Even Shi Gandang can see his ulterior motives, not to mention Ye Xiao.

At the thought that Wang Zhendong still dared to make Qingxia's idea, ye Xiao's face became gloomy. If it was not for Qingxia's brother and sister, he would not have known where he had died in the dark corner. Therefore, for him, Qingxia's brothers and sisters are his saviors.

What's more, ye Xiao has long regarded Qingxia's younger sister and younger brother as her younger sister and younger brother. Now that someone is going to kill her younger brother and sister, how can ye endure it? When her arm shakes, a "Purgatory flame" bursts out in an instant. Compared with the trace of "Purgatory flame" against Wang Zhendong's grandson, ye Xiao does not know how many times more violent she is 。

"The gun of trial..."

"Shua Shua!"

All of a sudden, a handful of "guns of judgment" came out and covered the sky and the sun.

Feeling the power of these "guns of judgment", not to mention the ordinary members of the Wang family, even Wang Zhendong himself, his face changed dramatically. His breath began to become rapid. His voice trembled and he said, "the late warrior of heaven level?"

Not only is Wang Zhendong, standing behind Ye Xiao, Shi Gandang is also looking at Ye Xiao's back in horror.

He originally thought that ye Xiao was just a martial artist in the "early days of heaven level". However, he did not expect that ye Xiao was actually a martial artist in the "later stage of heaven level". One was in the early stage and the other was in the later stage, although they were all "Heaven level realm".

However, for people like Shi Gandang and Wang Zhendong, not to mention the "late days of the heavenly level", even the martial artists of the nine heaven realm of the earth immortals can not be provoked by them. Wang Zhendong regrets that he should not break up with Ye Xiao so soon. At present, no one from the "Taixu gate" has come, and some of them in the Wang family can stop the "late Tian level" The warrior of realm?

The answer is No.

Obviously, even if the whole Wang family went together, no one could resist Ye Xiao's trampling.


A "gun of judgment" shot at these people of the Wang family in an instant.

Not to mention the Wang family, most of them are just martial artists of Xuan level. Wang Zhendong, the most powerful one, is just a warrior in the "six heaven" realm of "earth immortals". Even if he is a warrior in the "later stage of heaven level", I'm afraid he can't resist Ye Xiao's attack.

For a moment.

You can see that these children of the Wang family are reaped mercilessly by Ye Xiao's "gun of judgment" like straw.

However, Shi Jingtian, who was standing behind Shi Gandang, was stupefied. He never dreamed that the master he brought back was so terrible that he had no idea of the martial artists in the "later stage of the heaven level". For people like them, the warriors of the "Heaven level realm" are immortal. There is no big difference between the early stage and the later stage What he knows most is the strength of the Wang family.

A family stronger than their family.

At the moment, ye Xiao's hand, there is no strength to fight back, but in an instant, more than half of the people died.

When you see ye Xiao say do it, do it.

Moreover, one by one, his family members died in front of his own eyes. Wang Zhendong had a feeling of liver and gall. He turned his head and roared in the direction of "Taixu gate" and said: "master, help..."


A huge earthquake, a majestic voice suddenly sounded: "stop..."

A thunderbolt of thunder fell from the sky in an instant. The target was Ye Xiao standing in front of shigandang. Wang Zhendong, who was scared to run away at all costs, was shocked to see that someone had done something to him. Wang Zhendong was surprised and exclaimed, "stop it, master?"

Ye Xiao's eyes flashed a little surprised that the master of "Taixu gate" was able to attack himself so far away. Instead of hitting the thunder on top of his head, he stepped back a few steps and let the thunder fall on the ground. All of a sudden, the earth was scorched.

After a round of cleaning of Ye Xiao's "gun of trial", there are only about 20 people left in the Wang family, including Wang Zhendong. When he saw that ye Xiao killed only 20 or so members of the Wang family, Shi can't help but take a breath.

When he thought that all the people of Taixu gate had joined in, his face became ugly. He said to Ye Xiao in front of him: "master, the leader of Taixu gate is immeasurable in strength. Although our Shi family has no strong relationship with the Wang family, we also have some relationship with the people of Haitian Academy. Otherwise, I will be shocked immediately If you go to Haitian academy, as long as you enter Haitian academy, even taixumen will have no way to deal with you. "

Shi Gandang's voice dropped.

As everyone knows, Lu Wushuang, the eldest disciple of the Taixu sect, is a legendary figure on Chiyou island. As everyone knows, Lu Wushuang, the eldest disciple of Taixu sect, is an outstanding martial artist. He has been in charge of Taixu sect for five years From an ordinary person to a heaven level warrior."Is it too late to go now?" Lu Wushuang, a proud face, said with a cold smile.

When ye Xiao started to deal with the Wang family, Lu Wushuang had not arrived. He did not see the power of Ye Xiao's "gun of judgment". Otherwise, he would not have been so powerful at the moment. Moreover, ye Xiao is a martial artist in the "later stage of heaven level". He is a martial artist in the "middle stage of heaven level". If ye Xiao doesn't attack and doesn't hide his breath, he can feel it at most, Ye Xiao is also a martial artist of "Heaven level realm".

In addition, he also brought some martial artists from the "Heaven level realm" to come here. Naturally, he would not pay attention to Ye Xiao's loose cultivation, turn his head to the direction of "Taixu gate" and say: "master, the stone family of Chiyou Island dare to fight against our" Taixu gate "people together with other people. I hope the master will instruct us how to deal with the stone family in Chiyou island ”

"if it is extinguished, it will be."

The voice of the "Taixu gate" leader came out.

"Yes, master..." Lu Wushuang's respectful way.

When Lu Wushuang, the leader of the Taixu gate, wanted Lu Wushuang to destroy the whole Shi family, Shi Gandang and Shi Jingtian's faces changed dramatically. However, ye Xiao still looked at the disciples of Taixu gate calmly.

Wang Zhendong, who was scared to death at the beginning, saw the reinforcements coming from the "Taixu gate". He cried to Lu Wushuang and said, "Master Lu, you must make decisions for our Wang family. We have suffered a disaster this time..."

Hearing Wang Zhendong cry in front of him, Lu Wushuang's eyebrows wrinkled slightly. Before he finished, he said, "don't worry, our Taixu men are not so easy to bully..."


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