Shao Bingqian's sudden anger, not to mention Ye Xiao, even Shao Bingyan is startled. Her sister's character has always been relatively cold, and she is a little introverted, and many things are also relatively passive. Generally, in such a situation, the most likely thing is to directly shake her head and leave. She just doesn't want her sister to give up her own position like this, which is the only way to go with Peng Ying's poems and help herself My sister strives for her own happiness. Who knows it's better for her sister not to be angry. This anger is really qualified

And what she said was so fierce

As for ye yubai and ye Cang Lang, they took a step back in fear. They were Barrett M99. Even if they were accidentally taken advantage of by bullets, they might lose more than half of their lives. They didn't want to die accidentally.

Looking at Ye Xiao's eyes is no longer envious. There is such a woman who always takes out a sniper gun. Even if she is beautiful, it is not necessarily a blessing. You think, if you do that kind of thing behind her back and other women, what will happen once she finds out? It is estimated that when you are doing a good job, she has already aimed at the target from a kilometer away. No matter how good you are, you will be killed with one shot

"Bingqian, you..." Ye Xiao talks directly and wants to persuade Shao Bingqian not to be impulsive. However, his words are hit back in his stomach again, because Peng Yingshi's body has moved, almost instantaneously, to Shao Bingqian's side

Shao Bingyan originally planned to persuade her sister. Although she didn't like Peng Yingshi, she knew that it was her own person, at least not the enemy. If she really started, it would not end well. So she planned to persuade her sister to put down her gun. Who knows, the woman has already rushed to her sister's side, which is too fast A little bit faster?

Under such circumstances, Shao Bingyan doesn't care what's right or wrong. He pulls with one hand, and a slender sword light shoots out

There is no picture of blood spurting in imagination, no sign of being resisted, or even a sound. The tip of Shao Bingyan's long sword is so close to Peng Yingshi's heart, and she doesn't dare to go into it any more because the two pistols in Peng Yingshi's hand are against her heart and her sister's eyebrows

All this happened so fast that when ye Xiao and others reacted, the whole scene was frozen. Seeing such a sight, ye yubai's face was pale with fear. These women were too violent. Fortunately, they were not their own women, otherwise how could they be subdued?

At this moment, he was suddenly full of sympathy for ye Xiao

In fact, don't mention ye yubai. Even ye Cang wolf, who has always been silent, quietly wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, and his body involuntarily stepped back towards the back. These women are too fierce.

Seeing that Xiaobai looked at himself sympathetically, ye Xiao's heart was full of abuse. It's all your mouth. If you hadn't called that sister-in-law, how could there have been so many things? Now it's OK. I don't even have a chance to talk to myself

Ye Xiao's heart almost jumped out when she saw several people who were in a standoff with each other. If they had an impulse to die together, who would they look for to cry for? But they finally burst out of it

Don't care to complain about ye yubai, ye Xiao's trot runs past


"Shut up..." Ye Xiao wants to say that you don't want to be impulsive and listen to me. However, the three girls roar at the same time and direct their weapons at Ye Xiao.

The desert eagle, silver revolver, sniper gun, including Shao Bingyan's slender sword, all pressed against Ye Xiao's body. He felt the cold and cold feeling from these weapons. He felt the cold sweat on his forehead

God, earth, I'm just here to persuade you. Are you like this?

As for ye yubai and ye Canglang, the cold sweat is no longer a problem, but it is like a spring

At this moment, ye yubai was even afraid of beautiful women

"Well, if you don't want to hear my explanation, kill me..." At this time, ye Xiao didn't have any scruples. He even straightened out his chest and looked as if he wanted to kill or cut.

He made it hard for the three girls to stop. They couldn't kill Ye Xiao directly, could they?

But who put it down first?

"I don't have any bullets in my gun..." At this time, Shao Bingqian was the first to speak. She put down her sniper gun directly, and then pulled the trigger to the ground. As expected, there was a crisp sound. There was no bullet at all.

"Cluck, sister, you are so cute that you even scare me with an empty gun, but there is no bullet in my sister's gun..." Peng Yingshi also giggled, and then directly pulled the trigger, the same came the sound of card wiping, but it also scared Ye Xiao's back cold sweat straight, NIMA, this is a pistol, what if you still have a bullet in it? Even if it's a joke, it's not like that?

Even the thin sword in Shao Bingqian's hand trembles slightly, and almost can't help stabbing Peng Ying's poemHowever, seeing that both of them put away their guns, they quickly put away their swords

"Well, it's done. Goodbye, everyone." Peng Yingshi smiles at Shao Bingqian's sister, then turns around and walks towards the night. Several breathing times have disappeared in the vast night

When they saw Peng Ying's poem disappeared, ye yubai and others took a long sigh of relief. They all said that there were three women in a play. Now that a woman has gone, the play should not be able to sing

"Ye Xiao, she..." See Peng Ying poem go, Shao Bingqian discontented, will question Ye Xiao who she is, but is pulled by his sister.

"Sister, let's go..." Shao Bingqian didn't say anything more. She was about to leave

"Let's go. I didn't ask why I had to leave..." Shao Bingyan is very dissatisfied with mumbling, now these days, good men are their own fight, otherwise they will only be robbed.

At the beginning, she didn't want her sister to get entangled with Ye Xiao. Who knows that such a beautiful mistake has taken place. In this case, she, as a sister, naturally has to defend her sister's happiness

"Then keep this one by yourself..." Shao Bingqian is also straightforward, seeing that her sister does not go, she simply turns around and leaves

From the beginning to the end, did not look at Ye Xiao, such a scene to see ye Xiao's heart for a while, what's the matter? Is she angry?

"Qianqian, I'm..." Ye Xiao once again wants to explain to Shao Bingqian that she and Peng Yingshi have nothing to do with her, but her words have just been interrupted by Shao Bingqian again.

"Don't explain anything, I believe you..." In the dark night, Shao Bingqian's cold voice came, but ye Xiao could hear a trace of warmth from the cold voice

"Shit..." Hearing her sister's voice in the dark, Shao Bingqian scolded her in spite of the image of a lady. Then she turned around and left. She didn't feel angry. What did she do here?

As for ye yubai and ye Canglang, they are totally stupid. What kind of women are they

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