Chuxiong, who was also famous in China at that time, was as famous as that man in the world. After the man disappeared, he resolutely joined the dragon clan. However, when he was on duty again, he was seriously injured and nearly died. In other words, he was already dead.

At that time, it was the initial stage of gene drug research. With the national strength of China, a batch of drugs to enhance human resistance were developed. At that time, Chuxiong, who had almost one breath left, would take the medicine. The medicine really played a role. Chuxiong's physical strength and vitality were greatly improved, and he even survived in a state of death. His own war The power has also been greatly improved.

However, the genetic agent was not successful. Although it improved his physical activity, it also restricted his development. That is to say, no matter how hard he tried, his strength, agility and perception could only be maintained at the original level, which was undoubtedly a huge blow to a strong man.

However, this is nothing. The genetic agent also stimulated Chuxiong's nerves, which made him fall into a violent state from time to time. The blow that could not enhance his strength was an unlimited expansion, and the whole person's personality had undergone earth shaking changes.

Finally, by chance, Chuxiong found that only genetic agents could improve his strength. At the beginning, he could suppress such desire, but in the end, he could not suppress such desire, and even forgot a lot of human emotions.

At this time, he is already a monster who only knows how to improve his own strength.

When the members of the dragon clan reacted, Chuxiong had already escaped from the Dragon base with some information and disappeared from the base

Naturally, the dragon people searched for his whereabouts, but there was no news until ye Xiao found these gene enhanced warriors. The two highest giants of the dragon clan, long Di and Yaomei, did not know his whereabouts. What's more, they realized that Chu Wangtian, who is famous for Jinghai, is probably the Chuxiong they have been looking for.

When Yaomei saw Luo Baiyi, she was more sure that Chu Wangtian was Chuxiong, because Luo Baiyi was the researcher who took care of Chuxiong in those years. Just seeing her now, she should have taken genetic medicine, and it was still not finished.

This makes them look like fake dead people. In the final analysis, they are all failures of genetic engineering, and their existence is a mistake.

Seeing this famous figure die like this in the end, the Dragon Emperor's heart felt a sigh

"Luo Bai Yi, is there any help?" After a long time, he asked the seductive.

"I've seen her condition. It's relatively stable. It should be saved..." Seductive understatement said, she naturally understood that if she said no help, facing Luo Bai Yi is what kind of situation

"Then take it back." The Dragon Emperor said lightly.

"And here? I feel that even with the information he brought, it is difficult for Han Wuchen to do this with his power. He... "

"Do you suspect it's a member of the dark moon alliance?" Without waiting for the enchantment to finish, the Dragon Emperor already understood her meaning.

"What do you say?" Seductive White Dragon Emperor a look, this old guy, don't know it's impolite to interrupt others?

"It must be a member of the dark moon alliance. There is no need to doubt..." The emperor of the Dragon didn't seem to see the charming white eyes and said lightly.

"Don't you care?" Seductive once again, this guy knows everything.

"Whatever it is, I'm an old man. I'm an old man. I'd better leave these things to that boy. Isn't that what he's given him?" The Dragon Emperor gave a heartless voice, then turned around and walked towards the jungle. Soon, he disappeared without a trace. He was so angry that he stamped his feet. Why didn't he die

On the other hand, ye Xiao and others have no chance to fight against Peng Yingshi and Shao Bingqian. When their bullets are almost exhausted, they have successfully left the jungle and left the wildlife park through a hidden channel.

On an asphalt road, the street lamps are dim, which makes the old elder, ye Xiao and Xiao Bai rush out of a low forest

Of course, Peng Yingshi and Shao Bingyan are the first to rush out. It seems that Shao Bingyan is more intense than her sister in terms of jealousy, just as ye Xiao is his man and Shao Bingqian is only her accomplice.

"I'm good at it..." With a cold glance at Peng Ying's poem in a silver dress, Shao Bingyan snorted coldly. Although the tone of praise was in the words, everyone could hear her sour taste.

Peng Ying's poetry does not mean to take care of Shao Bingyan at all. She does not even look at Shao Bingyan. Her eyes are full of disdain. It seems that taking care of Shao Bingyan is also a loss of identity.

At the sight of Peng Yingshi's attitude, Shao Bingyan, who had a hot temper, was completely angry

"Ye Xiao, is this your woman? What quality? It's not polite at all... " However, it is obvious that Shao Bingyan did not direct the fire to Peng Ying's poetry, but to Ye Xiao"I..." Ye Xiao is trying to say that she is not my woman, but her words have not yet been fully uttered. Peng Yingshi has already said in a soft voice: "Xiao, what do you explain to such a woman? Do I know what you know best? As long as you know it clearly, I don't care what others think..."

When you hear Peng Xiaoming's words, do you want to have your own quality? As long as an adult knows, don't you look at ye yubai's several faces of envy?

But if it's just a few of them, even if they mistakenly think that they really and you have what happened, but in the end they are envious of them, and they can only worship themselves. But now there is a Shao Bingqian on the scene, who really knows how big she expected to be.

What would she think of herself? Empathy? Big radish with flower heart?

Isn't that wrong?

At least Ye Xiao saw that Shao Bingqian's face turned pale. As for Shao Bingyan, a pair of beautiful eyes spewed out a raging fire

"Bingqian, you..." Seeing Shao Bingqian's changed face, ye Xiao's heart leaped. She was afraid that she would go away and ignore herself. But who knows that her words have not been finished again, Shao Bingqian has suddenly raised the sniper gun in her hand and directly aimed at Peng Yingshi. The cold voice sounded from her mouth: "grab men with me, go to death..."

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