Lu Wushuang said, turning to the opposite Ye Xiao, he said without expression: "do you want this seat to do it yourself, or do you want to take it with your hands? If you do it yourself, don't blame me for what you'll suffer. If you choose to arrest with your hands tied, I can give you a good time..."

"The gun of trial..."

As soon as ye Xiao's wrist turns, a "gun of judgment" suddenly appears in his hand.

Seeing the "gun of judgment" in Ye Xiao's hand, Lu Wushuang's face also changed dramatically. His mind moved. A green gourd shot out of his eyebrow in an instant. While controlling the gourd, he pointed to the members of the "Taixu gate" around him and said, "be careful, he is very powerful. He is a warrior in the realm of" late Tian level ". Besides, his hand is very strong The thing in it is also very strange. It looks like the gun of judgment of the ancient emperor of the underworld. Please don't use him... "

Before Lu Wushuang's words were finished, he saw Ye Xiao's figure move. The whole person appeared in front of Lu Wushuang like a ghost. The "gun of judgment" in his hand was thrust into Lu Wushuang's chest, and a "Purgatory flame" instantly spread to Lu Wushuang's body.


After the "Purgatory flame" swept through.

All of us can see that Lu Wushuang, a powerful man, died in Ye Xiao's hands. He didn't even support him for a round. The other members of the "Taixu gate" all looked pale with fear, and they couldn't see a trace of blood. Ye Xiao naturally didn't like the "Taixu gate", which was always about to kill the stone family.

Moreover, he didn't want to let the whole Shi family go into the state of destruction because of his own reasons. Therefore, not only the people who were present at the "Taixu gate" had to die, but also ye Xiao did not intend to let go of the "Taixu gate" in the distance.

As early as ye Xiao was a "Dixian" warrior, those "early Tian level" and "mid heaven level" warriors had already been wiped out by him. What's more, ye Xiao is not a common "late Tian level" martial artist, but a "ancient practitioner".

Even if you don't use the thunder sword in your body, the martial artists in the middle of the sage are not his opponents, not to mention those in the early days and the middle days.


When ye Xiao saw that the martial men of Taixu gate wanted to escape from here, ye Xiao was moved. A fire of purgatory swept over the disciples of Taixu gate. The leader who was far away from Taixu gate seemed to have noticed the war situation here. His voice roared like thunder: "bastard, dare to kill us The people of xumen.... " As soon as the voice fell, he saw the rolling thunder roaring to Ye Xiao.

If ye Xiao was just an ordinary warrior in the later days of the heavenly level, he would be destroyed in a flash by the thunder, and there would be no spirit left. However, ye Xiao was not an ordinary warrior in the later days of the heaven level, but an ancient practitioner who even the saints were afraid of.

Not to mention that the "Taixu gate" has not yet reached the "Saint" level. Even if it has reached the "Saint" level, it is only a fool's dream to kill Ye Xiao at such a distance. Seeing the rolling thunder and bombardment, ye Xiao, who has enveloped all the disciples of Taixu gate in the purgatory flame, raised his head and glanced at the top of his head Thunder, a wrist turn, a "trial gun" instantly emerged, waiting for the thunder to fall on his head.

Ye Xiao made a move.

The "justice gun" in his hand was thrown out in an instant, and he was directly facing the thunder that was falling all over the sky. When Shi Jingtian, standing beside Shi Gandang, saw Ye Xiao's insistence on competing with the thunder secret skill of "taixumen" master, his face suddenly filled with tension. He pulled the sleeve of Shi Gandang beside him and asked Shi Gandang nervously, "sir Sir, do you think elder brother long is more powerful, or is the master of Taixu gate more powerful

"I don't know." Shi Gan Dang shook his head and said with a bitter smile: "no matter it is the master or the leader of the" Taixu gate ", their strength is not something we can speculate about

"Elder brother long, can't you really turn over the whole" Taixu gate "on your own Stone Jing day a face how tongue's looking at Ye Xiao that proud standing figure, silly ask a way.

After hearing Shi Jingtian's words, Shi Gandang shook his head slightly. Obviously, he felt that Shi Jingtian's problem was too stupid. Even if ye Xiao's strength was abnormal again, he would at best be a warrior in the "later days of heaven".

Although he was not a member of the Taixu gate, he also knew that in the Taixu gate, even if there were no strong saints, there were also some warriors who surpassed the "Heaven level realm". Moreover, who dares to say that there was no strong one in the "Taixu gate" of the 72 caves?


Ye Xiao's "gun of judgment" rushes up along the "thunder" which looks like a dragon. Countless "thunder" cleaves on the gun of trial. Instead of breaking Ye Xiao's "gun of judgment", they are constantly broken by his "gun of judgment". However, the disciples of "Taixu gate" who are shrouded by Ye Xiao's "Purgatory flame", are just like those of "Taixu gate" After holding on for a moment, it turned into a green smoke and dissipated cleanly.When he saw that the leader of the "Taixu gate" could not help Ye Xiao, Wang Zhendong, who had been hiding far away, turned pale. He was now regretful that his only grandson died. He would marry his son several wives and sons, so that he would not indulge in cultivation. He would always be able to hold his grandson.

And now, because of a useless grandson, not only his own people, but also his own son, died here. I'm afraid even I have to die here today



The hijacking cloud over Ye Xiao's head was smashed by Ye Xiao's "trial gun". The originally gloomy weather began to become clear. The master who hid in the "Taixu gate" seemed to have discovered that ye Xiao was not a cat and dog that he could crush to death at will. At least, if he didn't do it, he would not be able to kill Ye Xiao at all I'm just losing my aura.

Therefore, the "Taixu gate" leader who failed to kill Ye Xiao did not continue to fight.


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