The man is handsome and unrestrained, wearing a black robe. In this day and age, there are few young people who dare to wear a robe. However, he spreads the flavor and puts on the style, as if this set of robes is tailor-made for him

Who is this not Xu Yifeng? In particular, he has a faint smile on his face, which looks like an ancient talent, giving people a feeling of trust and kindness. However, ye Xiao knows that this is an extremely dangerous person, a person who can hide all his thoughts in his heart

Seeing Xu Yifeng's arrival, many people's faces just smile lightly without any surprise. It seems that they have known this for a long time. To think about it, he is now the chairman of Hengtian Group. Although Hengtian Group's industry is not only in Jinghai City, it is more than enough to attend such a meeting in his capacity. At that time, Xingyao meeting was originally held I planned to ask yilanfeng to take the position of twelve giants, but she was politely refused by yilanfeng.

Now Xu Yifeng wants to join in, and no one is willing to oppose it. After all, Hengtian Group's industry is there. Once it enters the Xingyao meeting, how much profit will it bring to all of you here? This piece of cake is bigger

And they have obviously received the news that Xu Yifeng will lead Hengtian Group into Xingyao meeting. Otherwise, how could they be so calm?

Of course, although many people have shown a friendly smile towards Xu Yifeng, when they see the woman next to Xu Yifeng, many people's eyes are full of amazement. Even Tian Zhengqi, who is almost 50 years old, is also in front of her when she sees her

Beauty, a beautiful woman who doesn't need to be decorated. No matter where she goes, she is definitely a first-class beauty. The first beauty in Jinghai city is worthy of her reputation

Today's yiguyun doesn't wear a long skirt, but a white lace shirt inside. She wears a small suit, black trousers and black leather boots. She looks like a black queen with no expression on her face. Even if she is facing all of you, she will not smile, just as if she is just a robot.

In addition to looking at Ye Xiao, a touch of softness flashed in her eyes. At any other time, her eyes were strangely cold, and the temperature of the whole conference hall was inexplicably cold

However, people don't care, no matter who is robbed of their property, their mood will not be better. Besides, beauty, what's the relationship between coldness? If the ancient rhyme really comes and puts on a flattering smile, maybe these people really don't pay attention to it

As for the present, well, now there is no real attention, but at least there is a minimum of respect, she is a descendant of the family.

A lot of people have been favored by yilanfeng

When they arrived at the seats specially prepared for them, all the people attending the Xingyao meeting arrived. Seeing the big men present, Tian Zhengqi, who was sitting in the center of the meeting, gave a smile, and then began to slowly say, "I'm glad to meet you here again..."

A very short opening speech. After all, this is not an official meeting. Those people are not interested in a lot of long winded official remarks. After finishing the opening remarks, Tian Zhengqi talked about the first thing today, that is, Hengtian Group will become the official member of Xingyao meeting, and Chairman Xu Yifeng will be the most senior official member of Xingyao meeting.

For such a proposal, almost all the votes were passed. The strength of Hengtian Group is there. In the past, it was just that people were not willing to join the Xingyao meeting. Now they have joined, and many people are looking forward to it?

If we can cooperate with Hengtian Group on some projects, it will be a great opportunity for our own industry?

Although Ye Xiao is not willing to pass it, he also knows that he has no way to say anything because of his present position in the Xingyao meeting.

His foundation is too shallow, very smooth, Xu Yifeng has become a member of the Xingyao meeting

In the face of the support of the people, Xu Yifeng nodded modestly to everyone. As for yiguyun, she had a cold expression from the beginning to the end, as if these events had nothing to do with her, only Ye Xiao understood what she was thinking

The next step is to discuss the ownership of the twelve giants. This is a very democratic but absolutely undemocratic election method.

All the people off the field, as long as they are formal members of the star Yao conference, are eligible to apply to become one of the twelve giants, which is the power to dominate one side of the field.

This is not just an empty name. As long as you don't meet a particularly strong opponent, once you are on the top of the 12 giants, you can almost remain invincible. After all, once you become the 12 giants, you can easily get the support of other giants, at least a few government giants. If you don't sit on the throne of giants, you can also get the giants Support, but not too much.

The support here is not for voting rights, but for business

Of course, you can apply. This is only the first step. The next step is how much profit you can take out to distribute to everyone. After all, if people praise you as a giant, how can you do without giving some benefits?

If you want the benefits, you have to payNow, there are nine giants sitting on it. In addition to the four giants in the political and military fields, only real estate tycoon situnan and entertainment tycoon Liu Yu can take the position of giants. Other people, especially Lang Haiping, are likely to move. Now his company still owes a lot of debts, and his position is definitely not guaranteed

With the mention of this topic, the scene soon sounded a low voice of discussion. To tell the truth, for the throne of the twelve giants, none of you don't want to sit down. If it wasn't for their own strength, they might all have to fight for it. But the reality is always cruel. If you can't sit in that position, you should try your best to play your part The value bar, how to say oneself and others are also the great figures in Jinghai City, no matter who wants to sit in that position, they should give their own benefits, right? How to squeeze the greatest benefit is what they think about

With a genial smile on his face, Zhang Yulin has begun to discuss with several big people who are close to him in a low voice. According to his appearance, he should have made a deal with these people in private. For a while, as long as Lang Haiping can't find any means to turn the tables, he should be one of the twelve giants. The other group is Shangguan Wudao, and the Shangguan family They are the powerful families in Jinghai city. Their strength is not lower than the twelve giants. Once they want to sit in this position, few people can compete

However, there are only so many people in that position. Whether to cancel a seat in the underworld or squeeze out another economic giant's position is another matter

"President, I propose to abolish one underworld seat and add one economic seat..." Just as everyone was talking about it, Xu Yifeng, who had just become a formal member of Xingyao society, stood up and said with a smile to Tian Zhengqi, the provisional president of the society

As soon as this was said, the audience was shocked

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