuckled. He was still nervous and relaxed. As long as the man was there, he didn't need to worry about it.

"If you come alone, how can I rest assured..." The man light smile, did not have the Chu Wang day not far away in the eye.

"Cluck cluck, you ya, you are all old and serious. No wonder you will choose that son of a bitch as the successor..." Seductive giggle straight smile, also completely ignored the existence of Chu Wangtian.

"Ha ha, that boy bullied you?" The man smiles faintly and looks at the enchantment with great interest.

"Do you think he has that ability now?"

"This is also true. Although the boy has good potential, he is still too young. Now he is not your opponent. Forget it, let's correct the mistakes first..." The man nodded with approval, then turned to look at Chu and looked at the sky. He said faintly, "Chuxiong, come with us..."

"I'm Chu Wangtian..." Chu Wang Tianleng snorted. Even though the man in front of him is the strongest man in China, and may even be the strongest man in the world, there is no fear in his eyes, the emperor of the dragon.

"Ah..." The Dragon Emperor sighed softly. His voice had not yet fallen. His body had come to the body of Chu Wangtian, and then he made a light blow to Chu Wangtian.

Chu Wangtian laughs coldly. He grabs his right fist, and the same fist greets the Dragon Emperor's fist. He hears a loud bang. Their fists collide with each other, and the triple inch force suddenly erupts. Then he sees Chu Wangtian's body recoil repeatedly and his arms become numb. However, the Dragon Emperor sweeps out a leg like a man who has nothing to do.

Chu Wangtian quickly put his hands on his chest, blocking the foot of the Dragon Emperor. Then he felt a sudden burst of strength, just like a bomb explosion. His body was shocked again and again, his arms were numb, and his eyes were full of horror.

Inch burst, his strength has reached such a point, inch strength is used to the point of perfection, every part of the body can use inch force, and all four inch strength suddenly erupt together, even if he did not exert all his strength, when the four inch strength suddenly burst out, the lethality is extremely amazing, even if it is the body that looks at the sky with Chu Strength, also can't bear such strength

Just when he was shocked, the figure of the Dragon Emperor had rushed to him again. A record of Taishan pressing down towards him, Chu Wangtian held back the pain of his arms and lifted them up with all his strength. He heard a click. His arms could no longer bear such strength and broke apart directly. Not only his arms, but also his knees were blasted by such a huge force Kneeling down, he hit the ground fiercely and made a huge noise. Then the Dragon Emperor kicked out again like lightning, and heavily kicked in Chu Wangtian's heart. On the spot, he heard the sound of sternum fracture. And Chu Wangtian's body also flew out like a shell, hitting a big tree behind heavily, which was also directly broken and facing the other side Go back.

Chu Wangtian himself opened his mouth, which was a gush of blood

Such fighting power, such speed and skill are really shocking to the secular world. If ye Xiao were here, he would surely be shocked by the power of the Dragon Emperor.

He was able to use the triple inch force, which was quite powerful. Once he used the four inch force, he was a master among the experts. However, the Dragon Emperor used a more terrifying move than the four inch force, inch burst.

Not only can every part of his body use an inch of force, but also can gather several pieces of inch force together to burst out suddenly. The strength will be a geometric multiple of growth. Even if the power of a punch is only 100 Jin, when he uses the inch burst, it can be increased to at least 500 Jin, or even higher.

The Dragon Emperor is indeed worthy of being the emperor of the dragon people

A few moves and so on defeated Chu Wangtian. The Dragon Emperor did not continue to attack. He just walked to Chu Wangtian step by step. Instead of looking at him from a commanding position, he just squatted down and looked at Chu Wangtian in balance.

"Chuxiong, you are wrong, and so are we..." Seeing the man who was almost the same age as himself, but apparently much younger than himself, the Dragon Emperor said faintly. In his words, he felt sad

Chu Wangtian vomited a mouthful of blood again, this just murmured: "your biggest mistake should not let me continue to live Take me on the road... " His eyes are very clear, unprecedented clarity, and in the past cold eyes, this moment he just like a person, a real person, a flesh and blood, with their own emotions."I will. Is there anything else to say?" The Dragon Emperor nodded. They made this mistake together in those years. Now it's up to him to correct it.

"White dress, don't let her suffer like that again..." Chu looked at the sky, or Chuxiong whispered a word.

"I see..." The Dragon Emperor nodded his head gently, then patted Chu Wangtian's forehead with one hand, directly smashing his skull

Seeing that Chu looked at the sky, the Dragon Emperor sighed slowly. There was no joy on his face. Instead, he revealed endless sadness

"Don't be too sad. It's all over the place. This should be the result he wants most..." Seeing the expression on the Dragon Emperor's face, she comforted me with a soft voice

"Ah..." The emperor of the Dragon sighed heavily. His thoughts have returned to that year, back to the turbulent years

How could such a tragedy have happened if it was not for the above's willful action

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