With Ye Xiao's request, not only Luo lingchi's people, but also members of Longyao club and some Wang Qi's staff began to smash the branches of bailenfen in Jinghai city. In just two days, there was no bailenfen store that could be opened in such a large city. Jia Sidao, director of the Jinghai police Bureau, was even more busy. It can be said that he was very busy.

There are so many reports every day, but Jinghai city has a population of more than 20 million, and the floating population accounts for more than half of the number. In a moment, where can he go to arrest people?

Of course, a few policemen on patrol arrested some gangsters, but they can't find out anything from them. No matter how you ask, they only have one sentence. I don't like those foreign goods. It's obvious that the cost is only tens of yuan, and we have to sell them for thousands of yuan. This is not the money of blackmail!

Well, it's still patriotic. What can you do to them?

There are no casualties, just smashing the shop. What can you do to others? Sentence? It doesn't matter. They don't care. A lot of people just come out of prison. It's OK to go in a few years.

Meeting such a group of scoundrels, Jia Sidao is really helpless

At the end of the day, Jia Sidao had to have the cheek to call Luo lingchi, because those people were his hands. Now Luo lingchi has not fully mastered the cold weather meeting, nor has he formally become one of the twelve giants in Jinghai city. According to the principle, Jia Sidao should be above Luo lingchi, but he knows that he wants to suppress people with power No, now who doesn't know that Luo lingchi and that boy are closely together. If it wasn't for the boy's help, how could Luo lingchi have today's status?

At the beginning, everyone decided that the boy was more or less dangerous, but he killed Han Wuchen in unexpected circumstances. How dare Jia Sidao not pay attention to the existence of such terror.

Therefore, he was very polite to Luo lingchi. On the phone, Jia Sidao clearly hoped that Luo lingchi would close up his own hands and stop making such a fuss. If things got too big, it would be bad for everyone, and Luo lingchi naturally agreed to come down!

Why do you want to make trouble when the shop is smashed? Can't you do it when you're free?

However, after hearing about this case, he didn't believe that all the cases happened in Lingluo

With this in mind, he realized that this might be a blow to the company. It's just that there should be no connection between the industry of loringchi and the industry of the group. How could he have done it?

Through some secret channels, Jia Sidao realized that it was baker who was in charge of Jinghai city of belenfen group that offended Ye Xiao

With this in mind, Jia Sidao has a cold sweat. It's this guy again. How can every turbulence in Jinghai city have something to do with this guy?

In the face of the personnel from the belanfen group, on the surface, Jia Sidao is a man who has made a promise, but he has already planned to leave

Although the Charles family is powerful, it is in the United States. It's China. It's Jinghai city. It's their territory. He doesn't want to offend Ye Xiao completely because of this.

Although he is far more powerful than he is now, the boy's skill is so good that he can kill Han Wuchen even when there is no one at all. He doesn't think his skill is better than Han Wuchen.

What if he's pissed himself off?

Jia Sidao doesn't want to die. No one wants to die. As for the Charles family, what can they do about themselves? If they want to continue to operate in Jinghai City, they have to please themselves. How dare they really offend themselves

Even Jia Sidao also made a decision to release the gangsters who had been captured, but the mastermind didn't catch them. What's the use of a few shrimps?

Of course, the mastermind is killed and he is not willing to arrest him, unless he is able to kill him with one blow

But just when Jia Sidao made up his mind to ignore the matter, an important guest came to the Municipal Public Security Bureau in person, and came so suddenly that he didn't have time to find an excuse for his absence

Seeing the person who suddenly appears at the door of the office, Jia Sidao is obviously stunned. What's the matter with the people outside? Even if someone comes in, he doesn't report it? He completely forgot that for the visits of several giants, he had already told the following people that he didn't need to report, just come in directly

Although he was slandered in his heart, on the surface, Jia Sidao still hung up a smile. He stood up from his seat in person and met people in person

"Boss Liu, what brings you here..." Jia Sidao took Liu Yu's hand with a smile and said

"Ha ha, director Jia, isn't this to trouble you?" Liu Yu also said with a smile, to their point, even if the other side is the enemy of his father, in the necessary occasions, they will do the same as their brothers, not to mention Liu Yu and Jia Sidao still have some contacts.It can be said that Liu Yu's interpersonal relationship among the 12 giants is the best. There is no way. Who calls others to engage in entertainment? Entertainment industry has the most and stars. As long as a normal man, who doesn't want to put those high-ranking stars on his body? What's more, apart from some special ones, which one is not handsome and beautiful?

Those first-line stars Liu Yu couldn't let them go with the guests, but some second-line and third-line stars can naturally get them with his ability. In this way, the relationship between the giants and him is not shallow. Far from that, director Jia Sidao Jia in front of him at least enjoyed the second and third tier stars provided by Liu Yu at least.

Liu Yu visited the house in person, but he couldn't refuse

"Ha ha, this is..." Jia Sidao smiles. When he sees the blonde man who is following Liu Yu, he has already understood Liu Yu's intention. He must be a lobbyist for this man. This is the one who really has something to do

"This is Beck David Charles, the regional head of Jinghai city of belenfin Group Asia, David, and this is director Jia..." Liu Yu laughed straight and said the man's identity directly

"Hello, director Jia..." Beck spoke fluent Chinese, and he took the initiative to extend his right hand to jasido.

He can be superior to Hua Wulei, but he doesn't care about the success of director Jia. Although his power is far less than that of the Charles family, he is now in the territory of others, and he is not the owner of the Charles family. There are still many places to rely on him

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