To be honest, it is in the interests of most people present to reduce one of the three seats in the underworld. After all, once they are in the position of the twelve giants, they will enjoy the most resources. That piece of cake is only a little bit big. If we can cut down one seat of the underworld, does it mean that they will have more opportunities?

In addition to Lin zhengdai, ye Xiao, Luo lingchi and Wang brothers, almost all of them are businessmen. The three positions of the government dare not move. The military has already given up two. If one more economic aspect can be added, will they have more opportunities?

In fact, in the last Xingyao conference, if Han Wuchen and Wang tiannu were not united together for the first time, this seat would have been occupied by people in the economic field. Now, there are no leaders in the underworld. Although these young people are the leaders of the largest Gang, can they compare with Han Wuchen and Wang tiannu at that time?

It's a great good thing to cut down their seats when the underworld has the lowest prestige. Originally, they had guessed that someone would put forward it, but what they didn't expect was that Xu Yifeng said the proposal.

Although Hengtian Group is rich and powerful, you have just entered the Xingyao meeting after all. You should keep a low profile. How can you stand up directly?

Of course, most people will not object. They are just curious about why Xu Yifeng said such a thing?

Ye Xiao's eyebrows wrinkled, and a murderous opportunity in his eyes flashed away. To tell the truth, in his original plan, he and Luo lingchi could successfully become one of the twelve giants. After all, one of them is the king of Nancheng underground world, the other is the master of Dongcheng underground world. There is almost no suspense about becoming a giant, and then with the help of the power of Xingyao meeting Help Wang Qi to be the chairman of tiannu society. When the time comes, they will have occupied three places in the underworld. At that time, he will have a lot of power to speak. But now, when this guy comes, he will have to cut one? How can this work?

However, seeing the expressions of most people present, ye Xiao knew that this matter might not be possible. He looked at Luo lingchi and found that he was also looking at Xu Yifeng with anger on his face. The murderous spirit in his eyes was almost undisguised. Wang Yang, who was not far away, seemed very happy. Could he say that he had no business with Xu Yifeng privately?

Ye Xiao looks at situ Nan in front of him. He shakes his head gently, indicating that it is really hard to do this

Now is the time of great economic development. The man with money is my uncle. It is no longer the time when we could fight the world with a gun and a knife.

There are so many people here. Most of them are businessmen. This is the general trend and there is no way to stop it

Seeing the expressions on people's faces, Xu Yifeng smiles faintly, and looks at Ye Xiao with indescribable contempt.

To tell you the truth, he wanted to cut down the number of underworld places once and for all, but this matter has to come step by step. After all, Xingyao was founded by the underworld. If you cut the seats to one at a time, it's hard to say.

Of course, the most important thing is that Xu Yifeng doesn't want to see ye Xiao's family dominate. If there are only two places, ye Xiao, Wang Qi and Luo lingchi will fight for each other. If they can cause their internal strife, it will be natural. Even if their feelings are good enough, it doesn't matter. If they cut one, they can win one at most, as long as they help themselves If Wang Yang becomes the president of tiannu society, he can occupy another seat with his strength, and then he can compete with Ye Xiao's chamber. It's better than they form such an alliance to deal with themselves

Xu Yifeng's eyes only make ye yubai beside Ye Xiao angry. They all know what Xu Yifeng has done to yiguyun. Now they see that this guy is using Yijia's power to target himself and others, and they are eager to rush forward and kill him directly.

Seeing the reaction below, Tian Zhengqi also knows that there is no room for turning things around. To be honest, he has no interest in how to allocate the quota for these giants. Anyway, he is only in a transitional stage in Jinghai city. He will leave here one year later. What he has to do now is not to offend anyone present, no matter who they sit In the position of a giant, you should make friends with yourself, which will be a great help to your official career

"Since Mr. Xu has put forward such a proposal, let's start voting..." Tian Zhengqi said faintly, and he himself has raised the sign of abstention

No one made fun of Tian Zhengqi's behavior, not only he, but also his first hand.

As long as he doesn't interfere in the disputes among the people, it is his greatest support for them

Tian Zhengqi made a statement, and the mayor Ye Jiajia, who was sitting on his right hand, hesitated a little, and also raised the sign of abstention

Luo Xiaojun, on the left, pondered for a moment and also raised the sign of abstention. As for Jia Sidao, seeing the expressions of many people on the scene, he also raised the sign of abstention with a smile. To be honest, he really wanted to approve of it, but there were obviously so many people on the scene who agreed, so he didn't really need to make such a show

With the statement of the four giants, others have made their own.The five business tycoons agreed with all but situ Nan's abstention sign. As for the people below, except ye Xiao, Luo lingchi and Wang Qi, even Wang Yang expressed their approval. As a result, the number of underworld gangsters has been cut down

Who will take over the remaining two positions is the next thing

Although Ye Xiao is not happy in his heart, he still tries to hold back the anger in his heart. He knows that this is not the time to get angry. Sooner or later, he will make everyone here look up to himself

Next, there is the alternation between the old and the new giants. The first speaker is Zhang Yulin, a new born giant in the advertising industry. Seeing Lang Haiping, who is still sitting in the front seat, Zhang Yulin smiles faintly: "boss Lang, I heard that your company has been in a bad situation recently. It seems that you owe a lot of debts. Now you may be sleepless all night long?"

Zhang Yulin has a warm smile and a strong self-confidence on his face. With his current status, there is no need to fear anyone in Jinghai city. Naturally, he says what he has

Lang Haiping's face was ugly for a while. Now his company has been suppressed by Zhang Yulin. It is true that he also owes part of the debt. This is no secret. There is no way to keep it. He is just angry that the guy said it in public. Even if you want to sit in this position, don't you have to worry?

Seeing Lang Haiping's face suddenly changed, Zhang Yulin was even more proud. He immediately put forward some of his plans. As long as he sat in this position, he would guarantee how to do something. In the final analysis, he took out a huge profit and distributed it to everyone

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