"Ha ha, hello..." Jia Sidao smiles and shakes hands with Beck, but he has a bitter smile in his heart. By now, he has completely understood what Liu Yu came to do. Isn't it obvious that he wants to continue his in-depth investigation?

If there is no shadow of Ye Xiao behind this, it will be fine. When the time comes, it will be OK to ask Luo lingchi to join hands at will. But now Liu Yu has been involved. Obviously, I don't want to forget it so easily

However, he heard some disputes between Liu Yu and the boy. When he thought that Liu Yu was surrounded by countless big stars, he was still nostalgic about an old woman in her thirties. Jia Sidao was a little puzzled. As for what, are you?

"Director Jia, Baker is my friend. This time he came to report the case..." When they were all familiar with each other, Liu Yu said again

"Report? Hehe, go ahead. What kind of case do you want to report? " Jia Sidao scolded secretly in his heart. You came to the office directly. Of course, I know that you are here to report a case, and I also know what kind of case is reported. However, on his face, he still looks like a business man

"It's like this..." Beck was not polite. He directly told us about the conflict between him and ye Xiao two days ago. Up to these days, all the attacks suffered by belanfen group were also mentioned. He even raised his own doubts. All this was done by Ye Xiao behind his back

"Mr. Charles, I would like to ask why you were not reported to the police when you were beaten and injured by him that day?" Jia Sidao's eyebrows wrinkled, originally thought to revolve from the middle, but now actually directly put forward Ye Xiao, this is not forcing himself and ye Xiao against it?

"Ha ha, director Jia, I'm to blame for this..." Liu Yu looks like he can't look back

Jia Sidao did not speak, but turned his eyes to Liu Yu to see what he was going to say

"That day, Beck said that he came to me after he was wounded and admitted to the hospital and wanted to ask me for help. But what do you think that guy does? He is a member of the underworld. If you argue with such people, there will be more and more troubles. Moreover, I don't want to trouble director Jia about everything. So I advised Baker to calm down and let the matter go. But who would have expected that the boy would go further and find someone to smash Baker's shop. What do you think? The most important thing was that it was just a little thing. Baker could not think about it for a while, and his injury would be better. But now that so many stores have been smashed, Beck's turnover has been obviously affected. His father, Mr. John Charles, must have known about it. It's really hard to hide it. Baker asked me to trouble director Jia again, hoping to give him justice ……” Liu Yu said with a smile and a kind manner that could not be said

Justice, justice, your sister, it's very nice to say. Why don't you want to trouble me and calm people? Maybe you directed this thing from the beginning to the end

What Jia Sidao didn't know was that Liu Yu was the director of all this. On that day, he asked Tan Jitong to investigate star entertainment company. When it was found out that the boss behind the scenes was the daughter of the flower family and had an unclear relationship with Ye Xiao, he set up such a Bureau!

He and Beck have some contacts, after all, he has a lot of star resources, isn't he? With such resources, what kind of people can't communicate with?

Beck was originally a lecherous person. He inadvertently learned the news of Hua YUEWU from Liu Yu's hand. When he saw her photo, he was immediately shocked. What's more, he found her information. What's more, he didn't need Liu Yu to arrange anything else. By his means, he had already got involved with Hua wuyui

I don't know whether he really wants to marry Liu Yu, such as Hua YUEWU. Anyway, he has pulled Becker close to the muddy water, and everything is smoother than he imagined. Beck met Ye Xiao the first time he went to Huajia's house. As a result, Liu Yu liked to see the contradiction

Who would have expected Ye Xiao to send someone to do it directly. Of course, Liu Yu understood that ye Xiao's action was Liwei. Of course, it wasn't Liwei who showed beck to him, but to John Charles behind him. In John's opinion, if his son provoked such a group of thugs, as a businessman, he would surely make peace. After all, peace is the most important thing in business ! John will definitely let his son stop playing with these people

But Beck is different. How can a young man be convinced when he is beaten like this? Therefore, at the first time when these stores were smashed, he couldn't sit still and found Liu Yu. Liu Yu also promised to help him in any case, so he found Jia Sidao

As for what he said, of course, it was all scene talk. John probably didn't know about it. He was in charge of the whole Asian region. How could he pay attention to Jinghai city every day?

As long as Beck doesn't say it, he may not really know

Liu Yu shows John's identity here. In addition to explaining his helplessness, there is also a warning. After all, where is John's identity? Even Jia Sidao, he has to give some face. It's not

Jia Sidao is like a mirror in his heart. He can't see Liu Yu's means. But he has eaten so much from others on weekdays. Now if he says he's going to quit, it's too unreasonable"Director Jia, this is a little gift that my father asked me to give you..." Without waiting for Jia Sidao to speak, Beck David Charles stepped forward under the instruction of Liu Yu, and then put a fist sized box in his hands and handed it up

"What is this?" Jia Sidao frowned, but he did not take the gift box. He knew that once he accepted the gift, he could not really stand by

"It's said that director Jia likes to play with some antiques. His father picked up some small things and gave it to director Jia. Quan should be a meeting gift..." Beck smiles. Although he is an American, he has done everything in this respect. While talking, he has reached out to open the small box

Jia Sidao wanted to refuse, but when he saw what was in the box, he was stunned

This is a jade pendant, a simple jade pendant. The color is not very bright, but it reveals a kind of primitive flavor. Jia Sidao is an antique collector. The research on antiques is no longer under those experts. He can see that this is definitely a thing with a long history

He carefully grasped the jade pendant in his hand, looked at it carefully, and even caressed it gently. Then he said with some uncertainty: "Warring States?"

"Director Jia has good eyesight and is one of Ying Zheng's jade pendants..." Beck smiles on his face

"Hoo..." Jia Sidao took a long breath, and his face was shocked

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